Re: [外絮] 老巴說Booker得要站出來領導太陽

看板NBA標題Re: [外絮] 老巴說Booker得要站出來領導太陽作者
(鞭狗蛙 舒服)
時間推噓11 推:13 噓:2 →:10

※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)》之銘言:
: 來源:SI
: 網址:
: When discussing what the Suns have to do to take the next step in pursuit of: a title, Barkley said star shooting guard Devin Booker has to be a leader on: the team—because Durant simply is not.
: 當講到太陽還得要做些什麼,才能更進一步往冠軍邁進時,老巴說太陽明星得分後衛
: Devin Booker得要出來領導太陽--因為KD就不是一個領導者。
: “No disrespect to Kevin. Kevin’s a follower. He’s not a leader,” Barkley
: said on truTV’s alternate broadcast of the All-Star Game. “He’s proven
: that on all his stops. Booker’s a hell of a player also. I think he’s going: to have to take the initiative and take this Suns team to the next level.
: Because, man, Kevin’s a hell of a player. I ain’t never gonna say anything
: bad about him. But I said the same thing with Boston. One of your guys has to: step forward. He has to step forward, and for me, for Phoenix to be
: successful, it has to be Booker.”
: 老巴說:「沒有要對KD有不敬的意思,但是KD就是一個跟隨者,他不是個領導者。他待的: 每個球隊,他都證明了就是那樣子。書人也是個非常好的球員,我認為他得要帶頭,率領: 太陽進到另外一個層次。因為,KD雖然也是個很好的球員,我沒有要講他什麼壞的部分,: 但是就像我前面講青賽的部分,同樣的,太陽裡面得要有人站出來,對我來說,太陽若是: 想要成功的話,那個人就是書人。」
: ----
: Booker:.............

"It's just part of TV. They needed something to fill a segment up. So they
talk about some negative shit, but if you're not in the gym, I don't respect
your opinion if you're not in the gym with me."

Kevin Durant on Charles Barkley's "follower" comments on leadership. #Suns




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h5t6566556 02/22 10:40被媒體消費 出來回應幾句很正常

killuaz 02/22 10:42老巴 出來打球啊

Aether13 02/22 10:42老巴這幾年感覺一直嘴kd乘客 不爽很正常吧

idontsuck 02/22 10:44KD在加入勇士時,全世界都在笑他,KD就是會回嘴就是

idontsuck 02/22 10:44一個路人鄉民他都會回嘴

ANOY 02/22 10:45之前嘴綠嘴KD 有回啥嗎

q888atPt 02/22 10:49老巴沒冠軍還想教訓人= =??

lazybear123102/22 10:542>>>>>>>>0

KKyosuke 02/22 11:00照這個理論嘴綠說話他不就得承認XDDD

pounil 02/22 11:002>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>0 鄉民該支持KD了吧

pounil 02/22 11:01有冠又有FMVP又有MVP

pounil 02/22 11:02這等級比老巴嘴綠更高了

fidelity77 02/22 11:12貓老大很中肯

kl015013 02/22 11:33兩邊說的都是實話

ramirez 02/22 12:052>>>>>>>>>>0

mokumoku 02/22 12:25翻譯:時代不同啦 老屁股還活在90年代就閉嘴

cado0824 02/22 15:44很現實的是太陽目標是冠軍

cado0824 02/22 15:45你聽沒冠軍的人教怎麼奪冠,沒有什麼意義

cado0824 02/22 15:50應該說沒什麼說服力

dryadg27724 02/22 16:49老巴如果當年打輸喬丹隔年加入公牛奪冠才會被嘴一

tomoti 02/22 18:51好的,杯子蛋糕...

cobe0204 02/23 00:06今天好奇特地跑去實體店試穿,腳感踩起來大概是300

cobe0204 02/23 00:060左右的籃球鞋水準,腳踝是靠後跟填充很厚來固定,

cobe0204 02/23 00:06但還是沒有很有安全感,大拇指稍微有點壓迫,腳指

cobe0204 02/23 00:06往上頂會覺得有點硬