[閒聊] Kiss of life 臨時取消多倫多場次

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時間推噓10 推:10 噓:0 →:14

圖 Kiss of life 臨時取消多倫多場次

Event Canceled
Unfortunately, the Event Organizer has had to cancel your event.

You don't need to do a thing. We'll issue a refund to the
original method of payment used at time of purchase, as soon as funds are received from the Event Organizer. It should appear on your account within 14-21 days.

Please Note: If the tickets were transferred to you, the refund will go to the fan who originally purchased the tickets from Ticketmaster.

Please see our
Purchase Policy for more information.


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cpcpao 11/14 08:44有人生病? 場地太大?

s92033888 11/14 08:52看reddit討論說是簽證問題

Myeh1720 11/14 08:55哇 臨時取消粉絲一定超難過超錯愕......

bombz69528 11/14 09:07當天取消.... 真的會超錯愕

green290043 11/14 09:41簽證這種事不是應該早就要…

ckssicaaa97 11/14 09:42因為簽證的話也很扯

wendysweet 11/14 10:02公司是想賭最後壓線過嗎…

kaioukilu 11/14 10:03當天很扯耶, 行程都要提前規劃的.

s8800892000 11/14 10:11簽證不都確定有場次就該辦了嗎

kingianlin 11/14 10:17What?

Tammi 11/14 11:26當天!!很不負責任欸

ilinOe0 11/14 11:30像我要從加拿大飛去美國之類的 就算保險

ilinOe0 11/14 11:30再貴 我也得買 以防這種事發生

fungzi1114 11/14 12:41哇 我是粉絲一定超難過......

pinklolipop 11/14 12:51大家都知道的事情,韓國勞工知識水

pinklolipop 11/14 12:51準真的那麼低下嗎

Annzone0516 11/14 17:35S2這公告真的說的很含糊 看b.stage

Annzone0516 11/14 17:35還有粉絲是從韓國飛多倫多的 機宿錢

Annzone0516 11/14 17:35都打水漂了。成員因為簽證問題在拍

Annzone0516 11/14 17:35出道MV時就遇過了,沒想到一年後的

Annzone0516 11/14 17:35演唱會還是出包唉

Vicky1016 11/15 03:28簽證最難辦我猜是Natty?

s92033888 11/15 08:18應該是 其他三個是美國或韓國人(有美

s92033888 11/15 08:18簽)