[吃草] DailyHoroscope3/7
Making a wrong choice is not a sign that someone is foolish or stupid.
Even making several wrong choice in succession is not necessarily proof of that,
You may be making an assessment of someone based on their mistakes or their
failures , but you need to see the bigger picture before you have a true nuderstanding
of this person - or of anyone.
You can be quite a perfectionist in your ways , but surely even you make mistakes
and bad choices from time to time.
Give someone a chance today , and you may discover their is quite a lot of
admire about them.
[情報] 01/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 27 2022 你最近可能花了很多時間和精力在糾正別人的錯誤, 這可能來自於你錯誤的信念, 即別人的錯誤或過錯要由你負責, 但其實不是。9
[情報] 11/17 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 17 2021 在你生命中, 一個比你更年輕或更天真的人可能想要某些東西, 但你並不認同。 即使你是那個更年長、更有智慧的人,魔魔,6
[情報] 03/06 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 06 2022 你會以懷疑的態度面對一個最近來到你身邊的機會, 你可能會覺得它很弱或時機是錯誤的, 或你並不喜歡其中某些事。 摩摩,因為這些原因,3
[情報] 0226 DailyHoroscopeSomething you are pursuing now may be desirable to you for the wrong reasons. If you think it may be possible that this pursuit is based on proving somethin g to someone or going along with someone to gain their approval, then you need to be honest with yourself about it. It would be foolish to waste your precio us time and energy on something that is not truly a reflection of your heart,2
[情報] 0215 DailyHoroscopeYou may be looking at a decision you made recently as the end of the line. Tha t thought is scary, Capricorn, but it isn't realistic. You may be having doubt s because you are assigning a sense of finality to what you have chosen to do, but you can change your mind if you feel you have made the wrong choice. Howe ver, this might not be about actually making a wrong choice, but fearing that2
[情報] 04/17 the daily horoscopeA person with a good conscience feels bad when they do the wrong thing. We all get swept up in a moment now and then and we make mistakes. But when someone recognizes this and acknowledges it, it is the first step to redemption and th e first step towards making things right. Whenever someone acknowledges their mistakes, it shows that they care about their integrity. If someone reaches ou2
[情報] 05/10 the daily horoscopeYour opinion of a person or a situation may be skewed, Gemini. Even though you are smart, rational, and shrewd too, you may have a completely wrong impressi on of someone or something that is newer in your life. But your perception may be off-kilter a bit because you are reminded of some other negative person or situation from your past. You may not even realize it, and therefore you may2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/05/31若你覺得你在某件事的評估上出了差錯,這是個重新來過的最佳時機。錯了不是壞事。但是如果你無法認錯,麻煩就會開始見縫插針。事實上,正視錯誤,對自己承認,並去解決它,可以讓你變得更強也更靈活。如果你能回過頭來重新思考怎麼去正確的評量你生命中的某件事情,你就是真正的長大了,為此敬你一杯,阿牛。 Taurus horoscope for Monday May 31 If you feel that you might have been wrong about a certain assessment that you made recently, this is an excellent time to explore it all over again. There is nothing bad about being wrong. But if you can't admit that you were wrong, that's where the trouble can start. In fact, seeing a mistake, admitting it to yourself, and addressing it can make you stronger and more adaptable. If you can go back and figure out how to better evaluate something in your life, you have grown - and that's a cause for celebration, Taurus. --1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/11對於某人跟你分享的事情,你可能會基於你們之間的關係做出評斷。由於你認為對方很可靠又正直,你可能會覺得他們說的都是對的。不過,即使是可靠、正直的人還是有可能會弄錯一些細節,或是傳達出錯誤的資訊。今天花一點時間思考你所得知的消息,並自己找出真相吧,阿牛。這或許會跟你聽說的有所出入。差之千里,失之毫釐。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Jul 11 You may be making a judgment about a story someone has shared with you based on your relationship with that individual. Since you find them reliable and honorable, you may be just assuming that it's all true. But even a reliable, honorable person can get their facts mixed up, or they can receive and then share information that is incorrect. Take some time today to reflect on what you have learned, and seek out the truth on your own, Taurus. It might be a bit different from what you were told - and that could make an important difference. --- You need to see a mistake as a gift today, Gemini. You may be feeling foolish for making a mistake or being angry at yourself because you think you should h ave known better. But gratitude would be a better emotion to nurture. That mis take has opened you up to a broader way of thinking. It is showing you somethi ng you might not have seen if there had been no mistake. That really is a gift