Re: [問題] 只有英文能力,下一步該怎麼走
※ 引述《peter98 (PyTorch AI套件爛死惹)》之銘言:
: 英文很好? 來
: Some people believe that when busy parents do not have a lot of time to spend: with their children, the best use of that time is to have fun playing games: or sports. Others believe that it is best to use that time doing things
: together that are related to schoolwork. Which of the two approaches do you: prefer?
: Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
: 先寫一篇350字的作文來看看 給你30分鐘寫
Ok, let me try try look.
I prefer playing games or sports with kid, because as parents we
have jobs our own, and schoolwork is children's job. If we do
things related to schoolwork with children, that means we have to
do double jobs. So unless children really need your help to do the
schoolwork, you better stay aside, let them do it their own.
After all, I think the answer depends on children's need.
As parents don't give the children too much pressure.
In the future, when we look back, we would have pleasure
memory with children.
三百個字有點多耶。 三百個字母可以嗎?
大概B1 level. 需要再再加油一下
第一句看成:I prefer playing kid...
不過我覺得華人特愛用中文挑別人英文的錯 以上的評語都該改
特別用AI連結就是想讓出題跟答題的各位 想想現在這個時代考
笑死,這篇有 steven dad 的聲音
我英文爆爛居然看得懂,children's need要不要加s?
謝謝糾正。 應該要加s
Ok, let me try try look.
首Po各位好,小弟目前約27歲。台南人 曾經念過國立大學資訊科系,但程式被當的亂七八糟後就在大三時決定轉到私立科大英文系。 因為身體從上大學後變得很差,所以很多時候意志力也跟著變差常常事情堅持不下去,學習也一落千丈,後來意識到飲食和運動的重要性, 經過在學期間在網路上學習飲食和運動相關知識並執行後,讓身體在畢業前恢復到正常人的水準。 但畢業後不知道做什麼,然後只有英文好在南部薪水也都開很低,所以被招募員洗腦一波後就簽下去了。但做的過程中蠻不開心的,所以就一邊工作一邊做各種嘗試,像是考國營公職,或是讀之前爛掉的程式,但可能我資質還是太駑鈍,所以念不太起來。9
如果你薪水百萬 穩定朝九晚五上下班 沒有失業風險 那你可以跳過這篇文章 不用浪費時間了 但是如果你薪水低於平均年薪67萬 你可以參考看看 哀 每個月都會看到這種前途茫茫的文章 直接跟你說 去考消防員啦X
英文很好? 來 Some people believe that when busy parents do not have a lot of time to spend with their children, the best use of that time is to have fun playing games or sports. Others believe that it is best to use that time doing things together that are related to schoolwork. Which of the two approaches do you5
每次看到在這板和英語能力相關的文我就想說話了,真的,現在的我本人,早就有的不只 是英語能力,一樣在領國民年金帳單,被找上的還只有保全,估計真的去面談,一定要被 問說你台大畢業怎麼會想來 隨著時間過去,雖然老早脫離學生超久了,也不是沒在要求自己的進步,一樣,繼續領著 國民年金帳單,所以沒有英語能力的不用擔心,本人我早就寫過不只用英語語言寫進字串8
先寫一篇350字的作文來看看 給你30分鐘寫 : 不允許使用拼字及文法檢查軟體(比如Grammarly或MS word內建拼字檢查等) Dear all, It's difficult to compare which approaches I prefered. Life is about to experience and you will never now when you are really in that situation.
[問卦] reddit:同情台灣小孩,缺乏童年不像小孩(文長)在reddit 台灣版看到 Recently started teaching English to kill time. But damn I do feel sympathy for Taiwanese kids.8
Re: [新聞] 同志收養權未完善、孩子最佳利益受損 民根據維基百科 scientific research consistently shows that gay and lesbian parents are as fit and capable as heterosexual parents, and their children are as psychologically healthy and well-adjusted as those reared by heterosexual6
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