[討論] ChatGPT幫我找的國會說謊坐牢條文

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LII U.S. Code Title 18 PART I CHAPTER 47 ? 1001
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18 U.S. Code ? 1001 - Statements or entries generally
U.S. Code
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(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of


the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—
(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;
(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves


international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both. If the matter relates to an offense under chapter 109A, 109B, 110, or 117, or section 1591, then the term of imprisonment imposed under this section shall be not more than 8 years.
(b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial proceeding, or that party’s counsel, for statements, representations, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge or magistrate in that proceeding.
(c) With respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch, subsection (a) shall apply only to—
(1) administrative matters, including a claim for payment, a matter related to the procurement of property or services, personnel or employment practices, or support services, or a document required by law, rule, or regulation to be submitted to the Congress or any office or officer within the legislative branch; or
(2) any investigation or review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee, subcommittee, commission or office of the Congress, consistent with applicable rules of the House or Senate.

(1)If any person lawfully sworn as a witness or as an interpreter in a judicial proceeding wilfully makes a statement material in that proceeding, which heknows to be false or does not believe to be true, he shall be guilty of perjury, and shall, on conviction thereof on indictment, be liable to penal servitude for a term not exceeding seven years, or to imprisonment . . . F1 for a term not exceeding two years, or to a fine or to both

such penal servitude or imprisonment and fine.

(2)The expression “judicial proceeding” includes a proceeding before any cou
rt, tribunal, or person having by law power to hear, receive, and examine evidence on oath.

除了person having by law power to hear, receive, and examine evidence on oath.


(3)Where a statement made for the purposes of a judicial proceeding is not made before the tribunal itself, but is made on oath before a person authorised by law to administer an oath to the person who makes the statement, and to record or authenticate the statement, it shall, for the purposes of this section,be treated as having been made in a judicial proceeding.

(4)A statement made by a person lawfully sworn in England for the purposes ofa judicial proceeding—

(a)in another part of His Majesty’s dominions; or

(b)in a British tribunal lawfully constituted in any place by sea or land outside His Majesty’s dominions; or

(c)in a tribunal of any foreign state,

shall, for the purposes of this section, be treated as a statement made in a judicial proceeding in England.
(5)Where, for the purposes of a judicial proceeding in England, a person is lawfully sworn under the authority of an Act of Parliament—

(a)in any other part of His Majesty’s dominions; or

(b)before a British tribunal or a British officer in a foreign country, or within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England;

a statement made by such person so sworn as aforesaid (unless the Act of Parliament under which it was made otherwise specifically provides) shall be treated for the purposes of this section as having been made in the judicial proceeding in England for the purposes whereof it was made.
(6)The question whether a statement on which perjury is assigned was materia
l is a question of law to be determined by the court of trial.


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fdtu0928 06/20 00:46偽證罪和藐視國會罪先分清楚吧


※ 編輯: lono ( 臺灣), 06/20/2024 00:47:50

abc12812 06/20 00:47chatgpt基本上都在唬爛

abc12812 06/20 00:47尤其是法律問題 一堆律師用然後用到

abc12812 06/20 00:47假判例被懲處的

條文是我自己上網抓的 不是ChatGPT掰的 你看一下條文內容對不對

abc12812 06/20 00:48川普的御用律師Cohen就是最新的受害者

fdtu0928 06/20 00:48美國的藐視國會主要處罰讓國會"拿不到

fdtu0928 06/20 00:48資料"的行為如傳你不來,你不交資料,

fdtu0928 06/20 00:48不回答問題。


papagenoyi 06/20 00:49你先搞清楚海洋法系跟大陸法系的不同

papagenoyi 06/20 00:49可以嗎?

這和法系無關 純粹討論其他國家國會說謊會如何

fdtu0928 06/20 00:49偽證是另一回事。黃國昌都混在一起了


Francix 06/20 00:50又一個亂湊的,聽證、質詢你會分嗎?

Francix 06/20 00:50黃國昌騙你,你就被他騙?

