[外電] 紅襪將Xander Bogaerts賣掉的可能性

看板MLB標題[外電] 紅襪將Xander Bogaerts賣掉的可能性作者
時間推噓31 推:32 噓:1 →:31

After the Red Sox traded away superstar Mookie Betts this past offseason, is
it possible the team with the worst record in the American League entering
play Tuesday could part with yet another World Series-winning face of the
franchise -- and soon?


Enter Xander Bogaerts. At 27 years old, the shortstop is smack in the middle
of his prime and coming off a top-five finish in AL MVP voting in 2019 after
hitting .309/.384/.555 with career highs in homers (33), RBIs (117) and OPS


What's more, Bogaerts signed a long-term deal in April 2019 that can keep himin Boston through 2025.


Why, then, might the Red Sox consider trading him at all? The possibility
comes down to timing, as MLB Network insider Ken Rosenthal wrote in a story
for The Athletic (subscription required).

為何紅襪會考慮賣他?Rosenthal在The Athletic寫了一篇文表示意見

Bogaerts' six-year, $120 million extension -- which pays him $20 million a
year from 2020-25 with an option for '26 at the same amount -- comes with an
interesting and timely caveat: full no-trade protection once he reaches sevenyears of service time.


The date for Bogaerts to accrue seven full seasons? Sept. 6.

Bogearts到達7年的那一天? 今年9月6日

In other words, if the Red Sox ever are going to take advantage of trading
Bogaerts on their terms -- that is, without his approval needed -- they have
to do it during this Trade Deadline window.


After the Aug. 31 Trade Deadline this year, Bogaerts gains essentially all ofthe leverage in the decision-making. In addition to the ability to veto a
trade, he also will have the chance to opt out after 2022, per his contract,
at which point he'll be entering his 30-age season.


That's an option Bogaerts "very well might pursue," Rosenthal wrote,
"considering that 2021-22 free agents Francisco Lindor, Carlos Correa, Corey
Seager, Javier Báez and Trevor Story already would have reset the market for


At the time of Bogaerts' agreement with Boston, circumstances surrounding theRed Sox were entirely different than what they are now. They were riding
high, fresh off a club-record 108-win regular season under beloved first-yearskipper Alex Cora and their fourth championship in 15 seasons.


In the 16 months since the Bogaerts extension, however, so much has gone
south for the Sox.


First came Chris Sale's ongoing arm problems in the middle of last season,
which eventually led to the ace left-hander undergoing Tommy John surgery
this past March that could keep him out well into next season.


Then the ownership changed course at the executive level, parting ways last
September with president of baseball operations Dave Dombrowski and hiring
Chaim Bloom as the club's chief baseball officer a month later.


That, in turn, led to arguably the most divisive and disheartening
development of all for Red Sox Nation -- trading Betts, along with southpaw
David Price, to the Dodgers in February in a three-team blockbuster that
netted Boston a package of young players.


And don't forget about Cora being dismissed in January as part of the falloutfor his role as bench coach in the Astros' sign-stealing scheme, and the Red
Sox franchise being embroiled in its own sign-stealing investigation for muchof last offseason.


To varying degrees, all of the above has contributed to the Red Sox's 6-17
start this season -- and the possibility of another in-his-prime star player
becoming a trade chip.





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seekforever08/19 15:58能換到年輕可控SP的話沒什麼理由不賣吧

seekforever08/19 15:59紅襪60人裡面已經囤了一大堆內野中線

scatman08/19 16:14我以為XB會是紅襪長期的臉

phoenix28608/19 16:19都留不住Betts了 再留不住XB 襪迷作何感想...?

AHEAD09908/19 16:23不是重建基石嗎

yankeefat08/19 16:31球星不是不見了 而是變成高層喜歡的樣子(美金)

a1030402508/19 17:03我以為XB是紅襪臉欸 真的會賣嗎

sampsonlu91908/19 17:11不過連Nomar都可以當成交易品 紅襪要賣誰都不意外

sampsonlu91908/19 17:11

seekforever08/19 17:13大部分都球隊迷吧 如果長期能變好犧牲短期也沒辦法

seekforever08/19 17:14紅襪現在農場還是中間偏弱 尤其缺投手

polanco08/19 17:24一年內賣兩個自產的明星球員 美國的襪迷不會崩潰嗎

l5i9hbba08/19 17:39XB不可能賣吧 賣下去要當幾年的賣家?

