[問卦] 「我廢死但這個人要死」的英文是?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「我廢死但這個人要死」的英文是?作者
時間推噓52 推:58 噓:6 →:29






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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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Alberto 08/25 15:07IKEA

flux 08/25 15:07英文:抗中飽台

Howard61313 08/25 15:07Go to hell MTFK

rwr 08/25 15:08Fuck me

AA908 08/25 15:08溝代~

hoks 08/25 15:08Buffet

Rose5566MVP 08/25 15:08whatever i want

yijia1127 08/25 15:08I don't support the death penalty,

yijia1127 08/25 15:09but this man is going to die

※ 編輯: Birthday5566 ( 臺灣), 08/25/2022 15:10:01

dbjdx 08/25 15:09fxxk your mother

Yamapi5566 08/25 15:09作業自己做

hiphopmei 08/25 15:10Fk u I vote DPP

GGrunrundela 08/25 15:10double standard

jasonking3c 08/25 15:11我不是民進黨支持者

jasonking3c 08/25 15:11但我支持民進黨

tamama000 08/25 15:11Green can U can’t

Gief 08/25 15:11I no die but this man die

SilentestLam 08/25 15:11To die or not to die, that’s a q

toro736 08/25 15:11Vote First

SilentestLam 08/25 15:11uestion.

GGrunrundela 08/25 15:11認真回 アナル セックス

alex00089 08/25 15:12I Face but this yuxi

dbjdx 08/25 15:12LUKE,I am your father

kairiyu 08/25 15:13問1.5博士

k44754 08/25 15:14黨要你死,你敢不死?

guppys2005 08/25 15:14跟你旁邊那個割腕的女士解釋啦

zerowingtw 08/25 15:15i am DPPER

zi62007 08/25 15:15雙標

rLks02 08/25 15:16You cannot Green can

gacktmm7633 08/25 15:17不支持 ,跟該死的要死 ,沒有矛盾

tony24334 08/25 15:18I'm DPPer,so fuck you.

NMNS20th 08/25 15:18Taiwan can help

neverending 08/25 15:19我不是民進黨支持者 但我支持民進黨

coolron 08/25 15:22i face but this man ice

KOKEY 08/25 15:22殺業非殺人

norechang 08/25 15:22I FAT, U DIE!

zephyr105 08/25 15:24我負責

vowpool 08/25 15:24Nobody should die, but you.

no25 08/25 15:25豪爹油

pinkg023 08/25 15:25“I’m idiot.”

alex00089 08/25 15:25nobody nobody but you

a76126 08/25 15:26綠能你不能

MindWork 08/25 15:26I hate two people:Racist and blackman

st2913sbck 08/25 15:26vote Dpp

TomChu 08/25 15:29I don't like you, you die.

mimi1020b 08/25 15:29綠能你不能

firemothra 08/25 15:30I’m DPPer

firemothra 08/25 15:31為了黨。你必須GG

ChikanDesu 08/25 15:33Give me ur votes mdfk

afewgoodmen 08/25 15:36相當於給我閉嘴 我們在討論言論自由

xbox884320 08/25 15:38DDP No.1

skullxism 08/25 15:43A group of mentally retarded.

Khauf 08/25 15:43老外:你要不要聽聽看自己在說什麼

xeins 08/25 15:43I’m a peacemaker. But he is going down.

leftgentle 08/25 15:45「我是民進黨支持者」這樣老外就知道

leftgentle 08/25 15:46雙標

randykaku 08/25 15:46i no die but u die

forbake1 08/25 15:47我不是網軍,但我拿錢幫黨說話

harrychen413 08/25 15:47I face but this man must to s

siamese 08/25 15:50schizophrenia

M5D 08/25 15:54I face but this man facebook

paul007 08/25 15:56I am the law

koim 08/25 15:57DPPer

koct 08/25 16:13may i help u

kohanchen 08/25 16:20薛丁格的DIE

zxcccc 08/25 16:27I am 游錫堃

hsiang1049 08/25 16:35JOKER

e1q3z9c7 08/25 16:44I slap mine face

VirgilAeneid 08/25 16:47我不是民進黨支持者 但我支持民進

VirgilAeneid 08/25 16:47

li10realp 08/25 17:00I am face, he is facebook.

northwater 08/25 17:02death penalty buffet

trchen 08/25 17:08i'm a liar, i'm talking bullshit

BREAKFAST204 08/25 17:15DPP is the best!

x58420 08/25 17:21DPP first

dodoga 08/25 17:24I support abolition of the death penalt

dodoga 08/25 17:24y, but this man must die!

yggyygy 08/25 17:26結果是游這個垃圾自己弄的

peterman167 08/25 17:28I 廢 die but 皮諾丘 this 電 die

wondertime 08/25 17:32我不是民進黨支持者 但我票投月月鳥

ksxo 08/25 18:14I want nobody, nobody but you

fir191938 08/25 18:35Hello, my boss is English tsai

Asucks 08/25 18:43Taluban is always fucking right.

KITAN 08/25 18:46fucking dpp

DontCha 08/25 19:13fence-sitter

thomasgili 08/25 20:21DPP阿

fkmt 08/25 20:38I brain don’t had

DeStory 08/25 22:23Say my name

book1016 08/25 22:49I am Green

haian 08/26 05:33I don’t support death penalty at all,

haian 08/26 05:33however he is 例外

kjsy99 08/26 06:22die want numb 1