台灣的我會分 美國英國的我不會 你幫我把上面的條文分類一下

※ 編輯: lono ( 臺灣), 06/20/2024 00:50:34

※ 編輯: lono ( 臺灣), 06/20/2024 00:52:23

onekoni 06/20 00:52中華民國是五權憲法大陸法系,美國是三權

onekoni 06/20 00:52分立海洋法系

Francix 06/20 00:53witness看不懂嗎? 能有程度一點好嗎

國會聽「證」 這個「證」的確是witness的意思 不然你的英文老師怎麼教?

onekoni 06/20 00:53你這樣說簡直是在檢討魚有鰓所以我們要

onekoni 06/20 00:53幫狗裝鰓

Francix 06/20 00:53黃國昌在質詢說謊就不用罰,但可以罰別人

這我知道 你看國會改革法條文就知道了 你要表達什麼?

onekoni 06/20 00:54魚有鰓適應很好不代表狗要有鰓,美國有

onekoni 06/20 00:54不代表台灣要有

我這篇只是在討論美國和英國有沒有 不是在討論台灣

onekoni 06/20 00:54瞎幾把亂湊亂縫合 只會讓法條自我矛盾

onekoni 06/20 00:55要往美國去請先修憲

※ 編輯: lono ( 臺灣), 06/20/2024 00:59:37

Francix 06/20 01:03表達反質詢罪的不合理

Francix 06/20 01:04聽證和質詢是不同的,你那是聽證的部分

你還是沒有解釋黃國昌騙我什麼? 我知道國外沒有反質詢罪 但是國會聽證說謊會被抓去關 台灣只會罰錢 我們的想法一致嗎?

※ 編輯: lono ( 臺灣), 06/20/2024 01:07:05

papagenoyi 06/20 01:10你可以先搞懂聽證跟質詢的不同嗎?

我早就搞懂了 你能講一些有內容的東西嗎?

fdtu0928 06/20 01:13

Francix 06/20 01:13黃說藐視國會和國外聽證調查一樣,反質詢

他什麼時候講的? 有連結嗎?

stanley620 06/20 01:13ChatDPP被綠共收起來,是不是太多實話

stanley620 06/20 01:13資訊被統整怕被人民知道?自以為想搭

stanley620 06/20 01:13上AI熱線,但確搞到自己呢

Francix 06/20 01:14等非聽證的罪加進去那有一樣

fdtu0928 06/20 01:14謝達文這篇可以看看,寫的相對簡單。裡

fdtu0928 06/20 01:14面還有另一篇,有些概念你可以先建立。

相對來說,美國就有發展出形式處罰,就必須牽涉到法院。對美國人而言,國會針對個案判 斷完之後,是否有權力自己去抓人、處罰,這是有疑慮的。所以在美國如果要走到處罰程序 ,其實就是刑事訴訟的邏輯。是由國會相關委員會會先議決證人構成藐視,提到院會全院再 表決,確認有藐視行為之後,議長會把案件轉到檢察體系,由檢調去判斷是否構成,而國會 不能指揮檢察體系。 這就是黃國昌昨天質詢講的內容 然後行政院長一直跳針 傻眼

Francix 06/20 01:18而且台灣藐視國會是多數黨決定,也就是

Francix 06/20 01:21多數黨有實質調查權

大法官承認立法院有調查權 只是有限制 釋585 基於權力分立與制衡原則,立法院調查權所得調查之對象或事項,並非毫無限制 所以有什麼問題?

※ 編輯: lono ( 臺灣), 06/20/2024 01:24:06

luke7212 06/20 01:24拜託~裡面的文字看清楚好不好,寫那麼


luke7212 06/20 01:25多你只簡化成「說謊會被判五年以下有期

luke7212 06/20 01:25徒刑」?

luke7212 06/20 01:26現在是只要能「把任何人抓去關」你就爽

luke7212 06/20 01:26了就對了是不是?構成要件完全不重要欸


※ 編輯: lono ( 臺灣), 06/20/2024 01:28:17

※ 編輯: lono ( 臺灣), 06/20/2024 01:28:43

※ 編輯: lono ( 臺灣), 06/20/2024 01:31:49

timeriver235 06/20 01:37某人就唬爛槓精

fatneet 06/20 06:08我在等回答

tactics2100 06/20 07:3014樓 17樓 所以大陸法系 國會不能說

tactics2100 06/20 07:30謊 海洋法系就可以在國會說謊?

tactics2100 06/20 07:32立法就是創新啊 自己沒有別人有 那就

tactics2100 06/20 07:32自己加啊 能不能加還要看法系勒?

holyhelm 06/20 07:53看到甚麼海洋法大陸法就知道從脆來的

holyhelm 06/20 07:53可憐 連自己在講啥都不知道 別人餵甚麼

holyhelm 06/20 07:54就吃甚麼

tactics2100 06/20 08:17民眾普遍的認知明明是看 在什麼地方

tactics2100 06/20 08:17對什麼人說謊 吱蟑側翼硬要洗要看法

tactics2100 06/20 08:17

tactics2100 06/20 08:20就像吱蟑所謂的大陸法系 偽證罪是在

tactics2100 06/20 08:20法庭對法官說謊 海洋法系也是在法庭

tactics2100 06/20 08:20對法官說謊

tactics2100 06/20 08:20都是看地方和對象