Nuey08/19 17:39老佩還可以當臉吧(X

SmallHanley08/19 17:53老佩還沒宣布退休

yangs061808/19 17:58devers也可以當臉 但XB真的強 希望能留

Toy1708/19 17:59哪隊有缺游擊手啊? 釀酒人嗎?

PaulAllen208/19 18:05釀酒人先發紅襪會看上眼也就Brandon Woodruff吧

canisty08/19 18:28看來看去好像沒有哪隊真的特別缺游擊大洞的耶

vince468708/19 19:12連Betts都可以賣了 XB也沒差吧

Cueto08/19 19:13跟躲人要的百大 JeterDowns的機會來了嗎

Minihil08/19 19:40比較好奇今年有人會想當大買家嗎?

j0724205408/19 19:46完全砍掉 (洋基瑟瑟發抖

holypiggy08/19 19:53Devers當臉差遠了吧

sdiaa08/19 19:54不砍掉重練顯示不出新團隊的厲害~

ponanchen08/19 20:02如果重建 子偉真的利多

whhw08/19 20:08襪襪也不是第一次賣臉了

ParkChanWook08/19 20:39DD被炒?他幹的不錯不是嗎?是因為打鼓案才被炒嗎

youngluke08/19 20:44去年9月紅襪被洋基暴打的時候就被炒了

piggreat08/19 20:48不可能..只要撐過今年的60場...怎麼可能賣當家游擊手砲

ylrafale08/19 22:22Dombrowski被火的主要原因在於操盤風格,他會燒農場做交

ylrafale08/19 22:22易換現在,但不善於培養農場。紅襪在奪冠後的農場極度貧

ylrafale08/19 22:22乏、但短期內也沒有保證再次衝擊冠軍的本錢,因此會變得

ylrafale08/19 22:22不適合由DD操盤

JohnLackey08/19 22:48沒有不可能 只有夠不夠大包

vince468708/19 23:04DD被火的原因不是培養農場好嗎==

vince468708/19 23:05就純粹DD衝冠之後續約同一批人結果大家一起爛掉

vince468708/19 23:05然後背鍋下台而已

vince468708/19 23:06那年他跟高層好像有不合的傳聞 印象中

Werth08/19 23:10明年等Sale也回來 SP真的有很缺嗎? 後面是EROD EOV Perez

saiulbb08/19 23:39不太可能吧 他算是基石欸 也沒必要現在賣

pedrovish08/19 23:50DD下台一方面是換人掌舵retool 一方面是拿他為戰績不

pedrovish08/19 23:50理想負責 原因不是只有單方面

JerrieRip08/20 00:12XB被交易去別隊也不見得會是SS 所以不見得是SS有缺才想

JerrieRip08/20 00:12買進XB 可能單純是補上內野火力就行

BMW740Li08/20 00:58XB跟小派一樣給佛心約,紅襪怎麼可能賣

BMW740Li08/20 00:59DD被火的原因是續約續的不漂亮吧

s92eric040508/20 01:58美國襪迷不是不會崩潰,是已經崩潰了,看reddit成天罵

s92eric040508/20 01:58高層就是有錢又不願意付豪華稅賣掉Betts

ultratimes08/20 02:06笑死 Correa對游擊市場沒影響吧

l71147008/20 04:38能有/養得起SP 又願意和紅襪換的也沒幾隊吧

zephry08/20 08:18任何東西只要夠大包,就沒有不可能

hsuanyaXD08/20 11:11不可能賣 打線就在秘了 還賣佛心大腿 應該還是會走以前

hsuanyaXD08/20 11:12模式 灑幣買SP 準備當盤子 好消息JD今年成績不太好 比

hsuanyaXD08/20 11:12較留得住

IRPT00108/20 13:19貝茲都能走了

kkjjkkjj08/20 14:07betts都走了看不出來誰是非賣品

arakikawa08/20 15:47Betts是剩一年又不續約根本不能相提並論

GoodDonkey08/20 17:19子偉利多

justsp408/20 18:03包裹夠大包哪有不賣的道理

sisi200508/20 19:58首選應該是JD馬

BMW740Li08/21 13:48betts是堅決不續約,在紅襪打球媒體壓力大

BMW740Li08/21 13:49XB開給紅襪是低於身價的,不能類比吧

piggreat08/22 10:37Betts你不交易!!!也是進去自由市場而已