[情報] 0309 上市櫃外資投信同買排行

看板Stock標題[情報] 0309 上市櫃外資投信同買排行作者
(who is the man)
時間推噓 推:0 噓:0 →:0

排行 股票名稱 成交 漲跌 投信買 外資買

1 8046南電 266.5 +3.5 1136 92
2 3260威剛 71.2 +0.2 797 59
3 2303聯電 52.5 +0.4 632 21463
4 6274台燿 69.6 +6.1 500 1960
5 2472立隆電 72.2 +2.8 463 286
6 5425台半 110 -1.5 457 81
7 3231緯創 33.95 +0.15 429 43
8 3653健策 409 +3 306 65
9 6531愛普* 295 +11.5 215 420
10 9802鈺齊-KY 138 +4.5 200 763
11 2882國泰金 43.65 -0.1 188 3522
12 4966譜瑞-KY 996 +40 166 334
13 2345智邦 305.5 +5.5 159 1446
14 6412群電 84.2 +0.2 147 193
15 6679鈺太 296 +11.5 140 35


以上 謝謝


"When you live in the right way or you just given everything
to whatever you're doing, things happend organically and it's
not supposed to make sense but it just happens"

LeBron shares his fondest memories of Kobe


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