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Sean noriega 臥推又掰了,看來沒機會拿冠軍了
馬的偶推100kg都很吃力了 這裡一堆200起跳..
Taylor Atwood Wilks 600, 要是最後一把臥推沒搶信
號就贏Russ 1.5kg了, WTF
Atwood 74kg, S:303kg, B:195kg, D:340.5kg, 總和11
Taylor Atwood真的猛
自然的成績 很棒 敢接受藥檢而且有過就是自然的
Taylor身高跟Russell orhii差不多體重少10就已經快追上了
usapl不是所有的比賽都有藥檢 這次我看他ig的圖好像是
有但不確定 ipf那個你如果不繼續比ipf就可以不鳥他John h
aack之前比ipf的確有通過 後來他成績暴漲就都比那些沒藥
檢的了 Taylor 這還要觀察如果繼續比ipf可能真的是自然
的 但這兩年他進步太大 而且年紀也已經33了...
自然的 IPF驗藥很嚴格 過了一定自然,沒得躲
[影音] TWICE I CAN'T STOP ME M/V Platform TeaTWICE THE 2ND FULL ALBUM Eyes wide open TWICE "I CAN'T STOP ME" M/V Platform Teaser VLIVE24
[問題] 深蹲和臥推要怎麼練到力竭?如題 深蹲和臥推應該是無法真正練到力竭的項目吧...除非你人緣很好每次都有捕手幫你 不然深蹲練到力竭 - 最後一下蹲到一半倒下 槓鈴架爆炸 臥推練到力竭 - 最後一下推不上去被壓死 社會新聞+1 邊緣人做深蹲和臥推到底要怎樣練到力竭啊?25
Re: [情報] 索尼收購Bungiebungie的回應(FAQ): Q. As a Destiny 2 player, does Bungie becoming part of PlayStation have any im mediate impact on how I play and experience Destiny 2? No. Our commitment to Destiny 2 as a multi-platform game with full Cross Play15
[情報] EA考慮將EA Play訂閱服務搬上Switch原文訪談: 原文: Bringing games to Steam also paved the way for EA Play to launch on the platform, where it could not have before without the games to support it. Blank mentions multiple times that EA intends to "bring more subscriptions to more platforms in the future," a remark that naturally begs the question: what about the Nintendo Switch? "There are amazing games on that platform and we foresee bringing more games to the Switch over time," he replies, nodding to the fact that EA committed to releasing more titles to the platform in the coming year. "And I think if there are opportunities for us to bring our subscription there and bring an even larger portfolio to the Switch, we will do so. We're always exploring this with our platform partners, whether that be Switch or Steam or Epic or Xbox or Sony. We want to be where the players are. So while I have nothing to announce here, I would anticipate that we'll continue to bring more games and more great experiences to Switch."14
[請益] Google職缺(GCP)請益小弟拿到台灣google software engineer offer, 跑team matching中 其中一個team是google cloud platform (GCP) 小弟跟manager talk以後對這個team topic感到興趣 該team是做一些cloud比較底層的facility 想跟大大們打聽一下有沒有該team相關消息7
[贈送] 愛迪達powerlifting深蹲鞋(已贈出)男US9.5 約三年前買,8.5成新,很少穿 可在竹北健工面交 意者站內信囉謝謝5
Re: [討論] 肉鬆的SW工作性質基本上是,不管是bios, nvidia ai platform, Qualcomm platform, switch, server, 就拿ic vendor SDK, 看懂sample code, 串產線,解決生產問題,壓力小點也不錯啦 有個重要技能就是要會發問,以中國那的系統廠會問到較細,然後改成自己家的架構,台 灣這系統廠odm 沒這能力,主要也是這樣開發較慢,直接拿原廠的版本較快,且有問題可 challenge 原廠,叫他來罰站。2
Fw: [Vic3] 8/30將宣布發售日期與開放預購作者: johnnylin12 (MoreGreen) 看板: Paradox 標題: [Vic3] 8/30將宣布發售日期與開發預購 時間: Wed Aug 10 02:14:12 2022 剛才官方推特發了一篇文2
[閒聊] 還有交易所能出金到Wise嗎?目前FTX估計是涼涼了 現在要尋求可以出金到Wise的管道 目前唯一看到似乎CEX.io似乎還可以辦到 不過不太知名的交易所 還沒敢下去跑看看- 物品名稱:puma platform 女鞋 物品說明:鞋號23.5 (版型偏大) 也適合腳寬的人 鞋子蠻重 不適合走太遠的路 索取者請注意。 有換成比較軟一點的鞋墊 鞋子功能ok