Re: [問題] 只有英文能力,下一步該怎麼走

看板Salary標題Re: [問題] 只有英文能力,下一步該怎麼走作者
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※ 引述《peter98 (PyTorch AI套件爛死惹)》之銘言:
: 英文很好? 來
: Some people believe that when busy parents do not have a lot of time to spend: with their children, the best use of that time is to have fun playing games: or sports. Others believe that it is best to use that time doing things
: together that are related to schoolwork. Which of the two approaches do you: prefer?
: Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
先寫一篇350字的作文來看看 給你30分鐘寫

: 不允許使用拼字及文法檢查軟體(比如Grammarly或MS word內建拼字檢查等)

Dear all,

It's difficult to compare which approaches I prefered. Life is about to
experience and you will never now when you are really in that situation.
When I was young, I could only heard from other people that how they
raised their children and it's not easy to imagine what it really looks
If I have a child, I would prefer to spend most of my time with them.
Like the movie "Click", Adam spent almost his whole life time to
understand that the most precious and important thing in the world is
all about family.

This is real life not movie and we only live once. So, what will be my
answer for this.
Let me tell you, I will defitenely choose family.

Best regards,



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※ 編輯: xavier2301 ( 臺灣), 10/25/2023 16:43:22

ipipwrong10/25 17:21這單字是巷口小二的英文補習班每週交一篇的作業嗎?

kria530410/25 17:22this is a pen

GoGoJoe10/25 17:30"prefered" 應修正為 "preferred"。

GoGoJoe10/25 17:30"now" 應修正為 "know"。

GoGoJoe10/25 17:30"heard" 應修正為 "hear"。

GoGoJoe10/25 17:32"If I have a child" 應修正為 "If I had a child"。

GoGoJoe10/25 17:33"defitenely" 應修正為 "definitely"。

tom9100210/25 17:55原po不是在外商工作嗎?這英文能力…….

kevinmeng210/25 18:01真外國人,才沒在關心文法…

xavier230110/25 18:05我英文真的不好,相較於我的同事..看到這篇文章想寫寫

xavier230110/25 18:05看,但腦中沒什麼想法,想到就寫

xavier230110/25 18:05GOGOJOE大很厲害,我的文法很糟,都亂寫

peter9810/25 20:20就國中程度用字的文章阿~ 文法都是簡單的錯~ 貼到M$ word

peter9810/25 20:20都能幫你找一半問題出來,再去買個書學一下寫作架構鋪成

peter9810/25 20:21,網路找文章也可以~大概就這樣~

peter9810/25 20:23中式英文的話就Adam spent almost ...那句最明顯~但也沒

peter9810/25 20:23啥大問題,至少沒有讓中式英文造成意思的誤會~

peter9810/25 20:30欸回頭再看一次,我想問你Adam spent almost後面動詞你加

peter9810/25 20:30to是知道少數情況spend後面確實可以加to而不是常用的Ving

peter9810/25 20:31那句如果寫Ving就錯了,不過沒看過電影的人應該不知道Vin

peter9810/25 20:31g是錯的就是,但我好奇你你是不知道9成情況spend是加Ving

peter9810/25 20:31還是真的知道spend後面有時可以加to-V XD

peter9810/25 20:41補充一下,加to-V也是有點問題的,只是加Ving錯更多~

drajan10/25 20:48自信心低落到要在網路上糾正別人英文…?smh

GoGoJoe10/25 21:56一點也不厲害,我請chatgpt找的,所以我一直說學語文現在

GoGoJoe10/25 21:56真的cp低。

bms10/25 22:02現在回正式信都請用chatgpt 重寫一次好嗎

bms10/25 22:03免費軟體不用還一直顯示自己英文程度不好

bms10/25 22:05Chatgpt 出來之後基本上聽說就要強不然算不上英文好了

TERIYAKI10/25 23:23蠻多顯而易見的文法錯誤 很中式英文 也像為寫而寫的作文

s06yji310/26 01:16嗯...除了第一句話其他的內容跟題目無關欸。

GoGoJoe10/26 09:46語文真的運用空間剩下口語了 要坐下來學還要花錢不划算

GoGoJoe10/26 09:46如果是日常順便學還可以

charlie0110/26 10:44這串文到底在幹嘛 = =