Re: [請益] 空超過100%到底什麼意思?

看板Stock標題Re: [請益] 空超過100%到底什麼意思?作者
(what the)
時間推噓推:134 噓:8 →:28

※ 引述《felixchen000 (Ironic Man )》之銘言:
: 如題
: 我看了好幾天的討論
: 但我還是不懂為什麼可以超過100%
: 不是應該要借的到才能空嗎?
: 還是其實不是空股票而是賣選擇權?
: 抱歉前面的文章我真的看不懂QQ
: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my Sony G8342.

A owns Apple stock 1 share
B borrows 1 share from A to sell to C
B borrows 1 share again from C to sell to D

so 1 share can be short n times


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (美國)
PTT 網址
※ 編輯: catqq ( 美國), 01/30/2021 13:02:16

yuchifan 01/30 13:02very good

yuchifan 01/30 13:02樓下翻譯翻譯

Beetch 01/30 13:03this is a pen

SilverFlare 01/30 13:03similar to house price in taiwan eh?

yuchifan 01/30 13:03I am hungry

tw168 01/30 13:04i have an apple

s58565254 01/30 13:04廢文

DRnebula 01/30 13:04iamhappy

babyMclaren 01/30 13:05naked shorts 基本上就是違法

curry1215 01/30 13:05so much chives

Nitricacid 01/30 13:05ikea

babyMclaren 01/30 13:051張變2張,2張變4張

pomelotea 01/30 13:06WE LIKE THE STOCK!

planktonadam01/30 13:06wow! magic!

yuchifan 01/30 13:06YOLO

felixchen00001/30 13:07ok thank u


laba5566 01/30 13:07egg E-G-G

diefish5566 01/30 13:07how are you i am fine thank you

LTAARON 01/30 13:08People mouton people sea

magamanzero 01/30 13:08peko~~

catqq 01/30 13:09I am autism I like AMC

Eide 01/30 13:09I like pekora peko

RainyCity 01/30 13:09shorted?

aspirev3 01/30 13:09nice to meet u and u?

ghb 01/30 13:09you only live once

SilverFlare 01/30 13:10You financial knowledge so good i kneel

pomelotea 01/30 13:10Kon peko kon peko kon peko~

frankochris 01/30 13:10維大利啦

Ikaros1110 01/30 13:11kon peko

firzen48 01/30 13:11Nigga

Whelsper 01/30 13:11so called GDP, I give u 1m to eat shit, u gimme

Whelsper 01/30 13:11 1m to eat shit, WE made 2m GDP by eatting shit

b2305911 01/30 13:11How dare you

pavaro 01/30 13:11叫我翻譯嗎

coolan 01/30 13:11howdoyoutrunthison

genest666 01/30 13:12it’s good to drink?

orange7986 01/30 13:12我都念ikea

GTOyoko5566 01/30 13:12Ahoy

lrac 01/30 13:12howdoyouturnthison

ttrreeee 01/30 13:12很難懂嗎= =

AllBlack 01/30 13:12this is a pen

horseorange 01/30 13:12Hello World

coolmayday 01/30 13:12Coffee or tea or me

ya01234 01/30 13:12what is this fuck mean!

casanovatony01/30 13:13share=股 short=空 英文爛可以估狗

charliebitme01/30 13:13I dot car.

thelittleone01/30 13:13Use English on Reddit and use Chinese on PTT

shutandlaugh01/30 13:13Tony stock

tom9062555 01/30 13:13就跟二房東一樣拉一間房間可以租2次

s155260 01/30 13:14ok

melzard 01/30 13:14Usada~Pekora peko!!! Do almond do almond!!!!!

Tsukasa0320 01/30 13:14Sell me this pen

Atwo 01/30 13:14how do you turn this on

aurior 01/30 13:15there is no spoon

AllBlack 01/30 13:15my father is 連 grandpa

cohj 01/30 13:15I'm Costco

rhox 01/30 13:15this is a pen

Ashand 01/30 13:15Sodesu

AllBlack 01/30 13:15coin master

GTOyoko5566 01/30 13:16Death is like the wind; always by my side.

AllBlack 01/30 13:16say my name

violegrace 01/30 13:17I have a pen.

newwu 01/30 13:18A

Mankind69 01/30 13:18Wow Jennifer Lopez!

ybz612 01/30 13:20kon peko

sole772pk37 01/30 13:21wow

VTX 01/30 13:22costco ikea yamaha honda toyota benz

oyaji5566 01/30 13:22I call it “Costco”

henace 01/30 13:23維大力?

TingTT 01/30 13:24I am the man with BALLS OF STEEL

flydevilgod 01/30 13:26I'm horney♡

AllBlack 01/30 13:26my pussy is wet

z2v2r2mk2 01/30 13:27A

yukai0919 01/30 13:28i fine thank you and you

no54615mju 01/30 13:28Okok

DOOT 01/30 13:28

c7683fh6 01/30 13:30維大利?

kiss78832 01/30 13:30fuck your sister and mom ! ok?

