[專欄] Murray:ACL撕裂後第一個探望我的是Klay

看板NBA標題[專欄] Murray:ACL撕裂後第一個探望我的是Klay作者
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On April 12, 2021, Murray suffered a torn ACL in his left knee and had surgery about a week later. He missed the 2021 NBA playoffs and then sat out the entire 2021-22 season and postseason.


“The first person that reached out was Klay in the X-ray room. That meant a lot to me, that helped me a lot.”


Thompson understands the mental and physical toll of recovering from serious injuries, having experienced two of the worst sports injuries there are.


The Golden State Warriors sharpshooter tore his own ACL in the 2019 NBA Finals and missed the entirety of the 2019-20 season. Upon completing his rehab, hethen suffered a torn Achilles just before the start of the 2020-21 season andmissed that year as well.


All told, Klay Thompson went 941 days without taking the court. That's why his words of encouragement were so meaningful to Jamal Murray. Thompson never gave up, and he learned to endure the grind and the mental pain.


Murray said there were “a lot of guys” that reached out to him, so it's hard
to single out a few. Others Murray did name were Victor Oladipo, who has nowhad three major knee surgeries in the past four years, and Danilo Gallinari, who missed this season with a torn ACL of his own.


With the support from others, Murray did make a full recovery, and his rehab has clearly paid off. Back in the 2020 NBA Bubble, Murray was spectacular in the playoffs, dropping 50 in two separate games against the Utah Jazz. He averaged 26.5/4.8/6.6 on excellent efficiency in that playoff run.

Now, in his first postseason since then, he is averaging very similar numbers, and the Nuggets are one win away from becoming NBA champions. In his return to basketball's biggest stage, Murray has solidified himself as an elite playoff performer capable of going toe-to-toe with anyone.






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※ 編輯: tigerlolz ( 臺灣), 06/12/2023 16:55:07

PanaS0Nic 06/12 16:55會不會是來送披薩的?

ThorFukt 06/12 16:55Murray受傷前言行也蠻屁的 大傷回來就沉穩多一點

※ 編輯: tigerlolz ( 臺灣), 06/12/2023 16:56:07

VL1003 06/12 16:57KT、Ola、Gallinari,這三人去談傷病好有說服力 QQ

xd987 06/12 16:57有先比手指頭嗎

Llind31100 06/12 16:57聖光湯

karmel 06/12 16:57過來人QQ

luna2000sea 06/12 16:57K湯:冠軍獎盃來了

dog29635841 06/12 16:58大傷前輩們 再加玫瑰表弟湊一組先發

karmel 06/12 16:58KT還比他慘

O10lOl01O 06/12 17:00KT:我也只是派我其中一個分身去

ccmvic 06/12 17:01暗示k湯來拿第五冠

skybin 06/12 17:04K湯原本單打就沒甚麼技巧,大傷後就更回不去了

jack34031 06/12 17:05K湯大傷後還變成防守黑洞

cor1os 06/12 17:08那只是四神湯送披薩的一個分身

smalldata 06/12 17:09原以為KT今年狀態會有起色 畢竟去年剛傷癒復出 結

smalldata 06/12 17:09果是更慘 去年能奪冠運氣真的很好

f101202 06/12 17:09這也太感動

tasimichael 06/12 17:10我認可你了

guilty0214 06/12 17:14阿基里4

pb1101 06/12 17:15一進來先比4

GordonJordan06/12 17:20歐拉現在情況更慘了

newtypeL9 06/12 17:23KT好暖

kevinlook 06/12 17:24那時候一進去是比3吧

GHowPan 06/12 17:25進去以後比4 然後問要不要去釣魚

wii128 06/12 17:31K湯:冠軍獎盃歡樂送

CMPunk 06/12 17:37歐拉沒辦法打球了吧

modelight 06/12 17:38KT大傷後影響最多的真的是防守腳步 從大鎖變旋轉門

applebird 06/12 17:40有比4嗎

Lebrono 06/12 17:41他是不是就在隔壁病房

josephpu 06/12 17:42真的是佛祖湯

lafeelbarth 06/12 17:42比4是未來K湯

toeic900 06/12 17:424

attpp 06/12 17:4415?51?

TDC19685 06/12 17:483+1 帶副麻將吧

babyMclaren 06/12 17:53KT: 聽說復出能奪冠

JonnyJostar 06/12 17:54來比4的吧

mmk 06/12 17:55可惜老大不在 不然第一個應該是老大...

mmk 06/12 17:56然後老大還會去關心養壞...教導法律實務...

yoyibbi 06/12 18:04這幾位都很勵志,休養那麼久還要相信能回來球場

rukawa28 06/12 18:07KT超慘籃球員的二大重傷都發生他身上

louis82828 06/12 18:09其實是外送披薩的那個K湯啦

homenet9 06/12 18:17裡頭每個傷都是生涯等級大傷 讀完覺得好可怕

a28200266 06/12 18:19他就在隔壁房吧

my824679 06/12 18:20

modecate 06/12 18:21推!KT這動作對於正在受傷的人有很大鼓舞

KingChang71106/12 18:25

KingChang71106/12 18:25推K湯

aaagang 06/12 18:42我佛慈悲

vltw5v 06/12 18:48KT:教你如何復出就奪冠

LMgogo 06/12 18:50可是k湯沒回來阿

LMgogo 06/12 18:50莫莉回來了 唉..

yamatai 06/12 18:51真的感人

gasboy 06/12 18:51犧牲你的膝蓋才能奪冠!

pongbao 06/12 19:04有在你面前數1234嗎

XperiaArcS 06/12 19:12可能是把送Pizza的誤認為K湯了

tristan13 06/12 19:19KT原來是暖男以為是怪人

crusoe 06/12 19:32KT: 4


SnowCat1430 06/12 19:53那時候只能比3啦

alittleghost06/12 19:543>0

buneng 06/12 20:02等等,那時候沒有4

yun0215 06/12 20:13有點暖QQ

karmel 06/12 20:16KT例行賽有起色很多 但季後賽烙賽 不知道是不是會變

karmel 06/12 20:16常態QQ

karmel 06/12 20:17打國王系列賽也還OK 但打湖人後面三場超級慘

karmel 06/12 20:17今年季後賽算特別骰 希望明年不會這樣

karmel 06/12 20:18去年季後賽整體來說不錯 今年例行賽回春 但季後賽又

karmel 06/12 20:18爛掉

SCLPAL 06/12 20:59哪個KT?

ts00173406 06/12 21:01暖男

jjrdk 06/12 21:54暖湯

Childishan 06/12 21:59他是對他比4嗎 你還要休4個月

openbestbook06/12 22:13病友會

henry910119 06/12 22:25蠻感人的

AAAdolph 06/12 22:27沒想到KT這麼暖

kim1214 06/12 22:32KT去年季後賽只剩防守 哪來整體不錯...

kim1214 06/12 22:33今年完全變骰子進攻 防守沒了

e2167471 06/12 22:52不可能啦 我在這裡聽說勇士球員只會敗人品

funcky0116 06/12 23:46開始懷疑很多個K湯是真的

frank901212 06/13 02:15

ksk0516 06/13 06:24比四激勵莫雷拿冠軍,感人

kbgarnett 06/13 06:25Kobe沒去世的話,也會關心他,正如他關心一些阿基里

kbgarnett 06/13 06:25斯腱受傷的球員一樣

Wesker 06/13 09:47欸欸」

seavoo 06/13 10:32私下大有這麼熟?

sinben 06/13 11:39聖光湯欸