[情報] 待選秀Okongwu有腳傷,訓練營可能報銷

看板NBA標題[情報] 待選秀Okongwu有腳傷,訓練營可能報銷作者
時間推噓18 推:18 噓:0 →:14

BREAKING - sources say projected Lottery pick Onyeka Okongwu currently has an injured foot.

Teams in tonight’s NBA Draft Lottery are a scrambling to get medical info on Okongwu’s foot to determine the severity of the injury.

Okongwu has fans with teams in the mid/late Lottery.


Two NBA sources: Onyeka Okongwu has a foot injury that could cost him training camp and maybe some of the regular season. Could impact where he's chosen in tonight's NBA draft (but not a lot).



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kafing89 11/18 23:07大跌囉,可以撿便宜了

mose56789 11/18 23:08感覺要跌倒樂透外了

LuckyoPuppy 11/18 23:09落選秀區挖寶囉

auron4041 11/18 23:11爽哦

a3221715 11/18 23:13

ilanese 11/18 23:13本來是前五順位吧?

Himawarisa 11/18 23:13巫師有沒有機會撿到?! 記得不知道在哪看到他很適合

Himawarisa 11/18 23:13巫師

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ranpla 11/18 23:16吳家之光要跌停了...

rulDD 11/18 23:18有傷的麻煩留給七六人 感恩感恩

Ten6666 11/18 23:20開撿了

etop 11/18 23:20應該要智將

jefflin0824 11/18 23:21大跳水 準備抄底

lonelysam 11/18 23:23撿便宜阿 跟當年金塊撿到MPJ一樣爽

ivo88114 11/18 23:24前五往下掉囉 誰要撿呢

a3107903 11/18 23:30MPJ一開始預估狀元, 這個要一樣爽很難啦

TimmyJiang 11/18 23:32聽說今年的小綠屋升級是吧?看來又能看到代選新秀崩

TimmyJiang 11/18 23:32潰秀了

LuckyoPuppy 11/18 23:44是說今年不是線上選秀嗎?

LuckyoPuppy 11/18 23:44還是我記錯

kyoiori100 11/18 23:56歐孔吳

Kazmier 11/19 00:01歐康古

hunder31 11/19 00:56留給我牛吧~

SCLPAL 11/19 01:44?!!?!?

Kazmier 11/19 01:45沒傷公牛也選的到吧 安啦

chrisplash 11/19 02:02腳趾而已 沒事

canlest 11/19 02:23公牛沒有要這隻吧

skylove21 11/19 03:21公牛應該要把選秀籤拿去換即戰力才是 陣容不需要選

skylove21 11/19 03:21來要練的

ashebird 11/19 08:53吳阿康撐著

iamaq18c 11/19 09:51可以撿!