[情報] Xander Bogaerts和紅襪斷絕聯繫?

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What are the chances of Xander Bogaerts re-signing with the Boston Red Sox?

Well, based on the latest reports and information over the last 24 hours, the odds of him staying in Boston don't seem very good.

Longtime MLB reporter Peter Gammons tweeted Wednesday morning that he's been told by multiple people that Bogaerts, who is an unrestricted free agent, has "severed ties" with the Red Sox and "won't be going back".

資深大聯盟記者Peter Gammons爆料說


Xander Bogaerts已和紅襪斷絕聯繫,不會回去了

ESPN's Buster Olney tweeted early Wednesday afternoon that agents believe Bogaerts will earn a contract well above what the Red Sox initially offered earlier this year.




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polanco12/01 10:44沒辦法 年初那張真的太羞辱人了

polanco12/01 10:46 不過紅襪也有人出來澄

polanco12/01 10:46清說沒這回事

sampsonlu91912/01 10:53小X:杯子大哥我要去LA了…一起吃耶誕避寒餐不行嗎

sampsonlu91912/01 10:53XD

siliver12/01 11:12沒這回事是指,連開都沒開嗎??

whhw12/01 12:21沒事兒沒事

appshjkli12/01 12:23簽了再說

kenkuo168812/01 12:574ys90M...

zehow12/01 13:18XB跟木屐感情不知道怎樣?木屐會當說客嗎?

zx246800tw12/01 13:46好奇聯盟頂尖SS看到4Y90M的反應

Yofu12/01 13:46他需要贏球的球隊,離開重建的紅襪是必然的

cheesesauce12/01 13:56斷開連接

a1ibooda12/01 15:00養不起的情人還是早點分手

MookieBetts12/01 15:58去道奇找Betts

AnitaHailey12/01 16:39XD 紅襪在重建嗎

zDavi12/01 17:3990M/4y 就真的扯 本來的約就 3+1 年 80M

zDavi12/01 17:39本來以為 bloom 是光芒流 現在看起來搞不好比較接近瑞河流

Adam661312/01 18:44XB滾 我想看Correa在躲人的精美畫面

mschien829512/02 11:13開90m真的是在羞辱人