[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/05/30
Taurus horoscope for Sunday May 30
Watching a movie where the characters experience a lot of trouble and turmoil can be a very special experience when you are going through problems of your own. That's because in most movies, there is a beginning, a middle, and an end - and usually, the happy ending brings peace and closure by wrapping things up nicely. That can fill you with hope when you are struggling. Although a current drama of yours may not have such a neat ending, it will end well. Have faith in that to see you through, dear
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黑色追緝令(Pulp Fiction) 非傳統三段敘事,就算不能有美好結局,還是可以轉個念去享受過程的。此生最愛!
Sent from JPTT on my Google Pixel 3a.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/13在你經歷了生活中一連串的”低潮”後,阿牛,你即將經歷一連串相當高的”高潮”。而 有升必有降。但別提這件事吧!不要因為想知道何時會結束就貶損正在朝你走來的好事。 你可能因為最近的困境或霉運而習慣了這些問題和陷阱。你或許開始認為未來還有更多這 樣的問題存在。但朝向未來的路是萬里無雲的,好好享受它吧! ——10
[情報] 4/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 27 2021 At the end of an old Western film, when the hero rides off on his horse into the sunset, we imagine that he is riding toward a very happy ending. But we have no way of knowing if he really finds happiness. We sometimes imagine that all of our pursuits will be as neatly wrapped up as things are in the8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/15很快地,你經歷的不幸將會變成一個幸運的機會。當然,這種事一直在發生,但我們並不 會特別注意到它。這就是為什麼無論我們在生活中面臨了什麼,保持開放的心態和樂觀的 態度是件重要的事。失望、拖延、難題,這些都能夠變成幸運的機會。請在今天記住這一 點,阿牛,並相信宇宙正在讓你贏得這場遊戲。這是真的! ———7
[情報] 3/27 一 Daily HoroscopeYou may be thinking a lot lately about reaching the top in your career or in s ome other capacity where you really want to get ahead. Your energy is good, an d pouring it into this pursuit is a wise idea. But don't expect it to move for ward as quickly as you wish it would. There are things you will need to learn and experience along the way, and without that, it just won't be the same, and6
[情報] 0319 DailyHoroscopeHave you ever tasted a recipe that you didn't think you would like, only to ha ve it become a favorite food? If no, you can imagine the surprise of such an e xperience. But that kind of experience is not limited to foods alone of course . Sometimes we expect the worst only to find great satisfaction and happiness in the experience. You may be dreading an upcoming event or experience of some6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/17儘管你最近花了大量努力所得到的結果並不完美,但你要知道努力本身就是完美的。你將 全身心都放在你所做的事上,這是相當難得的事。雖然你可能沒有完全實現你所想的,但 你努力過了。這件事會使你成為一個傑出的人,使你成為一個努力不懈的人,也使你成為 一個獲得了寶貴經驗並能再次嘗試的人。要有毅力和耐心,你正往成功走去。 ——5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/18你希望能夠實現的目標或試圖體現的東西有個起點與終點。當然,終點是你實現了想要的 東西。但不要在經歷這個過程時矇上自己的雙眼,親愛的阿牛。如果你這麼做了,可能會 錯過其他美好的事。有策略或目標是很棒的一件事,但也必須在前進的過程中保持對其他 可能性的認知。崇高的理想就藏在其中。 ——3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/07儘管你現在可能在自己的事業或與金錢有關的個人冒險中掙扎著,但未來的道路越來越清 晰了。或許你會懷疑這一點,阿牛,因為直到現在還是有許多矛盾與使你困惑的資訊傳到 你面前。拭目以待吧。你或許會從想幫助你的人那裡獲得你所需要的知識,並且你也可能 會經歷一個機會,這個機會能夠讓你用更正式的方式學習到你需要的知識。記得對這些機 會保持開放的態度。2
[情報] 17/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeWhen a movie has a happy ending - such as a seemingly star-crossed pair of lovers winding up together, or an underdog finally becoming a champion - we leave the theater with a sense of warmth and satisfaction. You may feel that an experience you have been going through has been dramatic enough to be a movie, but it's real life. You may be hoping for a happy and