[情報] 躲人跑去和紅雀討論Nolan Arenado交易

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時間推噓15 推:16 噓:1 →:5

Dodgers Have Discussed Nolan Arenado Trade With Cardinals

The Dodgers have engaged the Cardinals in trade talks for Nolan Arenado, reports Jorge Castillo of the Los Angeles Times. The third baseman has a full no-tradeclause but Castillo reports that Arenado, a Southern California native, is willing to waive that right only if it means going to the Dodgers. It’s unclear if those talks made any progress or if a deal is close but the Cardinals are under no obligation to move Arenado, since he has four more years on his contract and they plan on contending again next year, but the Dodgers do have young pitching that they need.

根據洛杉磯時報的報導,躲人近期有去和紅雀談Nolan Arenado





2023 32歲 $35M(落磯出$16M)
2024 33歲 $35M(落磯出$5M)
2025 34歲 $32M(落磯出$5M)
2026 35歲 $27M(落磯出$5M)
2027 36歲 $15M


Colorado pays $14,429,500 this year and $16 million in 2023. The conditional money calls for payments of $5,570,500 in 2022, and $5 million each from 2023-25.


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kingwei52007/28 10:26趕快去吧

carlchang09207/28 10:39木屐自由人納豆這個陣容真可怕,而且還有Will Smith

carlchang09207/28 10:39,Muncy跟JD有六棒是明星等級OPS也都在0.8以上

bestteam07/28 10:41道奇火力全開 明年重回薪資榜第一

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laking07/28 10:43我猜最後不會賣,關鍵在於道奇願不願意送出B.Miller

saiulbb07/28 10:47道奇隊不管是農場還是口袋都沒問題 很期待會不會發生

Minihil07/28 10:52有落磯幫出 其實這張約很有交易價值的

kw025807/28 11:24看到我雀要賣納豆覺得心情好複雜

whhw07/28 11:47多大包

kkkandy07/28 11:56天使也有一個三壘手,要不要考慮一下

rickysu30307/28 12:09Arenado又不能站上投手丘屠殺MLB

lahugh07/28 12:14銀河躲

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LarsNootbaar07/28 14:19賣納豆確實是雙贏

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ashilol07/28 15:39不先處理游擊嗎 rojas那打擊真夠鳥的

hdotistyle07/28 16:04不是換了一個Rosario了嗎

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