[情報] 0628上市櫃外資投信買超金額排行

看板Stock標題[情報] 0628上市櫃外資投信買超金額排行作者
(who is the man)
時間推噓 5 推:5 噓:0 →:1


排行 股票名稱 百萬 收盤價 漲跌

1 1605華新 677 37 -0.45
2 8028昇陽半 295 71.4 +1.5
3 6415矽力-KY 255 2670 +145
4 4915致伸 226 61.4 +2.4
5 2498宏達電 186 57.7 -0.1
6 2409友達 181 16.85 +0.1
7 2049上銀 180 251.5 -6
8 4958臻鼎-KY 177 104.5 +0.5
9 8050廣積 177 59 +2.3
10 632R50反1 169 5.8 +0.05



排行 股票名稱 百萬 收盤價 漲跌

1 2317鴻海 351 112 +1
2 5274信驊 300 2125 +5
3 6719力智 289 490 +5.5
4 2330台積電 220 497.5 -1
5 2308台達電 159 236 -0.5
6 1795美時 123 148.5 -3
7 2412中華電 111 129 +0.5
8 8255朋程 109 172.5 +3.5
9 6477安集 107 55 +2.2
10 6245立端 99.4 66.5 +3.3


以上 謝謝


"When you live in the right way or you just given everything
to whatever you're doing, things happend organically and it's
not supposed to make sense but it just happens"

LeBron shares his fondest memories of Kobe


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Andy5566 06/28 17:30買紅茶店欸!

fire2968 06/28 17:36大哥你不要再韭了QQ

pig8282 06/28 17:37紅茶有啥利多嗎

pippen2002 06/28 17:394915友太猛!! 都快突破了???

unwisdom 06/28 17:52大哥...

pippen2002 06/28 17:55不過我還是習慣看張數....