[外絮] 活塞 Cade Cunningham 談從傷病中康復

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原標題:Exclusive: Pistons’ Cade Cunningham breaks silence on return from
(獨家:活塞 Cade Cunningham 對於傷兵問題打破沉默)


記者:Tomer Azarly


LOS ANGELES – Cade Cunningham entered his second season ready to capitalize
on a strong rookie campaign, but his 2022-23 campaign was cut drastically
short. Now, he's looking to re-establish himself among the best young playersin today's NBA.

洛杉磯——Cade Cunningham 在準備好進入他的第二個賽季時,本來希望能交出強勢的表

After playing just 12 games in his sophomore season, Cunningham was shut downand underwent season-ending surgery to stabilize and promote healing of a
left tibial stress fracture. The guard out of Oklahoma State had never dealt
with an injury of that magnitude, but was now faced with an extended period
away from an NBA court for the first time in his young career.

在第二年打了十二場比賽後, Cunningham 因為需要進行手術,以修復左脛骨出現的應力性骨折,結果只能被關機。從俄克拉荷馬州立大學畢業的他,從未曾遇過如此嚴重的傷病困擾,但如今卻面臨其年輕職業生涯中,第一次長時間遠離NBA 賽場的時候。

Cade Cunningham attacked his rehab head-on, taking the good days with the badones that inevitably came with them. Slowly but surely, he worked his way
back from the injury, and although it's unclear when exactly he was cleared
to return to full speed contact basketball, but he's been incredibly active
this offseason.

Cade Cunningham 迎難而上,積極進行復健治療。雖然還不清楚他究竟是什麼時候被允許恢復全速接觸籃球的,但他在這個休賽季期間表現得異常活躍。

From teaming up with his Pistons teammates at the UCLA runs to joining the
USA Select Team and giving Team USA trouble in camp, Cunningham has looked
and felt ready to go this offseason.

從和活塞隊隊友在加州大學洛杉磯分校重新聯手,到加入美國靶子隊並在訓練營中給予國家隊麻煩,Cunningham 從內外看來,都準備好再出發了。

“I feel like I learned a lot about myself, about my team, and about the NBA
that's going to help me prepare for this season coming up,” Cunningham told
ClutchPoints in an exclusive interview this offseason. “I mean, it was
tough. I hadn't went through anything like that before in my past. You know,
like, having a big injury that had a long rehab that I was gonna have to go
through, so it was definitely different for me.”

在獨家專訪中,Cunningham 表示:

「我覺得我學到了很多,關於我自己,關於我的球隊,關於 NBA,這些都將幫助我為即將 到來的這個賽季做好準備。 我的意思是,這很艱難。 我以前從未經歷過這樣的事。你 知道的,就像,有一個大的傷病、有一個漫長的康復,我將不得不去經歷,所以這對我 來說肯定是不同的。」

Most of the younger players who return from lengthy absences due to injury
express a newfound outlook on the game. Being forced to watch dozens of gamesfrom the bench and having more time to break down film alongside their
coaching staffs provides a new perspective, and it's one Cunningham believes
will positively impact his game.

許多從長期傷缺中回歸的年輕球員對於比賽有了新的展望。被迫從場邊觀賽一段時間、並和教練團成員一起看戰術影片,為 Cunningham 提供了全新的視野,而他相信這將能為比賽帶來正面衝擊。

"Yeah, I'd say it's [the point of view]," Cunningham explained the biggest
thing he learned to ClutchPoints. "I see things from a different point of
view being on the sideline for a whole year. You get a different perspective
with your teammates, being on the side watching them every day compared to
being on the court with them. So, you know, just a combination of things likethat that I'll be able to take from last year and be able to apply next year."

