Re: [問卦] 英國首相邱吉爾說過一句話,你們知道嗎?
“Now this is not the end.
It is not even the beginning of the end.
But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
Winston Churchill, The Lord Mayor’s Luncheon,
Mansion House, November 10,1942
所以對照到台灣, 中國的軍事行動是不是
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首Po對! 英國首相 邱吉爾大哥(1874年—1965年) 他說過一句話 你們要好好的想:4
邱吉爾名言很多啦。 不過我印象最深的是這句: " I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and, sweat." 我能奉獻(給國家)的,只有熱血、苦幹、淚水和汗水。 鄉民能想像現在哪個政客能講出這種話嗎?2
別管肥子了 我大哥艾爾帕西諾說過:「虛榮,是我最愛的原罪!」 (Vanity, definitely my favorite sin.) 電影Devil's Advocate裡的名言!<--1997年在美國上映--> 可是,靠北、七大罪裡面根本沒有虛榮啊?! 艾爾帕西諾騙我!!
[情報] Jason Kidd:這只是剛開始Jason Kidd:這只是剛開始 Jason Kidd: “This is just the beginning of our journey. … It’s cool to go thr ough this. This isn’t the end, this is just the beginning.” 基德:這只是我們旅程的開始。經歷這些很酷但這不是結束,這只是開始。爆
[花邊] 湖人記者:LBJ已經受夠龜龜了On ESPN’s The Lowe Post podcast, NBA insider Dave Mcmenamin discussed the cur rent situation in Los Angeles. “It’s pretty darn clear that LeBron has seen enough and he has no interest g oing into another year with Russ as his teammate.”爆
[花邊] 鉛筆與哈登的蜜月期結束QQEmbiid after Harden’s debut: "That was probably the most wide-open I've ever been in my career." 哈登跟鉛筆生涯首場搭配 鉛筆:與哈登搭配,我得到大概是我生涯擁有過最大的空檔。 Embiid tonight: "Everybody expected the Houston James Harden. But that’s not爆
[外絮] LBJ:沒有被告知Vogel解僱一事,我跟其LBJ:沒有被告知Vogel解僱一事,我跟其他人一樣看新聞才知道 Los Angeles Lakers head coach Frank Vogel was a dead man walking for much of the 2021-22 NBA season. Vogel was reportedly almost fired in the middle of the seas on, but while he wasn’t, reports continued to come out saying he would be fired at the end of the regular season.爆
[外絮] Vogel:球員沒有好的防守習慣,你懂我意思嗎?Vogel:球員沒有好的防守習慣,你懂我意思嗎? The Los Angeles Lakers’ disappointing season is nearing its end, with the team already out of play-in contention after Tuesday night’s loss to the Phoenix Sun s. Frankly, the Lakers didn’t exactly deserve a shot at being in the playoffs a fter such a distraught campaign, with the Russell Westbrook experiment proving t爆
[外絮] LBJ:這賽季不是最糟,2011總決賽才是LeBron James says this season has not been his worst experience in NBA The Lakers started the season as one of the top favorites to win a championshi p and now they are at the bottom half of the Western Conference fighting for t he last spot in the play-in tournament.爆
[分享] 美退休上校談到了烏克蘭與俄羅斯的戰爭美退休上校:美國應該“停止運送武器並停止鼓勵烏克蘭人死於無望的努力” 退休的道格·麥格雷戈上校2/27在福克斯新聞上談到了烏克蘭與俄羅斯的戰爭: Retired Col. Doug MacGregor said Sunday on FOX News about the Ukraine-Russia war:爆
[外絮] 聯盟高管:AD的交易價值遠比以往低很多聯盟高管:AD的交易價值遠比以往低很多 At this point, it feels like a squad overhaul in the offseason has become inevit able. The issue with this, however, is that the Lakers don’t really have too ma ny trade assets available. One blockbuster trade idea that has been floated rece ntly is the prospect of parting ways with Anthony Davis. It may sound a bit absu爆
[外絮] 得分王之爭Analysis: NBA scoring race could end up as one for the ages 來源: In 2022, the end of the season might feel like 1978. If we're lucky. Let's go back to the greatest scoring race in NBA history, one that was24
[情報] FIA承認VSC結束時的錯誤縮: FIA承認VSC結束時 因為系統的bug造成第一次沒有正常結束VSC 一般來說 賽會發出VSC結束的通知後10~15秒會恢復綠旗 但這次因為系統bug 發出了兩次的VSC結束訊息
Re: [新聞] 簡舒培PO裁定書!民眾黨:違反偵查不公開爆
[問卦] 淘寶小米75吋電視破屏,怎辦?爆
Re: [新聞] 京華城案裁定書揭柯文哲拿前金又收賄 簡爆
[問卦] 所以你倒底敢在淘寶上 買什麼東西到台灣?78
[問卦] 認真問! 兩岸到底要怎麼和平統一?87
[問卦] 「刺青」給大家的觀感到底是正面還是負面81
[問卦] 賀錦麗那一步走錯了才被川普翻掉?61
[問卦] 印度最有名的東西是什麼??爆
[問卦] 有沒有人知道為什麼現在政府都不認錯?57
[問卦] 不會長牙結石的給我進來 操!30
[問卦] 媽的高速公路內側要開多少才不會被閃燈?57
[爆卦] 路透社: 川普的保護費= 近期新的巨額軍售50
[問卦] 現在的小孩不看卡通 都看什麼??51
[問卦] 這魚煎得不錯吧☺爆
[問卦] 用一句話 評論財政部雲端發票抽獎事件?38
[問卦] 教召查詢系統是不是有調整權重?38
[問卦] 八卦版最恨的前三名是什麼38
[問卦] 你喜歡伍佰的哪些國語歌?28
[問卦] 驚! HBD老闆夏筠婷強勢回歸?28
[問卦] 大樂透封關後30分鐘才開獎是為了洗球吧?28
Re: [新聞] 京華城案裁定書揭柯文哲拿前金又收賄 簡爆
[問卦] 照這邏輯 該羈押財政部相關負責人了吧63
[問卦] YOASOBI是不是打臉尸位素餐的垃圾文化部25
Re: [問卦] 淘寶小米75吋電視破屏,怎辦?62
[問卦] 台灣有甚麼懸案X調查的Will值得講述?爆
[爆卦] 請小心新莊區大觀街固X機車行24
[問卦] ㄍㄨㄟ ㄐㄧˋ 是水果喔?66
[問卦] 川普家是神基因嗎?24
[問卦] 有沒有 台科 比中字輩強的八卦?21
[問卦] 商用筆電跟電競筆電哪個快?哪個好用?