[外電] ESPN專家對季後賽的預測投票

看板MLB標題[外電] ESPN專家對季後賽的預測投票作者
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Who will win each round? And which squad will be the last standing at the end of the postseason? We asked more than 30 of our MLB experts -- from, TV,Stats & Information and more -- to give us their predictions.



ALWC: Tampa Bay Rays vs. Cleveland Guardians

Cleveland Guardians 19

Tampa Bay Rays 12

ALWC: Seattle Mariners vs. Toronto Blue Jays

Toronto Blue Jays 18

Seattle Mariners 13


NLWC: Philadelphia Phillies vs. St. Louis Cardinals

St. Louis Cardinals 19

Philadelphia Phillies 12

NLWC: San Diego Padres vs. New York Mets

New York Mets 27

San Diego Padres 4


ALDS: Winner of Rays-Guardians vs. New York Yankees

New York Yankees 21

Cleveland Guardians 9

Tampa Bay Rays 1

ALDS: Winner of Mariners-Blue Jays vs. Houston Astros

Houston Astros 28

Seattle Mariners 2

Toronto Blue Jays 1


NLDS: Winner of Phillies-Cardinals vs. Atlanta Braves

Atlanta Braves 26

St. Louis Cardinals 4

Philadelphia Phillies 1

NLDS: Winner of Padres-Mets vs. Los Angeles Dodgers

Los Angeles Dodgers 27

New York Mets 4


Houston Astros 25

Seattle Mariners 2

New York Yankees 3

Toronto Blue Jays 1


Los Angeles Dodgers 15

Atlanta Braves 13

St. Louis Cardinals 2

New York Mets 1


Los Angeles Dodgers 12

(Joon Lee, Brianna Williams, Tim Kurkjian, Ben Ward, Kyle Peterson, David Schoenfield, Dan Mullen, Bradford Doolittle, Alex Rodriguez, Enrique Rojas, Matt Marrone, Joe DeMartino)

Atlanta Braves 10

(Eduardo Perez, Phil Orlins, Paul Hembekides, Jeff Passan, Gregg Colli, TristanCockcroft, Buster Olney, Clinton Yates, Rachel Ullrich)

Houston Astros 8

(Eric Karabell, Michael Kay, Jesse Rogers, Kiley McDaniel, Alden Gonzalez, Liz Finny, Tim Keown, David Flemming)

New York Yankees 1

(Jeremy Willis)


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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/09/2022 10:20:04

taxlaw199110/09 10:26猜TOR的已經掰了 XD

c87111111610/09 10:26我基下半季那拉樣還有21票

xxoo294010/09 10:27反指標 洋基涼了

Golbez10/09 10:57洋基還是有主場優勢,這季他們把美中球隊都當狗一樣打,應

Golbez10/09 10:57該還是會過關

taxlaw199110/09 11:56紅鳥也掰了 再碎一地眼鏡

b9920207110/09 12:31目前猜對一個猜錯兩個

Fukudome10/09 13:51專家的專是專門被打臉的專

killua020910/09 13:59

killua020910/09 14:00鋼鐵谷粉-Ben的預測,目前外卡只剩大都會有一絲絲機會

Yofu10/09 20:59大都會雙賽揚無法完全壓制也是始料未及

saidon10/10 05:16ben也是反指標 去年季後賽他預測的沒半個準

taxlaw199110/10 09:06目前NYM看起來準備讓Ben繼續當反指標了

saidon10/10 10:02靠邀結果梅子也要掰了 ben繼續反指標

b9920207110/10 10:13對1錯3

taxlaw199110/10 12:33Ben外卡賭海冥燈 全錯 XD

taxlaw199110/10 12:34先恭喜SEA CLE SD PHI晉級LCS

ljh09356734710/11 17:43專家分兩種