[情報] 03/06 Daily Horoscope
There may be a bit of friction between you and someone else now, dear Leo, but it could be that you just aren't on the same wavelength. You are each speaking from your own perspective, and so there may not be a thorough understanding. That's no reason to give up. It's also not a reason to get angry at each other. It is a reason to have a conversation where you hear each other out and try to understand. You may discover that you have greater agreement than you realize, and that could lead to an understanding.
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※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 08/09 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Aug 09 2022 某個最近出現的人有令人興奮的能量, 或許是朋友的朋友、工作上的新人, 或也許是以某種方式在你生活周圍的人, 你可以感受到這個能量正在嘶嘶作響,4
[閒聊] 4/14 Daily HoroscopeYou may not be able to reasonably explain the logic or your passion for a cert ain goal, dear Leo. Although you are a very emotional person, there is also a logical side to you that demands an understanding of whatever you pursue. But since you may not understand your feelings for this pursuit, you simply have n ot pursued it. However, if that passion persists, and your interest in it cont3
[情報] 12/15(二)DailyHoroscope或許很快就會有跡象顯示,有些你認為乏味無趣的人,其實比你以為的更有吸引力。對方是你想多認識的人嗎?如果是的話,別再拘泥於先前的印象了。開啟你們的溝通,找到你們的共通點。有時宇宙會在我們的道路上安置命中註定的人們,就為了一些正向的理由。如果你有這樣的感覺,就建立起你們的友誼吧。親愛的獅子們,這或許會引發一些很特別的事喔。 ---------------- 原文: Someone you might have dismissed as dull or uninteresting may soon show signs of being far more intriguing than you would have imagined. Is this someone you will want to get to know? If so, don't stand on precedent. Open up a conversation. Find out what you might have in common. The universe sometimes puts people in our path that are meant to be there for some positive reason. If you have that feeling, strike up a friendship. It may lead to something very special, dear Leo.3
[情報] 0409 Daily Horoscope接受及相信眼前的榮耀與機會,獅子們,妳/你將必須放棄過往的遺憾及罪惡。過去所接受是 真實的,所以沒有理由不相信。但是你會持續覺得不真實是因為你潛意識認為不值得。試著 找出這麼美好事物發生的根源,如果你誠實的面對自己,你會發現你早應該要放過自己。 To accept and believe in a present honor or opportunity, Leo, you will have to l et go of an old regret or source of guilt. What is being offered to you is genui2
[情報] 09/30 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 30 2022 一個在你個人生活的情況中, 可能跟家庭事件有關聯的事情, 並沒有如你所願。 你或許有理由相信最後自己一定會感到不滿足,1
[情報] 08/27 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期四 8月 27 Gemini horoscope for 星期四 8月 27 You have probably told yourself in the past that everything happens for a reas on. But you may be struggling with something now, Gemini, that seems to have n o reason to it whatsoever. But there could be another way of looking at it. Ma1
[情報] 03/11 the daily horoscopeSomeone may seem to be speaking in riddles as they attempt to communicate impo rtant information to you. This may be either intentional or unintentional, Gem ini, but it is no way to communicate. Make it your mission to find clarity, ev en if it means starting a conversation over again. No matter the reason for th is miscommunication, you can get the answers you need by asking all the questi1
[情報] 20/03/2021 Daily HoroscopeWhen you wind up in the midst of a conflict among friends or family members, keep in mind the saying that goes, "There is his side, her side, and the truth." Everyone has their own perspective, and each may fully believe that their personal experience is the one that is most valid. Today, Moonchild, you could serve as the voice of reason that helps others1
[情報] 09/16 the daily horoscopeAre you sure you are correctly understanding what someone is saying to you? Yo u may be shaking your head in puzzlement because it doesn't seem to fit what y ou expected. But maybe there is more to it, Gemini, or maybe you don't thoroug hly understand the thinking behind it. Before you reject or become upset about someone's take on a situation you are also involved in, ask a few questions.1
[情報] 09/09 the daily horoscopeSomeone newer in your life may have upset you or hurt your feelings recently, dear Gemini. Even so, you may want to understand why and continue to interact with that individual. That's a wise thing to do. If you can figure out why you were treated in a way you think was not appropriate, you may learn more about both yourself and the other people involved. There is also the possibility th