[吃草] DailyHoroscope3/10
Someone may be criticizing or making you out to be not-so-nice because of a
decision you have made.
It probably isn't the decision that others would have made , so natually , there's
This is why it can be so hard to be a leader at times.
You are the one with the vision to move forward though , dear Taurus , and you
will have to endure complaints for now.
However , when things turn around , you will be considered wise and strong.
Try to use that thought as inspiration to keep on going.
[閒聊] 5/2 Daily HoroscopeYou may be wishing that you could put a stop to the negativity that seems to b e surrounding you now. You are hearing criticism and lots of reasons why a cer tain plan is not going to work. But are you sure your own voice isn't expressi ng some concerns or negative thinking too, Leo? That would be very unlike you, but even you have dark moments when you don't envision the happiest outcomes7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/28你或許不想讓別人認為自己不夠勇敢,因此無法接受他們放在你面前的挑戰。但別因為這 個原因就答應這個挑戰,親愛的阿牛。你當然夠勇敢,但你可能會認為接受這個挑戰不是 明智的選擇。這是個聰明且合理的反應。如果你因為你的選擇而被慫恿的話,請你抵抗。 除了自己,你不需要向任何人證明些什麼。做你認為最明智的事。 ——5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/17牛牛,你和你身邊的某個人擁有很強烈的意見衝突。這可能與道德、價值或你相信應該如 何去生活有關。而這些想法上的差異會引發你們的分歧,這似乎不是件聰明的事。 你可以做到暫時停止批判然後去發現發生了什麼嗎?在維持你鍾愛的信念的同時,試著抱 持寬容和客觀。去分享為什麼你相信你所做的事,讓他自然的發生。或許在這個過程,你 可以分享一些好的體驗和反思。5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/31是否有人一直在逼迫你呢,親愛的阿牛?或者你只是在遷就他們,因為你並不想跟他們發 生爭執?不論是哪個想法,你可能並不滿意現在正在忍受的情況。雖然扭轉目前的局面免 不了你想避免的爭執,但做出嘗試或許是個明智的決定。雖然可能會有一些摩擦、疲累, 甚至是敵意。但最終,你將不必擔心,也不用再強迫自己面對不公平時變得隨和,考慮一 下這個選擇吧。4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/24你也許在一個關頭上,要去做出一個能夠改變你生活中許多事情的決定,至少是有一部分的事情,或許還覆水難收。儘管你是很勇敢、大膽又直接的人,阿牛,這個決定的走向可能使你感到害怕。或許在改變上有很多方面無法去預測,自然而然地,這讓人擔心。但是,如果你夠想要你看上的東西,那麼這句話聽好了:你夠強,夠聰明,並且很能夠自我調整來成功地看待這件事,也能好好處理所有相關的變化。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Aug 24 You may be on the verge of a decision that could alter many things in your life-some of them, perhaps, irrevocably. Although you are a brave, bold, very straightforward individual, Taurus, the forward motion of this decision might scare you. There may be aspects of change that can't be predicted, and naturally, that's a concern. But if you want what you are aiming for enough, then you need this reminder: you are strong enough, smart enough, and adaptable enough to see this through successfully and deal with any of these changes. --3
[情報] 11/29 Daily HoroscopeIf the premier expert on all things related to an endeavor you are now taking on were to offer you advice, it would be wise to take it. That kind of authori ty is hard to resist, Leo. If someone important speaks, you want to listen bec ause you want them to convey their valuable knowledge so that you can do your best and enjoy whatever experience you are engaged with to the fullest extent.1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/29今天,阿牛,你需要去認知到「潛力」雖然是決策的重要環節,但是它不是全部。就算有個人或是有個機會很有潛力,能不能完全被開發又是另外一回事了。還有很多其他事情要去考量,包含了時機、計畫、方法、努力,當然,還包括了一點點的運氣。當你在做決策時,不要僅僅視其可能的未來而定。在下定決心之前,你還必須要去考慮其他因素。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Jun 29 Today, Taurus, you need to recognize that although "potential" is an important component of a decision, it isn't everything. Just because a person or an opportunity has potential, does not necessarily mean that the potential will be fulfilled. A lot of other things go into it - including timing, planning, strategy, hard work, and of course, a bit of good luck. As you make a decision, don't base it entirely on what it could be. You must also consider all of those other factors before you decide. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.1
[情報] 01/15 the daily horoscopeIf a lot of people have been criticizing you recently because of something you want to do, then you might as well stop criticizing yourself. After all, why add to the chorus of negative voices? Obviously, you have made your choice bec ause it's what you want. It shouldn't matter what others think. But if you are adding to the negative vibe because you are unsure, then that is something to1
[情報] 11/07 the daily horoscopeYou may be in the process of making a decision that you see as more than just financial. Yet you may be experiencing a conflict because someone else believe s it should be purely financial. You would prefer to blend in empathy and comp assion before coming to a decision, dear Gemini. Maybe you are being criticize d for that. The most honorable decisions are often subject to criticism, but i1
[情報] 2023/06/12~2023/06/18 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,你是否一直試圖「維修」一些並沒有出現問題的事情呢? 也許你正在試圖提高你的居住環境水平,或者你正試圖改變工作生活中的一些事情,讓事 情更理想化。 也許現狀並不是那麼糟糕。 在本週可能不會變得太好的變化之前,你需要考慮一下這個問題。