[情報] Brent Honeywell 遭到海盜隊DFA

看板MLB標題[情報] Brent Honeywell 遭到海盜隊DFA作者
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Pirates' Brent Honeywell: DFA'd by Pittsburgh

The Pirates designated Honeywell for assignment Friday, Noah Hiles of the
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports.

Pittsburgh selected the 29-year-old's contract last weekend, but he won't
stick in the big leagues after he allowed one earned run with a 1:2 K:BB over3.1 frames in two appearances. Honeywell could return to Triple-A
Indianapolis, where he has a 4.85 ERA in 31 outings this year, if he goes
unclaimed on waivers.

Brent Honeywell 稍早遭到海盜隊DFA


主投3.1局被擊出三支安打,失掉一分,投出一次三振以及兩次保送 防禦率 2.70

另外他在海盜隊3A一共出賽31場,戰績為一勝三敗,拿下七次救援成功 防禦率 4.85



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