[情報] 03/12 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 03/12 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 1 推:1 噓:0 →:1

Like the powerful, agile jungle cat that is the symbol of your sign, you usually land on your feet when you experience a metaphorical fall. Sometimes, though, you roll quite a few times before you do! People don't always understand the tumbles you take and the bruises you suffer emotionally, Leo, because you hide it all so well. Today, allow yourself to give someone the nurturing and caring that you need. There is nothing weak about it, and it will allow you to interact with someone who really does care. Soak up the attention. It will be quite healing for both of you.



這份關注,對彼此都是一件很療癒的事 :)


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b28229333 03/12 01:24不是示弱!!

tony90233 03/12 14:48weak about it. 翻成[那不代表軟弱]會比較好?


※ 編輯: minicha ( 泰國), 03/12/2022 22:36:53