[情報] ROG Z490 系列規格圖

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渣翻譯:ASUS Z490 系列

Just hours after sharing ROG Maximus XII information with you, we received
another set of slides from an anonymous source. This time specifications
slides are focusing on ROG STRIX and PRIME series for the Intel Comet-Lake-S

What we’ve noticed immediately is the exclusivity of the SLI support. While
all motherboards with at least two PCIe x16 slots support AMD CrossFire, the
SLI support has become a premium feature. Sure, this has could’ve been
observed with the Z390 series, but some models have lost the support (for
instance Z390-H had SLI). So pay attention to what motherboard you are buyingif ever think of upgrading your system to dual-GPU configuration.

ASUS will spawn at least eight ROG STRIX Z490 motherboards. As you can see
there are Standard ATX, MicroATX and even Mini-ITX motherboards planned. The
ROG STRIX Z490-I is the only motherboard to support HDMI 2.0A out of the
whole lineup.

What is also interesting is that each and every one of ROG STRIX 490
motherboard supports 2.5 Gbe Ethernet connection. This is not the case with
the PRIME series, as only PRIME Z490-A has the Intel I225-V network module,
otherwise its 1 Gbe connection.

If you are seeking a 10 Gbe connection, then only ROG MAXIMUS XII will have
such an option.

Later in the post, we are also sharing details on ASUS Optimem III technologyand how new Z490 motherboards support DDR4 speeds up to 4800 MHz.


1.Z490-E 有14+2相供電,Z490-I有8+2相供電其他則是12+2相供電。
2.TB3只支援到atx規格主機板 matx及itx規格沒有。
3.itx主機板是唯一i/o畫面輸出有支援到HDMI 2.0a的板子(你打算用內險跑嗎...) 。
4.其他太細了 看不懂 各位客棺自己看。




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※ 編輯: cz031300 ( 臺灣), 04/21/2020 09:20:00

Juten 04/21 09:21tb3大概又留給asrock那邊出?

bianbao 04/21 09:29itx 你要裝什麼需要到 TBT3

AreLies 04/21 09:50Strix Z490-G MATX

AreLies 04/21 09:50723要不要買

TheIronMan 04/21 10:05back io hdmi給2.0a 內顯是跑的動哦

b325019 04/21 10:13TB3有什麼是atx用得到itx用不到的嗎

NX9999 04/21 11:01看起來Strix Z490-E Gaming CP值很高

seraphalpha 04/21 11:05TB3最大功用就是串接一堆外接裝置..ATX本身擴充性

seraphalpha 04/21 11:05很夠裝TB3才是多餘..

a58524andy 04/21 11:10itx才需要TB3啊

a58524andy 04/21 11:10空間真的很機掰的話可以玩一台itx一台外接盒然後分

a58524andy 04/21 11:10開放

astranagan 04/21 11:26內顯HDMI2.0a應該是拿來播UHD BD用

bianbao 04/21 11:30那你這樣還不如直接用 ATX 比較快又比較省錢

shin2190 04/21 11:48一個何不食肉糜的質疑,關鍵是itx比atx需要tb3,而不

shin2190 04/21 11:48是為啥不改用atx...

Aquarius126 04/21 11:50有人就不想放atx那麼大台嘛0.0

Nafusica 04/21 12:04為了TB3,然後全部搞外接,然後外接方案過熱/降速

Nafusica 04/21 12:04看不懂為什麼要為了成本過高的方案硬塞ITX

Nafusica 04/21 12:05就跟USB Type-C一樣:短時間內一直變版,然後一般人

Nafusica 04/21 12:05覺得只要長成type-C就可以萬能了一樣

Nafusica 04/21 12:06沒有dp/pd的type-c的方案,即使前後I/O佔用小

Nafusica 04/21 12:06永遠都是半套

bianbao 04/21 12:11除非你的 TBT3 是接 x4 PCIe 裝置, 不然哪來需求是

bianbao 04/21 12:11TBT3 不可的?

bianbao 04/21 12:12既然有 x4 pcie 裝置需求, 你買 ITX 不就是自找麻煩

bianbao 04/21 12:12跑不滿速, 容易有相容性問題

acebruce 04/21 13:16又要小又要什麼都有 IT產品沒那麼好的事

NX9999 04/21 13:29看起來PRIME-A還比TUF-Plus高階一點點(指價錢)

hong414 04/21 13:32這次490起跳價多少呢

sincere77 04/21 13:59華碩這代記憶體佈線改DC,其實這樣也沒錯因為會插

sincere77 04/21 13:59滿四條的終究是少數

asxy25 04/21 14:28懷疑是12顆電感還是12相

maplefoxs 04/21 14:50HDMI 2.0很有用 可以接電視的4K HDR

maplefoxs 04/21 14:50之前幫客戶找還真的很難找 顯卡基本上沒有

slsamg7112 04/21 16:08我以為顯卡的HDMI版本通常都比螢幕快更新?

Hurricaneger04/21 19:04tb3買來不用也爽,總比買不到好..

commandoEX 04/21 19:06ITX+外接顯卡盒體積也沒小到哪吧

AKNorick 04/25 13:56ITX裝小機殼散熱不易要塞顯卡真的是一大考驗阿