[情報] 裁判報告:蘭德爾走步判罰無誤

看板NBA標題[情報] 裁判報告:蘭德爾走步判罰無誤作者
時間推噓26 推:27 噓:1 →:20

裁判FOSTER接受了記者Brian Mahoney採訪,談到了這次的判罰原因

QUESTION:Could you clarify the traveling call against Julius Randle with 3.
2 seconds remaining?

你可以詳細說說最後3.2秒吹罰Julius Randle的走步違例嗎?

FOSTER:The defender was deemed to touch the ball, but not cause it to be di
slodged or loose.? Upon that when the player alights he cannot purposely dro
p the ball or dribble the ball or be first to touch after he dropped the bal


QUESTION:The defender can touch the ball, but it can be ruled that he act
ually didn’t knock the ball out of his hand.”


FOSTER: “That’s correct. Basically prior to Julius alighting the ball was
touched. He alighted and he can pass or shoot but he cannot purposely drop t
he ball and be the first to touch nor can he dribble.”

Foster:沒錯,在Julius Randle落地前籃球被碰到了,當他落地後,他可以傳球,可以投籃,但不能故意掉球後再碰球,也不能再運球。

QUESTION: “At the end of the game did you hear him approach you or the othe
r officials at all?


FOSTER:I saw him approach but all three officials went to center court to
allow the players to clear the floor, nobody heard him say anything.”



As Randle (NYK) jumps into the air, Irving (BKN) makes contact with the ball
, but does not dislodge it and does not cause Randle to return to the floor
with possession. Therefore Randle must pass or shoot before returning to the
floor. Since he does return to the floor with the ball still in his possess
ion, this is a traveling violation.




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pongbao 03/17 10:22小李要再發文嗎

MarcPolo 03/17 10:23葛雷森 喝茶時間到了

※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 03/17/2021 10:24:01

njunju 03/17 10:25這題其實是考裁判基本題吧 ?

superivan 03/17 10:27阿銀:小李給錢

JimmyBlue 03/17 10:28那就是KI碰到球的時候放掉就變成活球

hydebeast 03/17 10:32不是吧 裁判不是說他落地後可以傳球跟投籃 只是不

hydebeast 03/17 10:32能運球 後面怎麼說落地前要投掉

bbufoul 03/17 10:34應該連持球落地都不行吧

Leaflock 03/17 10:34口誤而已吧

sunnydragon703/17 10:35文章中間段落裁判說落地"後"還是可以傳球或投籃,

sunnydragon703/17 10:35但是不能運球,影片中他是落地後運球被吹違規,可

sunnydragon703/17 10:35是原PO在影片下的備註怎麼是寫落地前?

Leaflock 03/17 10:35順勢放掉球不就被拿走了嗎?

peter211183 03/17 10:41放掉就被抄了阿 他只能傳球或投球

st91184 03/17 10:43裁判前後文不一,以fiba 來說,從畫面上判斷球並未

st91184 03/17 10:43失落或失去控制,判罰走步正確。至於順勢放掉球,因

st91184 03/17 10:43為球的確是被碰觸干擾,正常來說並不會被認為是刻意

st91184 03/17 10:43使球失落,但順勢放掉球得冒著被抄截的風險

st91184 03/17 10:53不過我剛剛沒注意到他有運球,而且我也不熟nba規則

st91184 03/17 10:53,上面的看看就好

sunnydragon703/17 11:04PO抱歉我看錯了,不是原PO備註,是裁判前後文不一

sunnydragon703/17 11:04

hasn8620 03/17 11:08紅茶:他有摸我球 沒有空跳!!我沒有輸

NightSoul 03/17 11:16公園阿伯:壓球啦

tomatoWade 03/17 11:26依報告為準吧 訪問可能是口誤?

ckoldbig 03/17 11:26太陽能之翼

scsajk01 03/17 11:34唉,昨天不是有一堆鄉民裁判說小李比PTT懂球嗎???

scsajk01 03/17 11:36

super009 03/17 11:37打開推進器

ChrisPaul03 03/17 11:40被摸球的時間太短 不然應該可以要一個爭球

mark31326 03/17 11:41小李484NBA菜比巴

kawhiHarden 03/17 11:43還氣成那樣 笑死

mark31326 03/17 11:45KI都沒碰到才是落地前要處理掉;他碰到了,就落地不

mark31326 03/17 11:45能運球

chatnoir 03/17 11:45昨天不是很多人打臉鄉民沒有小李懂球?

scsajk01 03/17 11:48人咧?

leutk 03/17 12:04這真的最基本籃球觀念 他順勢放掉當然就沒關係 不

leutk 03/17 12:04算走步 但是有可能球就被抄走

st91184 03/17 12:13推文提到爭球的部分,爭球必須是不同隊球員以單或

st91184 03/17 12:13雙手緊握球體,且若不用大動作搶球無法獲得球時才會

st91184 03/17 12:13發生,並不是接觸時間長短,以這個情況來說,若防守

st91184 03/17 12:13者手一直在球體上直到投籃動作結束,那就會宣判爭球

FOUR2670829203/17 12:52喝茶的時間到了

wkshiao 03/17 13:23裁判沒有口誤,是前段翻譯的問題

sylviehsiang03/17 13:36又起步偷跑!罰120秒

msarthur 03/17 13:47昨天那串好幾個ID跑去隔壁老奶奶串了吧 哈哈

etop 03/17 15:15喝紅茶了

k94217556 03/17 21:57跑不贏隼人!