Re: [花邊] 拓荒者公關拒絕記者追問性侵事件

看板NBA標題Re: [花邊] 拓荒者公關拒絕記者追問性侵事件作者
時間推噓11 推:12 噓:1 →:11

※ 引述《beckseaton (What a lovely day)》之銘言:
: He looked prepared to answer the question.
: A shame he wasn't allowed to respond.
: Wow.
: Jason Quick just asked Billups to discuss his comments about the 1997
: allegations shaping him and Trail Blazers PR shut it down, refusing to let
: Billups even respond.
: That looks bad.
: Here is Trail Blazers PR shutting down a valid question from
: @jwquick
: about Billups and the 1997 sexual assault allegations.
: This is embarassing. #RipCity
: 拓荒者新教練槍西的記者會上 記者想問他對於當年事件的評論
: 馬上被公關拒絕直接下一題 不少人都覺得槍西看起來有準備要回答
: 記者會開完當然評論對於Olshey等一堆官腔回應以及整個事件都不是很好
: 看來還有得燒..

後續 ESPN 有整理在該記者會中,槍西發言的文字稿(在前述事情發生前的情況),主要跟日前爆出的性侵案底爭議有關


"Before I even talk about my role with the team and me being the head coach,
I first want to talk about ... the incident that happened in 1997," he said.
"There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about how every decision
we make could have a profound impact on a person's life. I learned at a very
young age as a player, but not only [as] a player but [as] a young man, a
young adult, that every decision has consequences. And that's led to some
really, really healthy but tough conversations that I've had to have with my
wife, who was my girlfriend at the time in 1997, and my daughters about what
actually happened and what they may have to read about me in the news and themedia.

1997年發生的『那件事』。我沒有一天不在想,我們所做的每一個決定都會對一個人的 生活產生深遠的影響。作為一名球員,我打從小時候就學會了,不僅僅是作為一名球員 ,更是身為一個年輕人、一個年輕的成年人,所下的每一個決定都有後果。這導致我不 得不與我的妻子(她在1997年時是我的女朋友)和我的女兒們進行一些非常、非常健康 但艱難的對話,討論實際發生的事情以及他們可能不得不在新聞和媒體上看到的關於我 的內容。」

But this experience has shaped my life in so many different ways. My decision-making, obviously. Who I allow to be in my life, the friendships and relation-ships I have and how I go about them. It's impacted every decision that I makeand it's shaped me in some unbelievable ways. I know how important it is to
have the right support system around you, particularly in tough, difficult

「但這一經歷在許多不同方面改變了我的生活。很顯然的,我自己決定誰可以出現在我的 生活中,我的友誼和關係以及我如何去做。它影響了我做出的每一個決定,它以一些令 人難以置信的方式改變了我。我知道在你身邊有正確的支持系統是多麼重要,特別是在 艱難、困苦的時候。」



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matsuwu 06/30 13:04這感覺沒有講完...

bada 06/30 13:22這討論蠻..的 Kidd也家暴啊 現在是選聖人運動員?

dcoog7880 06/30 13:25果然黑人只要有錢有名氣 罪犯也能變聖人

PeterHenson 06/30 13:26標準蠻低的欸 沒性侵就沒事了

laptic 06/30 13:30查了一下,後續都是在說他本身的感想,跟性侵案底沒

laptic 06/30 13:30有關係

laptic 06/30 13:31的感想 → 上任教練的感想

JackSmith 06/30 13:31Kidd是被老婆長期家暴啊,他才是受害者

LillardTime 06/30 13:36Kidd家暴案 所以當時美國拓迷其實兩個都看不順眼

ihx00 06/30 13:40不要無限上綱說什麼選聖人,這只是基本人品問題

otblue 06/30 13:43還沒問的時候就先講先贏,希望球迷買單~

iamchyun 06/30 13:56廢話 槍西面臨就是性侵疑雲 沒性侵就沒事啊 不然咧

iamchyun 06/30 13:56

iamchyun 06/30 13:57酒蛋到台灣愚弄球迷還挺他的球迷標準就很高嗎?

jenkl 06/30 14:03不就跟科比一樣,最後靠和解

westwood201006/30 14:05kidd跟他應該不一樣吧?kidd是長期,槍西那事件實

westwood201006/30 14:05際上是怎樣也無從得知吧?

deferwhat 06/30 14:16只要明年戰績好大家就忘了吧

sunnyyoung 06/30 14:28其實什麼都沒講

Brucetk 06/30 16:30翻譯:我的確有性侵,也付出很大的代價,我每天都

Brucetk 06/30 16:30在懺悔,你們可以接受我嗎?

allyourshit 06/30 16:36他哪裡有承認性侵?樓上超譯

redsoxnation06/30 16:59本來就沒什麼好講的,無聊

svchost6 06/30 20:46南投口交暴徒TSJ罪名也沒成立呀