[花邊] LBJ在Mountain Dew廣告裡展現舞技

看板NBA標題[花邊] LBJ在Mountain Dew廣告裡展現舞技作者
時間推噓29 推:29 噓:0 →:5

來源: FastCompany

Watching LeBron James salsa dance in this new Mountain Dew ad is the best
thing you’ll see today
LBJ在Mountain Dew的新廣告裡面跳Salsa

As ad teasers go, this one was promising. On May 10, LeBron James retweeted aclip for a new commercial for Mountain Dew Rise. It featured the NBA champ .
. . mowing the lawn of a tasteful bungalow? Major brand. Insanely famous
person making a mundane task look cool with fantastic production values. OK, I’m listening.
先放了廣告的預告,讓大家覺得這廣告會很好看。在5/10的時候LBJ轉推了Mountain DewRise的新廣告。裡面有LBJ,在一間可愛的小房子前割草皮?有名的品牌加上知名明星,把一件平淡無奇的事情拍的很酷有價值?這讓我上鉤了。


The full ad, released May 13 and created by TBWA/Chiat/Day and directed by F.Gary Gray (Friday, Straight Outta Compton, Fate of the Furious), stars James
wondering where he’d be in life if he was the type of person who hit snooze
every morning. We see him doing everyday stuff like washing clothes at the
laundromat, watching cartoons in the middle of the day, and mowing the lawn
of his still tasteful bungalow. Of course this is LeBron James, so even if he’s not vying for NBA GOAT, he still manages to be the best at something:
salsa king!
完整的廣告在5/13釋出,導演是F. Gary Gray,由LBJ領銜主演,劇情是他想著若是他過著一個生活是每天早上按鬧鐘起床的生活。影片可以看到他做每天的例行事務,像是去洗衣店洗衣服,在白天看卡通,以及在他的可愛小屋前除草。當然,他可是LBJ,即使他沒有去搶當NBA的GOAT,他仍舊可以在某方面是頂尖的:Salsa舞王!


No doubt that Mountain Dew will get a huge image boost for Rise, but the realwinner here is LeBron.
毫無疑問Mountain Dew的Rise品牌形象會大大加分,但是真正的贏家則是LBJ。


"So that's why he's missing all those games, dance class"

"LeBron needs to dance like this if they make the 6th seed"

"Ankle looks healthy there..."

"This somehow turns me on"


"D- Dancing D-跳舞
N- Not N-不
P- Practicing" P-練習



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zjes40604 05/15 20:27糸柬王求女子口馬

laker7634 05/15 20:35樓下支援LBJ穿緊身衣跳舞片段

MrSatan 05/15 20:36

hhll5566 05/15 20:46只記得他之前跳舞躲T

kiralin 05/15 20:47姆斯真的什麼都會

tvbstim 05/15 21:07

wumins 05/15 21:11The Dance

Sailingeegee05/15 21:14騷啊

FAYeeeeeeee 05/15 21:24THE 扭

ayuro 05/15 21:25DNP笑死XD

gp03dan 05/15 21:27LeDancer

CarlosJR 05/15 21:27

xjapan329 05/15 21:34

bbbruce 05/15 21:45好想喝歐 感覺不錯喝

s9x56666 05/15 21:50XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

crishding 05/15 21:52前隊友也是不惶多讓

david884050505/15 21:54Mountain Dew台灣超商都有

camelot0603 05/15 21:54肌肉版舞棍阿伯...詹復台

JeremyKSKGA 05/15 22:07我記得之前他跳Billy Jeans還惹Joakim Noah不爽XD

P69045 05/15 22:23 姆斯連唱歌都略懂

tinhanho 05/15 22:30其實蠻好笑的

Joey1999 05/15 23:10黑人真的天生自帶跳舞技能,那個節奏感真D猛

akko76815 05/15 23:13超商就有了 好喝大推 屌打雪碧

akko76815 05/15 23:14一罐好像29

gp03dan 05/15 23:46Mountain Drew現在是我最愛喝的汽水,哈哈

gp03dan 05/15 23:46更正:Mountain Dew

Monetelliz 05/16 01:17跳得很好欸,到底有啥是我皇不會的

ctes940008 05/16 03:32中文名字是激浪? 真的甜

jeffsu 05/16 03:38黑人真的很會跳舞 好自然

killuaz 05/16 09:07舞裝晶片

nostar 05/16 09:17沙瓦滴咖 你好嗎 我是一隻泰國蝦

littlelaibia05/16 11:55他怎麼塞進那雙小皮鞋的xd

stja 05/16 15:03