[情報] 2023/08 Monthly Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 2023/08 Monthly Horoscope作者
時間推噓 5 推:5 噓:0 →:0

One of your relationships may be a bit wobbly at the start of August, Leo.
This may be a romantic bond, and it may be very concerning to you that you
aren't getting along as well as you usually do. But all relationships have
ups and downs, and you may just be on the downside temporarily. As the month
progresses - perhaps before the end of the first week, you should find that
communication will become easier - not just with your significant other but
with everyone in your life. This is going to get better. You should be
starting to feel more sure of yourself with a project you have struggled
with, and this month you may receive compliments and encouragement that
validate how you feel. Try to remain open to learning more, though, because
this could become an area that could become a lucrative source of income one
day, and the more you know, the more chances you will have to do what you
love. A charismatic friend - someone who can equal your radiant charm - may
try to convince you this month to take off on an excursion. You may find the
idea a bit foolish, but this person is hard to resist. Weigh your options,
your availability, and the pros and cons, and make a decision based on logic,not on pressure from your friend. And don't give in simply because you don't
want this person to be disappointed. Do what's best for you.


獅子們,八月初,你的一段關係可能會有點不穩定。 這可能是一段浪漫關係,而你可能會因為你們相處得不像平時那麼好而感到非常擔憂。 但所有的關係都會有起有落,而你可能只是暫時處於下行狀態。 隨著這個月的進展——也許在第一周結束之前,你可能發
現溝通會變得更容易——不僅是與你的另一半,而且是與你生活中的每個人。 一切都在
變好。 你應該開始對自己一直在努力的項目感到更加自信,這個月你可能會收到讚美和鼓勵來證實你的感受。 不過,請嘗試保持開放的心態,願意學習更多知識,因為有一天,這可能會成為一個利潤豐厚的收入來源,而且你知道的越多,你就越有機會做你喜歡做的事情。 一個有魅力的朋友——一個能與你光芒四射的魅力相媲美的人——本月可能會
試圖說服你去旅行。 你可能會覺得這個想法有點愚蠢,但這個人很難抗拒。 權衡你的選擇、你的空閒時間以及利弊,並根據邏輯而不是朋友的壓力做出決定。 不要僅僅因為不想讓這個人失望而屈服。 做最適合你的事。




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yuanfan 07/26 12:37謝謝

KYsan 07/26 12:53謝謝

wink726 07/26 12:54謝謝

bluesock 07/26 19:18謝謝,希望生日月獅子們都順利

s870810 07/27 23:59謝謝~~