[外絮] 阿泰:KD是十分優秀的球員

看板NBA標題[外絮] 阿泰:KD是十分優秀的球員作者
(Ashley Grecia)
時間推噓36 推:38 噓:2 →:15


I love KD. I always tell people, I was so lucky to catch him in 2009 or 2010
when he was still raw, but Lebron is probably this yeah he was the best pla
yer in the world, he hurt himself and when he Hurt himself he wasn't the bes
t player in the world. When he comes back next year, you know, I think LeBro
n will still be the best player in the world next year.


KD is a hell of a player hall of famer. You know I'm saying but LeBron is ju
st different and they played different. LeBron is more of a guy. LeBron is h
e plays chess and I think KD took him to a piece of that go on a team where
you can win construct the team where he can win because that's what you're g
oing to ultimately be judged on. and KD got through two rings now so he's th
ere, he's almost there, he's almost there. He almost there, he really needed
this year to really take that away from LeBron.


I just think when LeBron took that Cleveland team to the championship. LeBro
n takes you can't, it is different and I think KD is amazing, but LeBron goe
s to the finals, right? So there's no disrespect, against KD. I really want
to know KD. I don't like people talking about him, but LeBron takes team to
the finals. So I can't give KD that edge



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pokerhow 06/27 12:40阿泰要帶團繞台灣了嗎

kawihsu 06/27 12:40KD真的猛啊

silencepap 06/27 12:40好好打拳擊吧,這種捧來捧去的言論真的看膩了

openbestbook06/27 12:41所以籃網今年會拿冠軍嗎?

zero549893 06/27 12:42KD:我也這麼覺得

lichi750626 06/27 12:42可是這次少先發球員的是KD自己這隊不是對面,當然

lichi750626 06/27 12:42無法跟姆斯一樣啊

no321 06/27 12:42看一下內文吧 不是只有捧

kosoj6 06/27 12:43KD:阿泰說得很對

josephpu 06/27 12:43KD:KD最喜歡你這種誠實的人

zold 06/27 12:43但是籃網其他球員太差

ericchen072506/27 12:43KD:KD是聯盟第一人

julian42 06/27 12:44騎士奪冠年有ki love

gg8n8nd34ss 06/27 12:44籃網都幾星了 就算受傷其他綠葉也不爛好嗎

live147222 06/27 12:44還2017渣渣的債,而且KD還不能說字母哥笨拙 笨拙是

live147222 06/27 12:44他自己發明護航渣渣的

caesst85149 06/27 12:45KD: KD是十分優秀的球員

jtch 06/27 12:45KD會加盟一支可以贏球的隊伍

whatahw1 06/27 12:46被KD在面前投過三分

encorek0123106/27 12:49重點 KD took him to a piece of that go on a team

encorek0123106/27 12:49 where you can win

d8731400 06/27 12:54準備奶雞置板凳看戲XDDD

jeffsu 06/27 13:01kd最在意跟姆斯比了 這言論kd 一定會發推XD

qsccft123 06/27 13:01比散步KD確實還差的遠

k99999 06/27 13:04這擺明就是明褒暗貶,不過很中肯

d8731400 06/27 13:04KD真的超在意跟LBJ比較

sola16084 06/27 13:06KD會加盟一支可以贏球的球隊 這句話是在酸KD投降勇

sola16084 06/27 13:06士嗎XD

poiuy178 06/27 13:08KD無解 怎麼輸

shasen1235 06/27 13:09美國人第一句捧你還別先太開心XDD

aa89028500 06/27 13:09其實在捧LBJ

p5319 06/27 13:11KD會去加入可以贏球的隊伍,這太中肯XD

pinCC 06/27 13:20阿泰被KD盜帳號

Jaydavid 06/27 13:23無解到二輪淘汰 真的強

Superwoof 06/27 13:32KD已經是歷史級砍將了 可惜跟老詹比還是有段差距

ckm618 06/27 13:40阿泰有鄉民懂籃球嗎? 還不快來籃球聖地PTT求經啊

cktony 06/27 13:55比什麼,直接來加入我詹,還不三連霸

zaza1128 06/27 13:56說的不錯

RonArtest 06/27 13:57欸 我帳號密碼怎麼被改了?!

wai0806 06/27 14:01樓上本人XDDD

kobebryant0806/27 14:15騎士三巨頭奪冠 怎講的好像都靠姆斯

markvend 06/27 14:16籃血懦夫底薪加鹿!

gcar 06/27 14:21美國人最喜歡第一句話後面加個BT了

pippen2002 06/27 14:28全世界\都知道!!

kuvivian 06/27 14:48看內文怎麼覺得捧LBJ更多一些

ckleman 06/27 15:23是在捧姆斯吧

Hsu1025 06/27 15:40阿泰被KD盜帳號

fdruecek 06/27 16:32笑死,一堆人不看內文

SuikaJasper 06/27 19:28其他綠葉不爛啊,但有好到可以奪冠嗎?16騎別說白丟

SuikaJasper 06/27 19:28KI了,給你一個綠葉取代KI你覺得騎士會贏嗎?

timgjh 06/27 22:21翻譯:KD是姆斯之外最好的球員

lbhwtcts416906/27 23:05一人之下萬人之上的概念 其他球星真的都有段距離

wisdom0607 06/27 23:37標題看成 KD : KD是十分優秀的球員

allen5743 06/28 09:18KD: 會加盟一支可以贏球的隊伍...KD不知道你在公三

allen5743 06/28 09:18