[抒發] 又來唉一頓
每天覺得工作壓力好大, 但卻只是個孬咖
曾幾何時, 給自己立下一個願望, 能做一件事讓自己名留青史
原來這只是個幻想, 還好幻想不犯法, 頂多被笑而已
但現在我真的確定自己很廢, 有時想想真不如去死一死比較舒坦.
在2008年, 我還真的真的搞出了個東西(不是小孩, 我家老大是2011年生的)
那時老闆叫我找一個材料, 它叫銅球 Copper ball
這個銅球不困難, 當時台灣很多金屬加工廠做得出來, 不是難事兒
但是 I needed blonze balls of diameter not bigger than 0.8mm
At that time, it's pretty much difficult for Taiwanese suppliers to do it.
Most of Taiwanese companies told me that the current capability limit was
1.0mm. The methology they were using was unlikely to achieve real spherical
Thus I spent 4 hours in Google searching engine every single day and tried tofind if anyone was capable of it.
Approximately 2 weeks, I found one Japanese company might have the thing I wassearching.
Nobody knew how I was excited and anxious back then.
I encourged to telphone them; but no one from that company understool what I'ssaying in English. All I could do was to drop them an e-mail and ask them if
they had Taiwan agency to answer my questions.
Oh! Gosh! Eventually, I got the copper ball of diameter 0.5mm after 3 weeks.
My boss brought the copper ball samples to Staff meeting and every manager inthat meeting was inspired. And my boss said to them: this sample was acquied
by me. Suddenly, I became a well-known guy in our organization.
Of course, many many Taiwanese companies can provide this kind of copper ballsnow. And this copper balls are broadly adopted in the semi-conductor productsat the moment.
看我有多廢, 2024年還在提16年前的自認為的高光時刻.
[情報] 台積電美國來台受訓在glassdoor評論網頁在glassdoor 這glassdoor上的評論這樣寫是可以的嗎? "The work culture in Taiwan is really different than in the US. I am sure TSMC will have to change to an 8 hour work day five days a week or do what other companies do with Fabs and run three days on, four days off, four days on, three days off rotations. As it is right now in Taiwan The minimum amount of time at the company is 10 hours a day, but realistically is running up to even 12 hours a day. This is for those of us who are American training to go back to the new operation in Arizona. The reality for people from Taiwan is that they are doing even more than 12 hour days often. There's also the night shifts and weekend shifts on duty and/or on call. That last part is understandable as the fab lives 24/7."39
[情報] Lonzo Ball完成膝蓋手術 有望在新球季復出消息來源: Sources: There is confidence in Bulls guard Lonzo Ball's ability to return this season following left knee surgery on Wednesday that doctors believe addressed the issue. Ball is expected to miss at least a few months.36
[情報] EVGA 3080 3090 開放式水冷 官網上架不過還沒貨,先不要緊張 3080跟3090各上兩張 EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 XC3 ULTRA HYDRO COPPER GAMING $25,99019
Re: [北美] 行為型問題徵集我自己在準備 behavior questions 的時候, 會把題目按照不同類型分類, 這樣你在回答的時候,知道某種情況的問題大致是可以回答哪一種答案。 再來列下各別問題的答案,但這裡要注意的是 面試官問的問題,其實是隱含他想知道的事情,比如說這題 :12
[情報] 美亞Amiron Wireless Copper前天晚上開始出現$499特價 應該是Copper目前蠻值得入手的價格 如果結帳匯率選美金, 目前信用卡給我的匯率 換算下來是1464612
[情報] COPPER CHEF 煎鍋含蓋$299friDay購物 COPPER CHEF 30公分煎鍋含蓋$299 如果有遠傳幣還可以兩倍放大 購買連結:6
[情報] 永和karalla氣炸鍋及copper chef鍋具特是否為店家分享文:是 店 家:凱羿實業暑假快閃活動 日 期/時 間:暑假每週三 11:30-13:30 地 點:永和路二段59號1樓 (永和頂溪站1號出口附近)5
[情報] EVGA推出3090金平HYDRO COPPER 分體水冷大哥水冷 最強版本 EVGA GeForce RTX™ 3090 K|NGP|N HYDRO COPPER 分體式 玩家的最愛 只要七萬 有夠佛X
[問卦] reddit: 台灣病假是主管決定的 不是醫生?剛在reddit上看到一篇有趣的討論 原po在一家上市的餐旅集團工作 他的經理跟底下的人提到一名實習生因為得了腸胃炎,請了病假,人還在醫院- (CNN)Sports of all types have been canceled around the world due to the corona virus pandemic. But not in Taiwan. Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium echoed with the thwack of bats hitting balls on Thursday, as the Rakuten Monkeys clobbered the Uni Lions 15 to 3.