Akalios74 01/30 13:33ダレカツウヤクシテ

mp60707 01/30 13:34我都唸ikea

Lawleit 01/30 13:35it's good to drink?

AK56 01/30 13:35pawg

cruisertakao01/30 13:37jizz on all apples !

asderavo 01/30 13:37姆咪

gfsog 01/30 13:38義大利?

a22530722 01/30 13:39水辣

danry 01/30 13:40言簡意賅 thanks

a26893997 01/30 13:40當初讀相關論文也是這樣講 但實際有沒有落實沒人知

jasonchangki01/30 13:40PUI PUI

AllBlack 01/30 13:41Mia khalifa

peterchou 01/30 13:41笑死 可以

flamedevil 01/30 13:42I am iron man

quan81721 01/30 13:46you are so chicken bye

mickl8101 01/30 13:47維大力笑死XDDD

kentano 01/30 13:48ic

ryanhome 01/30 13:48say my name!!

lucien0410 01/30 13:50wow

TingTT 01/30 13:51YO YO YO 148 3 TO THE 3 TO THE 6 TO THE 9, REPR


ruokcnn 01/30 13:52真的是很簡單的股市邏輯 看不懂的是純韭菜

eeddded 01/30 13:52Trust me. You can make it!

centaurjr 01/30 13:54a day a apple keep doctor away

Merkle 01/30 13:55其實就是跟貨幣無限增值一樣的意思

Lineage5415 01/30 13:56維大力~

DennisTai0w001/30 13:56Hamburger !

XperiaZ6C 01/30 13:56this is a book!

iecq 01/30 13:57當A要拿回被借走的,但B手上沒東西...嘿嘿

Zzell 01/30 14:00B去跟C、D買回來就好

kk2025 01/30 14:00B還不了A要準備翻桌囉嘿嘿

creepy 01/30 14:01this is a pencil 簡單易懂

SiFox 01/30 14:03優文

TobyH4cker 01/30 14:09OK google

leejack30 01/30 14:09優文 簡單易懂

mchotdoggy 01/30 14:11Xcode is

mchotdoggy 01/30 14:11xvideo

speculator 01/30 14:12This is the way

zeldalight 01/30 14:14hi gura

tim2468x 01/30 14:17Nice

dianyingkong01/30 14:19優質易懂

chen7800 01/30 14:20cow be

spittz 01/30 14:21bravo~~

longtimens 01/30 14:22華爾街老是喜歡把東西套來套去轉來轉去

Arctica 01/30 14:27Are ya winning, Watson?

tran628 01/30 14:32this is investment

WWIII 01/30 14:35This is Italy

kanyewest92701/30 14:38good to drink?

Dean997 01/30 14:41這麼簡單的英文一堆人看不懂?

bestrace 01/30 14:42看不懂的英文是多爛

yfeel38 01/30 14:43簡單秒懂

krissada 01/30 14:44I AM HAPPY!

yccm 01/30 14:52I m fin thanx U, an U?

aalluubbaa 01/30 15:10can be "shorted"XDD

Snowman 01/30 15:162008就是套啊轉的 什麼奇怪東西都當商品賣才爆炸

coldeath 01/30 15:24蒿頭啊佑

kevin1996 01/30 15:41peko peko

neworld66 01/30 15:43跟我想的差不多

linjoe0913 01/30 15:46GG

Johorjaya 01/30 15:52good afternoon

kohanchen 01/30 15:52U so good Fck me in the ass

AGODC 01/30 15:53張x晶ㄧ屋多租的概念

sgxm3 01/30 16:02google翻譯的機翻也看懂的程度。看無的快拿去餵狗

piyieen 01/30 16:09make sky

wahaha99 01/30 16:23美國印鈔票 華爾街印股票 厲害了

mdkn35 01/30 16:25最後擁有那張share的不就拿到聖杯?

Refauth 01/30 16:35這就是複利?XD

hiphopmen 01/30 16:45put phi

fakeoldboy 01/30 16:56簡單易懂

leveger0903 01/30 17:05股版八卦版化

Keatonzeus 01/30 17:33im horny

D49361128 01/30 17:33それわ何ですが。

willy4907 01/30 17:36hi.siri

imemhaha 01/30 17:43I’m fine thank u and u?

ck030561 01/30 18:22幹這英文串是三小

zweihander9901/30 19:10Call me daddy,you slut.

mrnegativetw01/30 19:20HODL

chAD20306 01/30 19:23Yes, do as I say!

yasorcerer 01/30 19:24magic

zeon1984110201/30 19:53pui pui

SantaNM 01/30 20:11pen pineapple apple pen

metallolly 01/30 20:21This is an apple

liaixyz 01/30 20:36mama I am here

gemini6479 01/30 20:52哦哦哦懂了

dn91hde38b 01/30 21:16Mama I am criminal

offstage 01/30 21:39so des ga

p80080200 01/30 21:41簡單易懂

kklarinet 01/30 22:38義大利笑了XD

SungRZtW 01/31 00:42幹,笑死

Interpoint 01/31 09:41people mountain people sea

gestapo 01/31 09:42Excellent