[情報] 5/3(日)DailyHoroscope
If you need to draw a line to satisfy your own ethical boundaries, Leo, then you certainly shouldn't feel bad about it. And don't let anyone else make you feel obligated to cross that line.
You have a strong moral compass, and it would not be fair for anyone to expect you to go beyond what you feel is the right thing to do. So, when you consider what you might owe to another person, you must also consider what you owe to yourself - that is far more important.
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[情報] 0429 DailyHoroscopeYou are someone who likes to stick with what you know, the tried and true, whe n you choose to embark on a new endeavor. You may have carved out various litt le niches in your life, Capricorn, and you feel safer and more secure when you don't venture beyond those boundaries. But just because behaving that way is in your comfort zone, does not mean that you are not capable of doing more. Yo5
[情報] 12/31 Daily HoroscopeYou may need space from something or someone. That's perfectly okay, Leo. For you, though, taking the space you need may feel like shirking a responsibility . But you have a responsibility to yourself. If you are feeling stressed or te nse because of what's going on in your life right now, then you owe it to your self to give yourself some breathing room. Not only will you come back feeling4
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[情報] 12/06 the daily horoscopeYou may need space from someone in your life who has become a source of annoya nce or negativity. There would be no reason to feel guilty for this, Gemini. Y ou owe yourself peace of mind, and if someone is dragging you down, then seeki ng respite from that is important to your well-being. You don't even have to e xplain your reasons; just be polite, kind, and compassionate, and when you fee3
[情報] 0409 Daily Horoscope接受及相信眼前的榮耀與機會,獅子們,妳/你將必須放棄過往的遺憾及罪惡。過去所接受是 真實的,所以沒有理由不相信。但是你會持續覺得不真實是因為你潛意識認為不值得。試著 找出這麼美好事物發生的根源,如果你誠實的面對自己,你會發現你早應該要放過自己。 To accept and believe in a present honor or opportunity, Leo, you will have to l et go of an old regret or source of guilt. What is being offered to you is genui2
[情報] 09/12 DailyhoroscopeYou are a pillar of stability. You are the shelter in a storm. You are the anc hor to which others attach themselves for a sense of safety and security. And so, Capricorn, when you experience upset or anxiety, others get nervous too. Y ou are a source of strength, and when you don't feel strong, others feel uncer tain and insecure. But that does not mean that you don't have a need - or a ri1
[閒聊] 5/5 Daily HoroscopeYou may feel that you have to treat everyone in a certain circle of your life equally if you're going to be fair, and being fair is always important to you, Leo. But what is fair? Sometimes doing more for one is as fair as it gets. No t everyone is equally deserving of your time, your kindness, and your generosi ty. There are some you feel more inclined to want to help, and that's what you- You may wish that you could take back something you said to someone recently. You may even be thinking of trying to do just that. You may want to address th at person directly and tell them that you did not mean what you said. But are you sure that's the truth, Leo? Maybe you just feel bad that the way you feel is now out there. That could actually turn out to be a good thing - a very goo