[吃草] DailyHoroscope10/29
If you have ever spent time in a room that contained a grandfather clock , you
know how aware it can make you that time is ticking away.
Each minute is marked by a shift of the minute hand.
Each pendulum swing reminds you that time has passed.
And every 15 minutes , the chimes announce that those minutes of your life can
never be recovered again.
If that seems like a morose way of thinking about it , it is meant to inspire
you to do more with something you keep putting off.
Whether this is the realization of a dream , a conversation you need to have ,
or anything else of importance , Taurus , don't waste any more time.
[閒聊] Kuz成為湖人那年整天都祈求能跟Kobe見面來源: 內文: “From the day I became a Laker, I had one thing on my mind. 自從我成為湖人的第一天起,我就一直在想一件事。 I had to have a sit down with Kobe.7
[情報] 12/13 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 13 2021 你等了很長一段時間, 希望某個努力已久的部分有正面的事情發生, 而你也好奇是否是時候開始往前進了。 你的確是個有耐心的人,魔魔,4
[情報] 2/2 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 2 2021 Sometimes you don't dream the biggest dreams that you could dream simply because you don't think it will be worth your while. And if there is no way you could ever achieve what you want so much, then why waste your time thinking about it, and why risk such a big disappointment? But sometimes, Capricorn, you can't know what you can attain if you don't even try. You are so practical sometimes and so bent on being efficient that you don't want to waste or risk anything, but today you can take a big step toward getting something you want if you aren't afraid to try. 有時候,因為你覺得不值得,所以你不敢做更大的夢。 既然無法達到你渴望的目標,4
[情報] 18/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeCommunication with a difficult person in your life could be smoother and easier than it has been in a long time, Moodchild. It may seem as though a floodgate has opened and a breakthrough is possible with a cinflict that has simmered between you for quite some time. This is the ideal time to initiate a conversation that you have been putting off, for you should find that the3
[情報] 2022/11 Monthly Horoscope你生活中的某人一直讓你提心吊膽。 他可能是你視為挑戰者或競爭者的人,甚至有可能是你的剋星。 你可能覺得需要向這個人證明自己,但是月之子,實際上你只向自己證明自己而已。 牢記這一點。 這個月不要接受那些對你有個人意義的挑戰。3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/16今天要非常注意他人跟你說的話,阿牛。善傾聽這件事相當重要。但同時也該保持對其他 事情的關注,像是使用的詞彙、肢體語言、語氣還有臉上的表情。這些東西也許能為你提 供所需要的資訊,就像字面上所說的一樣多。你現在可能正在處理一些需要過度關注的事 ,一旦你習慣了,應該會發現它相當容易。另外這也將會使你的溝通更加理想。 ——1
[情報] 03/14 the daily horoscopeA dream is an empty thing until you breathe hope and life into it. Until then, Gemini, it is just a fantasy. You may have spent a lot of time fantasizing ab out a certain ideal, but that's all it will be until you begin to take it seri ously and do something about it. You know this, of course, but there may be so mething holding you back from trying. Once you can pinpoint what that is, you1
[情報] 08/07 the daily horoscopeYou may now have a gnawing sense about the passage of time. It may seem like s o much time has passed and you have not done enough with it, most likely relat ed to a chance you see slipping away, or a goal you have not yet gotten around to. We can't control time, obviously, but we can always aim to fill our time with the best that is available to us. And that means, Gemini, that even if yo