[情報] 英國原則上批准出售核潛艦給澳洲

看板Military標題[情報] 英國原則上批准出售核潛艦給澳洲作者
時間推噓16 推:16 噓:0 →:13

Tentative UK approval given for £2bn nuclear submarine deal

The Sun revealing that Rishi Sunak's government has achieved an "in
principle" agreement to provide the Royal Australian Navy with
British-designed and at least, partially-built nuclear powered submarines
worth an estimated £2 billion per unit at this early stage.


Importantly, the reports state that this deal would potentially see
Australia's future nuclear powered submarine would be built to an "existing"
design — like the Royal Navy's Astute class submarines, as part of this, the
Royal Navy has also categorically ruled out leasing a Royal Navy submarine tothe Royal Australian Navy.




可能是前幾艘在英國建造 之後才技轉給澳洲




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※ 編輯: saccharomyce ( 臺灣), 02/14/2023 10:24:07

rtwodtwo 02/14 10:25加拿大表示 接盤二手英國潛艦 請三思

Ceelo 02/14 10:34美國應該有待退的核潛可以幫澳洲訓練

giancarlo82 02/14 10:43給機敏級比法國貨好耶

jyekid 02/14 10:48澳洲發大財

puppy20308 02/14 10:49機敏級欸,澳洲這下真的撿到寶

tsairay 02/14 10:53大英國協成員才有的待遇吧,國旗上畢竟還保留英國

tsairay 02/14 10:53國旗

iqeqicq 02/14 11:43澳洲也有考慮用SSN遠征南海

iqeqicq 02/14 11:44但顧忌南海水淺加上可能跟中國局勢摩擦

iqeqicq 02/14 11:44看能不能爭取潛射戰斧?

c41231717 02/14 11:45南海水淺? XD

rtwodtwo 02/14 11:51前幾天才有人貼過南海海底地形圖 還在水淺 Zzzz

saccharomyce02/14 11:52看你對"淺"的定義吧

patrickleeee02/14 11:56應該說不深 相對太平洋來說

say29217074 02/14 11:572050服役嗎

saccharomyce02/14 12:13應該是2030年代

geesegeese 02/14 12:56反正就南太平洋門將可以過中場

cwjchris 02/14 13:25All Hail Britannia!!!

hedgehogs 02/14 14:19都自家人比較好搞定

Jimmy2010 02/14 14:28Rule! Britannia ! Britannia rule the wave!

Jimmy2010 02/14 14:29Britons never will be slaves.

CLisOM 02/14 14:52西太平洋太大英美需要澳洲潛艇具備長時間遠洋航行

CLisOM 02/14 14:52能力以應對中國

weimr 02/14 15:46之後澳洲潛鑑的標配會是紅茶+蜂蜜嗎!

hedgehogs 02/14 16:00烤袋鼠肉吧

JOHN117 02/14 16:48袋鼠肉是寵物飼料吧

TinCanEngine02/14 21:19澳洲潛艦一旦進了南極環流就跟失蹤一樣,沒主動聯

TinCanEngine02/14 21:19絡誰知道他們會從哪邊鑽出來

pig0038 02/15 17:08所以是 Mithril 的司令部(X