[外絮] 聯盟與球員協會同意:停賽期間不做藥檢

看板NBA標題[外絮] 聯盟與球員協會同意:停賽期間不做藥檢作者
時間推噓42 推:44 噓:2 →:12

來源: Yahoo Sports

Sources: NBA players won’t be subject to drug testing during coronavirus
在因疫情停賽的期間 NBA球員不會被叫去做藥檢

The NBA and the National Basketball Players Association have reached an
agreement to not subject players to drug testing during the hiatus caused by
the coronavirus, league sources told Yahoo Sports.

Players typically undergo “six random, unannounced urine drug tests during
each season and off-season,” as stated in Article XXXIII of the collective
bargaining agreement.

This rare agreement is only temporary, sources said.

Marijuana, steroids and performance-enhancing drugs are some of the banned
substances in the league’s anti-drug program, even though some states allow
recreational and medicinal marijuana use for those 21 or older.
大麻,類固醇以及體能增強藥物 (Performance-enhancing drugs,PED)是聯盟反藥物計畫裡面幾項被禁止使用的物質,儘管在某些州允許21歲以上的人可以娛樂性以及醫療性使用大麻。

According to the CBA, players testing positive for drugs of abuse are banned
from the league for a minimum of two years, and players testing positive for
performance-enhancing substances are suspended for 25 games for a first
violation, 55 games for a second violation and are banned from the league fora minimum of two years for a third violation.

A positive test for heroin or cocaine warrants an automatic two-year

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended on Sunday that allevents with the expectancy to hold 50 or more individuals be postponed or
canceled for the next two months.

But with this crisis being categorized as a pandemic and the uncertainty of
when the outbreak will subside, the league is left wondering how long it willbe until it can resume play and some are questioning if the season will be



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Ayanami5566 03/17 00:30服務生表示:

tony20095 03/17 00:30smoke weed everyday 開抽囉!

lickllll 03/17 00:36開抽~~~~~~

web946719 03/17 00:42weeeeeeed

tomlee1130 03/17 00:44The Next Episode!!!

gn00945822 03/17 00:47沒季後賽的已經開始放假了

KuaKuaGi 03/17 00:49大呼過癮!

GeeBen 03/17 00:57開賽第一天全部做藥檢

GeeBen 03/17 00:57直接再次關門 因為沒人可以上場

EMSOK 03/17 00:58開吸

theskyofblue03/17 00:59WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED

takechance 03/17 01:00球員沒比賽可以狂吸大麻了 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Gsun 03/17 01:29兄弟們開趴囉 我~~請~~客~~~

bestteam 03/17 01:32讓你在家嗑藥的意思

GGxyz 03/17 01:34Smoke weed~~~~~

yuen1029 03/17 01:47就是可以讓你們抽大麻的意思 聯盟真讚

nash3000 03/17 01:48抽起來

sliverstream03/17 01:49軟糖吃起來~~~

js2a117573 03/17 01:51拖掉平常的包袱管你軍公教 這是天然的處方像在吃中

how870927 03/17 01:55開飯囉囉囉囉囉囉囉

asianDUB 03/17 02:20現在2020 沒人在講飯了好嗎

okc5566 03/17 02:40嗨起來的意思

sesd 03/17 02:44萬一檢下去 發現123級全吃怎麼辦

jack10814 03/17 03:40煙霧彌漫 我們開始fun

AbukumaKai 03/17 05:23吸個爽

turnpoint 03/17 05:36可能是聯盟覺得在家嗑藥也比外出趴趴造安全?

lmeet5566 03/17 05:36CCCCC吸起來

ErnieYang 03/17 06:52吸完在家軟趴趴比較安全

a9527a 03/17 06:52high起來

kuaiphoto 03/17 06:53尼克老闆:為了球隊在6月還有機會可以打球,全隊不

kuaiphoto 03/17 06:53能嗨嗨

liaojames10503/17 07:20當初我也讓誰引領進門 每次看病像鄉巴佬進城

entsai 03/17 08:15第一個想到服務生

pjharper 03/17 08:19服務生:現在找狗哥很方便~

Scubadive 03/17 08:30聽聽妳的心跳 輕輕呼出我的新藥

CMPunk 03/17 08:37狗哥表示:weeeeeeed

ldeathkiller03/17 08:56起嗨

liuche 03/17 08:59Oh Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

xm3k0828 03/17 09:25比爾終於不用被追殺了

thibw13ug1 03/17 09:35smoke weed everyday

a060146252 03/17 09:43抽起來

destiny3952 03/17 10:25在家發瘋也比出門好的意思?

mikol 03/17 10:45在家飛也比在各大城到處飛安全

wesley72338603/17 10:47不被驗殘留要半年吧

chill247 03/17 10:56運動員在代謝很快滴

lkk88 03/17 10:57destiny大XDDDD

GreedyPola 03/17 11:24

idlewolf 03/17 11:42PaPaPaPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaty!

idlewolf 03/17 11:43麻的還打錯 看來我也吸多了XD

SCLPAL 03/17 13:07樓上沒有RRRRRRR (恩!?)

pi020412 03/17 15:25開嗑囉

heyman32147803/17 15:33飛行球員

corlos 03/17 16:06大麻缺貨

asidy 03/17 19:45小李,beal:耶~~~

dynamo 03/17 19:48聯盟這是在釣魚嗎?

tp6m4g0 03/17 21:46跟棒球相比,籃球比較不用吃禁藥吧?

dajyunlin 03/18 03:51服務生爸:吾兒開吸

Tawara 03/18 11:42我從你的2K表現懷疑你有吃藥