[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/28

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/28作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:0


Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Jul 28
You are basing a current decision on information that you have from the past. Since you are well-acquainted with what to expect, Taurus, you probably feel safe going ahead with this. But what if the information you have has changed? Could it have an impact on what you want to do now? Before you take that leap, you need to go back and review what you know, and find out if there is anything else you should know. New information may not stop you, but it might require you to adapt your approach.
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Leap 在量子力學裡面代表著電子的躍遷行為,因為速度太快了,就算我們算的出來它原始的位置,後來的位置也會因為得到的資訊而出現差錯,也就是海德堡的測不準定理。在量子力學的世界裡,沒有事情是絕對的,也沒有真相,只有相互有關係的事情在第三者的觀測下被得出結論。資訊會隨時變動,並就我們人類的角度來說,隨著時間(假設時間是直線型並往固定方向「前行」)增加。


Sent from JPTT on my Google Pixel 3a.


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