[情報] Intel Announces 10nm Atom x6000E

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時間推噓13 推:14 噓:1 →:22

10nm SuperFin Atom & TGL UP3 for Embedded.


Intel Announces 10nm SuperFin Atom x6000E Elkhart Lake, Celeron and Pentium

Intel announced its new Atom x6000E series 'Elkhart Lake' of processors
today, along with Pentium and Celeron N and J series chips, all targeted at
industrial, embedded, and IoT applications. Intel is also pressing its Tiger
Lake-UP3 chips into service for edge applications that require a higher levelof performance.

The Atom x6000E, Pentium, and Celeron processors feature either dual- or
quad-core Tremont designs. Base frequencies for the Atom models vary between
1.2 to 1.8 GHz, while boost speeds top at at 3.0 GHz for chips that come withthe feature. The Atom chips serve the 4.5W to 12W TDP range, while Intel
splits the Pentium and Celeron processors into 6.5W and 10W variants.

All models have baked in support for up to 64GB of dual-channel DDR4-3200 or
LPDDR4x-4267 memory, much like the Tiger Lake processors, and come in
BGA-mounted packages, meaning they aren't socketed processors. Intel also
segments the stack by only providing ECC support for the Atom processors.

The lineup comes with Gen11 graphics, which Intel says offers up to twice theperformance of the Gen9 graphics found on prior-gen models. Atom also takes astep forward, courtesy of the Tremont architecture, to notch a 1.7X gain in
single-threaded workloads and 1.5X gain in multi-threaded work over
previous-gen Goldmont Plus

As we see with chips destined for the IoT space, Intel offers a seven to
ten-year support window, and that includes ensuring the chips will be
available throughout that same window. Intel also leans in on AI support withthis generation, including support for the OpenVINO toolkit that includes
containerized packages to speed deployment of automation, sensing, and visionapplications.

Intel is also pressing its Tiger Lake-UP3 chips into service for applicationsthat require a higher level of performance. These chips come with all of the
normal trimmings of the Tiger Lake processors, which you can read about
in-depth here, like the 10nm SuperFin process, Xe LP graphics, Thunderbolt 4,and support for AVX-512 and VNNI.


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sa950502 09/24 18:44因為10nm廢的只有這種低階東西才能用啊

sa950502 09/24 18:458c16t的4g根本生不出來 廢到笑

AXby 09/24 18:52就時脈拉不上去所以桌面用CPU一直出不來啊

AXby 09/24 18:52出來性能比上代還弱能看嗎?

jior 09/24 18:54這應該會出現在surface go上吧?

dw7931425 09/24 18:54管他幾nm,Atom還是Atom

fu1vu03 09/24 18:56這在surface go. 不如去買IPad air

david711212309/24 19:04好廢

yoshilin 09/24 19:07會有效能評測嗎?

kevin850717 09/24 19:23效能+20%哪怕只有3Ghz都會上,想當年笑AMD高頻低能

commandoEX 09/24 19:28sg用的是core-i y系列啦,早就不用atom了

b325019 09/24 19:43是阿綜合效能比前代高哪有不出的問題

gameguy 09/24 19:49Atom就只是顆Atom

guogu 09/24 19:49目前i皇10nm都是出給低頻低功耗的u阿

KevinR 09/24 19:51因為電晶體少, 良率容易拉高

saimeitetsu 09/24 20:01如果Pentium N系列放完整的avx, avx2 我覺得蠻有競

saimeitetsu 09/24 20:01爭力的,至少舊的Q9000系列U都比不上,應該可以接

saimeitetsu 09/24 20:01近預設的一代core i

guezt 09/24 20:27低時脈低效能給Atom非常合情合理啊

delaluna 09/24 20:29AVX大多情境根本不會用到 低階Low power的更是不太

delaluna 09/24 20:29可能用到

friedpig 09/24 20:30反正阿痛就沒被放棄 拿去做大小核了 在單獨出純小核

friedpig 09/24 20:31的天經地義 IP盡可能用 加減發揮價值 反正都設計了

saimeitetsu 09/24 21:14小U純轉檔沒avx真的等到天荒地老

labbat 09/24 21:41轉檔用avx?有SSE4.1就很充足了

friedpig 09/24 21:43這種拉機拿來轉檔幹嘛 大家這麼愛轉檔喔

b325019 09/24 22:07拿atom轉檔是有沒有這麼愛轉啊...

darktasi 09/25 03:28良率太低的關係吧

jim543000 09/25 04:50真的就是良率問題而已啦 別說了

jim543000 09/25 04:51可以生出來沒問題 但出貨就大爆死 還不如不發佈

plug 09/25 07:13問轉擋是因為有nas場景應用吧

destroyss 09/25 10:15拉不上去只能給拉基ATOM練功 10nm++=14++++真的笑噴

commandoEX 09/25 10:30NAS也是靠QSV轉吧...靠ATOM本身NAS會卡死在那吧

b325019 09/25 11:18一定卡死,atom根本沒本事跑實時轉檔

friedpig 09/25 14:32nas是用硬壓阿

ccbbaa 09/25 17:29以前低價win平板還都是atom..現在都變成nas機了

ChungLi5566 09/26 13:47我以為atom都是0.1nm 沒想到Intel做出10nm的atom