[情報] 2021年3月 Monthly Horoscope
As March begins, Moonchild, you may find yourself feeling very emotional.
Although this is not necessarily unusual for you, being the moody soul
that you are, the intensity right now is much deeper. You can feel a new
beginning opening up for you. It is as if you are at the very beginning of
a beautiful path you have never traveled before, and you can sense that
everything is going to be different from now on. Believe in this! And
what's more, embrace it. Don't feel funny about being so deeply emotional.
What you are about to be blessed with is what you have earned. Things are
becoming dramatically better for you in so many areas of your life. There
could be good fortune connected to money for you this month. Although you
may have had some worries about certain expenses you had not predicted,
this windfall or change in financial status may go beyond just salving
your worries. This could be something to really celebrate. A creative
project may take on a life of its own this month. While this may have
started out as a bit of a drag, if you manage to stick with it, it may
become so much easier and more enjoyable. Keep at it.
擁抱情緒化 聽起來好抖
[情報] Daily Horoscope 巨蟹座9月運勢這個月裡,一個大嘴巴的朋友有可能會透露一個之前你被排除在外的秘密。自然而然地,你的幼小心靈會玻璃心碎滿地,月之子,而這會讓人隱隱作痛。但是在你做出結論之前,想想其他相關的人。你也許正與某個因為真的不太懂你,而在你身旁小心翼翼的人交涉著,又或者是某人有點嫉妒你並想去握有主控權。如果你去思考一下這個人的個性,你將會發現沒有什麼好擔心或感到失落的。 假如你的戀愛運乏善可陳,本月將是非凡的月份來推動這個部分。你如果單身,一個看似理想的對象將會在最意想不到的地方或情形下出現,保持開放的心胸來面對新對象吧。而如果你已經心有所屬,你將可能發現愛人有意思又刺激的一面,使你靠得更近。 在九月的一個家族聚會,不管是正式場合或是尋常的拜訪,或許會有點棘手。你可能會發現家族中的某人稍微情緒化了一點,而且說錯話可能會挑動他們的神經。對於你所談論的話題謹慎一些,並且試著避免你覺得會點燃戰火的情形。在月底,你可能會是某種彩券的幸運兒唷。 Cancer horoscope for September A chatty friend may reveal a secret that you were excluded from sometime this month. Naturally, your sensitive soul bruises easily, Moonchild, and so this might sting a bit. But before you jump to conclusions, consider all of the players. You may be dealing with someone who walks on eggshells around you because they don't really get you, or perhaps someone who is quite jealous of you and wants to be in control. If you think about the personalities you are dealing with, you will know this is nothing to9
[吃草] Monthly Horoscope 2022/01這可能會是個有著大量社交活動的月份,阿牛。或許你讓自己的情感冬眠了,又或者你把 自己藏起來,只關心自己不得不做的事,也許你會開始感到有些沉悶,所以準備好出門走 走放鬆一下了。當你出現在某個場合,其他人就會被你身上的光芒吸引,你的社交生活可 能會迅速回升,又或許會遇見一個與你有著深層關係的新朋友。你可能也會發現自己的生 活習慣產生些許改變,因為你會更傾向於探索新的興趣,並放下不再對自己有利的舊模式5
[情報] 2023/03 Monthly Horoscope3月份的巨蟹座運勢 親愛的月之子,這個月為你提供了豐富的、你應得的、但一直沒有得到的東西。 你現在擁有極大的力量,可以大幅改善自己的生活,讓它變得更好。 這整個三月份,如果你有留意的話,應該會看到一些積極的跡象,邀請你掌握自己的未來 。3
