[情報] 藍鳥主場全壘打牆距離全面縮短

看板MLB標題[情報] 藍鳥主場全壘打牆距離全面縮短作者
時間推噓15 推:15 噓:0 →:5

According to Scott Mitchell of TSN, here's how the fence distances in Toronto will be changing in time for the 2023 season:

The center field fence distance will be reduced from 400 feet to 397 feet.
The left-center power alley fence will move in from 375 feet to 366 feet.
Most substantially, the fence in the right-center power alley will come in from375 feet all the way to 357 feet.


1.中外野 400 feet→397 feet(-3 feet)
2.左外野 375 feet→366 feet(-9 feet)
3.右外野 375 feet→357 feet(-18 feet)

In terms of raw distance from home plate, those are extreme changes. However, those alterations will be partly offset by an increase in fence height of varyingdimensions. For example, Shi Davidi recently reported that the fence height at the corners in front of the bullpens will increase from 10 feet to 15 feet. Thatsaid, on balance the changes figure to help the many power hitters in the Blue Jays' lineup.



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es9114ian01/22 20:26右外野也短太多了

holypiggy01/22 20:47375本來就有點遠吧

Aaronko01/22 21:35還有357哦 看來貪官的全壘打王還是穩穩的

saiulbb01/22 21:44反觀金鶯

denji01/22 21:52這樣改 座位有增加嗎?

zxc90638301/22 21:58位子少3000

zxc90638301/22 21:58外野大改

doa201/22 22:41縮短全壘打牆結果位子變少??

zxc90638301/22 22:54因爲外野加了很多社交設施XD

Adam661301/22 23:02還以為是邊線原本375...想說原本沒這麼遠吧

ptk981110701/22 23:04很漂亮的球場

zx246800tw01/23 01:30以前包爺很常轟到第二層且幾乎都極端拉打到左+中外野

god7831401/23 06:27小葛開大招囉?

decorum01/23 08:26豪華包廂比平價的外野票好賺多了

a06927523501/23 16:34賀! 洋基全壘打+20

ainge01/23 17:41法官今年來多倫多多打幾支!

mschien829501/23 18:55小葛法官利多

b9920207101/23 20:19嫌投手數據不夠爛是吧

WandererKent01/23 22:16Mahoah, Gausman, Bassit: 幹

tomsawyer01/24 23:36額… 洋基利多(?)