「是的,我想說這就是(個人觀點)。我在場邊待了一整年,看到的東西也不一樣。和你 的隊友們在一起,每天在場邊看著他們,和在球場上和他們一起打球相比,你會有不同 的視野。所以,你知道的,我可以汲取去年的經驗,並在隔年中應用。」

During Team USA's camp ahead of the 2023 FIBA World Cup, clips surfaced on
social media of Cade Cunningham leading his USA Select Team to multiple wins
over Anthony Edwards and Team USA. Fans, of course, absolutely ran with the
videos and the hype around Cunningham's play with Pistons teammate Jalen
Duren. Those on the ground even said Cunningham looked noticeably bulkier.

在美國隊展開世界盃征程前,Cade Cunningham 率領靶子隊多次贏下有 Anthony Edwards的國家隊之影片在社交媒體上獲得瘋傳。球迷們感受到了他和Jalen Duren 在場上表現的狂熱,而在場邊的更表示 Cunningham 表面上看來更壯。

“It was an honor [being with Team USA]. Coming off a year where I only
played 12 games and had a big surgery and everything. I didn't play since the[injury], so to be considered and to be invited to be on the World Cup team
was a huge honor. And that's why I still wanted to come and be on the Select
team and still be in those practices and be in the scrimmages.”

「能與美國隊陪練是個榮幸。那一年,我只打了十二場比賽,還進行了一個大手術。受傷 後我就沒再打過比賽,所以能被受邀參加世界盃(陪練),是我莫大的榮幸。這也是我 仍想在未來加入靶子隊、參加陪練的原因。」

Considering these are some of the most competitive athletes on the planet,
playing against peers at the highest level is something Cunningham simply
couldn't pass up.

考量到這些都是地球上其中一些最具競爭力的球員,和同伴在最高層級的賽場上一起較量是 Cunningham 無法拒絕的。

“It's everything,” Cade Cunningham remarked to ClutchPoints. “Iron
sharpens iron, so to be able to compete, push each other, have so much talentall collected in one room, it brings the best out of everybody. I think
everybody can attest to that. Being surrounded by so much talent definitely
pushed us and gets us better for next year.

「這就是一切。打鐵還需自身硬,因此,能夠同台競技、相互督促,將如此多的人才聚集 在一個賽場上,這能讓每個人都發揮出最好的水準。我想每個人都能證明這一點。被如 此多有天才的球員所包圍,肯定能推動我們、讓我們為明年做得更好。」

Cunningham started his NBA career looking like the runaway favorite for
Rookie of the Year, averaging 17.4 points, 5.5 rebounds, 5.6 assists, and 1.2steals per game in 64 appearances. He struggled with efficiency, however,
converting on just 41.6 percent of his shots and only 31.4 percent from three.

Cunningham 以年度最佳新秀的競爭者之姿,開始他的 NBA 職業生涯。在第一個賽季的六十四場比賽中,他場均得到 17.4 分、5.5 個籃板、5.6 次助攻、1.2 次抄截,但同時也面臨效率的問題,投籃命中率只有 41.6%、三分球 31.4%。

He was eventually overtaken by Evan Mobley and Scottie Barnes (the eventual
ROY), who had stellar second halves to their rookie seasons. And while he
keeps his personal goals close to the vest, Cunningham is placing a
considerable amount of focus on taking the Detroit Pistons towards
championship contention.

他事後被 Evan Mobley 和最終得到最佳新秀的 Scottie Barnes 反超。而雖然 Cunning-ham 無意公開個人目標,他已投注相當大的精力於率領活塞隊爭奪總冠軍。

“Of course, being healthy and being available for my team. that's the
biggest goal. And then most importantly, just winning games. I want to take aleap for next year and get closer to being a championship caliber team.”

「當然,身體健康、能隨時待命,這是最大的目標。最重要的是贏得比賽。我想在明年取 得重大進步,讓球隊得以更接近冠軍級別。」

The Pistons have an intriguing young nucleus mixed with some much-needed
veterans on their team. Detroit retained Bojan Bogdanovic and Alec Burks
while acquiring both Joe Harris from the Brooklyn Nets and Monte Morris from
the Washington Wizards. They've also got Cunningham, Jaden Ivey, and Jalen
Duren as the younger members of the team.

