[情報] The Athletic解雇46位員工

看板MLB標題[情報] The Athletic解雇46位員工作者
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The Athletic, the sports journalism subscription website that became a brightspot for a beleaguered industry in recent years, said in a memo Friday that
it is laying off 46 employees in its editorial and business departments,
amounting to 8 percent of its staff.

It also imposed a staffwide pay cut of at least 10 percent for all employees.

近來興起的運動媒體領導品牌The Athletic

在週五宣告解雇46位員工 這差不多是全部的8%員工


“In order to ensure we can be a viable business for many seasons to come, we
have to make decisions that won’t jeopardize our future,” said Taylor
Patterson, a spokeswoman for The Athletic.

The Athletic表示為了維持未來的運作 他們不得不做出決定

The Athletic launched its first local site in 2016, in Chicago, and quickly
grew to cover nearly every major professional sports team in the United
States, as well as dozens of professional soccer teams abroad. As tech giantslike Facebook and Google have gobbled up most online advertising dollars and
the news media has steadily contracted, The Athletic represents the hopes of
many in the sportswriting industry that an alternative business model can be

The company makes the vast majority of its revenue through subscriptions,
which usually cost $60 a year but are frequently discounted. The Athletic hasnearly a million subscribers according to Patterson. That rapid growth has
been fueled by nearly $140 million in venture capital funding, including $50
million raised earlier this year.


公司主要的營收來自每年60$ 接近1M用戶的訂閱

另外還有140M的創投資金 包括今年稍早的一筆50M

MLB砍人減薪 => 太可惡了 球團老闆藏錢好邪惡

運動媒體砍人減薪 => 合理手段維持正常商業運轉


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Timekeeper06/07 09:09最後一段是想帶啥風向... 喔是abc...沒事

sikerkuaitai06/07 10:17你想表達什麼?兩個產業獲利數字差這麼多也在類比

yeng121706/07 13:01abc不意外

benrun06/07 13:21風向吹起來~

saiulbb06/07 13:36不反商 但如果資源多的老闆們能分一點$觀感會更好

julianscorpi06/07 14:11把你口袋裡的錢全部掏出來分給大家 大家對你的觀感

julianscorpi06/07 14:12也會變好唷>.^

ThomasHSNU06/07 16:42某The Athletic寫手說他的收入減少了99% ...

NinjaRR06/08 14:07酸味濃