[情報] Daily Horoscope 巨蟹座8月運勢你是喜歡感覺被需要的人。儘管如此,直到某人開始變得很煩,期望你去做一些他們自己就可以做得很完美的事。別讓感到被感激的需求以及告訴某人你不是工具人的需求互相抵觸。可能有人總是把你的付出視為理所當然,又或者甚至是一直在利用你善良又大方的天性。這個月,如果這個情況持續下去,是時候喊停了。表明在真的需要幫忙時,你是願意出手的,但是你也有自己的人生要過。並保持堅定,月之子。 在你的生活中有個你很倚賴的關係。本月,你必須把這個人放在第一順位。所有的關係都是需要被滋養和維持的。這可能是關於配偶或是伴侶,但即使是關於其他人生方面的重要角色,你都需要對他展示你的決心,也多真情流露一些。他們現在也許需要多一點的關注。你也許有一個很花時間的雜務或是責任,常常佔了太多你的寶貴時間。這個月,藉由寫寫日記來檢視一下你是怎麼管理你的時間,那麼你就能找到方法來更有效率的完成你所需要做的事情,也就能留更多的私人空檔給自己。 Cancer horoscope for August You are someone who likes to feel needed. That is, until someone becomes a pest by expecting you to do things they can do perfectly well for themselves. Don't let the need to feel appreciated collide with your need to tell someone you won't be a doormat. Someone may have been taking you for granted or even taking advantage of your kind and generous nature. This month, if it continues, it is time to put a stop to it. Be clear that you are willing to help when help is genuinely needed, but you have a life too. And stick with it, Moonchild. There is a relationship in your life that you rely on. This month, you need to make that person a priority. All relationships require nurturing and maintenance. This may be a spouse or a significant other, but even if there is some other relationship that is an integral part of your life, you need to show your devotion and share more of yourself with this person. They may need extra attention now. You may have a time-consuming chore or obligation that often takes too3
[情報] 2022/04 Monthly Horoscope這是你的帽子,你急什麼。 (*為半挽留、半逐客的美國俗諺 你幹嘛這麼急著要走?好,既然這樣那就請便!) 這句滑稽的台詞諷刺地表示歡迎,而實際上,它是在要求某人離開。 月之子,在這個月的開始,,你可能會得到一個類似這樣的混合訊息。2
[情報] 2022/07 Monthly Horoscope月之子,這個月份是一個非常適合解決你生活中情感中的過去的部分。 可能有一些問題你從來沒有解決或克服過,即使你可能認為你已經過去了,但它們仍然傷 害你,導致你悲傷和遺憾。 你是一個很容易陷入 『如果 』這個想法,而這些事情中的某些是最傷你的。 雖然你可能無法解決每一個懸而未解的情感鴻溝,但你至少可以花一些時間來強烈地思考1
[情報] 25/07~01/08/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 7月 26 - 8月 1 Communication is a strong theme for you this week, Moonchild. Although you are very expressive in certain ways - perhaps through music, art, or writing - yo u sometimes struggle with personal interactions. That may be because you don't like feeling vulnerable, so you crawl into your shell or become tough when ce1
[情報] 12/28 the daily horoscopeIt may not feel like it right now, Gemini, but happiness is flowing into your life like sunshine through a window. You may doubt this because you can't feel it yet, but that's only because your metaphorical "window shade" is closed. I t is out there, though, and if you choose to look up and believe this message, then you will begin to feel the effects of the warmth, joy, and good fortune1
[情報] 19/01/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,一個混亂或令人不安的時刻可能讓你最近處於一種情緒化的狀態。 因為你是一個非常敏感和情緒化的人,你可能對別人的反應很不穩定、也許你發了脾氣、 也許你變得不理智地不安,而現在你可能對它深感後悔-也是因為你是敏感和情緒化的。 你的感受表現在你的臉上,所以很難受-但不要再為難自己了。 如果你感覺不好,就道歉或作出補償。然後讓它過去。- 你已經把一些東西藏在心裡,也許已經有很長一段時間。 這不像你,親愛的月之子。 儘管你碰巧是一個情緒化、感性的人。 在這種情況下,這是你非常私人的事情,分享它或表達它給你的感覺要困難得多。 但是透過讓你的想法暴露在光天化日之下,你可以開始讓事情再次變得美好。