活塞隊的年輕核心與老將混合在一起,這陣容非常吸引人。底特律活塞成功留住了 BojanBogdanovic和 Alec Burks,同時從布魯克林籃網得到了喬哈、從華盛頓巫師得到了MonteMorris。現時他們還擁有 Cunningham、Jaden Ivey 和 Jalen Duren 等年輕隊員。




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e8e88 09/22 07:23當活塞全部爆炸頭到齊的時候.......

love1500274 09/22 07:23好險只有一篇 不像西門有三篇

wahaha303 09/22 07:25你怎麼能不愛CC

elvita 09/22 07:26滿期待的

LoMing1021 09/22 07:41他真的很會講話

CRChen 09/22 07:55他時候被……翻炒。 ???

NukAnah 09/22 07:56感覺是近年來最成熟的狀元

Shane8610 09/22 08:00倒數第三段到底在寫啥

SuikaJasper 09/22 08:02他中文太好了吧(X

melzard 09/22 08:02倒數第三段那個機翻的太... 至少要修改一下

p08171110 09/22 08:20超愛CC

kkl522608 09/22 08:25CC加油

TCPai 09/22 08:26希望活塞今年能到季後賽啊

bow76 09/22 08:32能把智將也帶去影片室嗎

scatman 09/22 08:38他其實很棒,就是不太健康,兩個賽季都有進傷兵

KobeNi 09/22 08:48打鐵還需自身硬....文學造詣太強了狀元

howardyeh 09/22 08:53他身體素質在NBA很普,靠傳控”靈性”當上狀元,但

howardyeh 09/22 08:53在爛隊得分不強無法服眾,增重加強取分能力變身體撐

howardyeh 09/22 08:53不住,但他夠年輕身體還有機會去適應,不過也是有點

howardyeh 09/22 08:53抖就是了

ClownT 09/22 09:04這到底怎麼翻的

ClownT 09/22 09:05「體積變得更大」就翻變得更壯就好了……

Kazmier 09/22 09:05最大問題就是健康啊

Kazmier 09/22 09:05看看球家兄弟

※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 09/22/2023 09:06:40

ChenWay 09/22 09:08故意關機他讓Hayes有上場機會,等到聯盟發現Hayes扶

ChenWay 09/22 09:08不起後才同意活塞捨棄他

handfox 09/22 09:14‘’從俄克拉荷馬州立大學畢業的他‘’

vince4687 09/22 09:14Hayes不是還在活塞嘛 噗

stpmouse 09/22 09:15推翻譯 活塞跟CC都加油

f77928 09/22 09:25發言得體 基本上是近幾年最成熟狀元

ChenWay 09/22 09:25在活塞等於沒捨棄?

ClownT 09/22 09:36建議原PO如果是自己翻譯的話 不要一直直翻啦 這情況

ClownT 09/22 09:36好像很多次了

RandyPerseus09/22 10:53模範生

tyrone0923 09/22 11:49看好今年他跟Ausar的搭配,別傷的話活塞應該有起色

GGGHILL 09/22 11:54蠻喜歡他的,也希望他能健康出賽。不過個人沒很看好

hasn8620 09/22 11:57這隻一定要拉去打奧運 看好起飛

NCKUJaneWu 09/22 12:07他打美國隊看起來都比對位高一顆頭 控球又穩

GaryHarris 09/22 12:52打鐵還需自身硬

hid53924 09/22 15:20這隻真的是小luka 基石等級的

justaID 09/22 17:40CC加油,滿看好他除了天賦,態度也成熟

missyou426 09/22 18:34CC沒問題!這季就看他了

Satomisan 09/22 21:56這id不意外啊 根本超雲 洗發文數而已