[吃草] DH 每日運勢台語版9/6
感謝大家遮爾捧場 (/^▽^)/
Taurus horoscope for 星期一 9月 6
Taurus horoscope for 星期一 9月 6
You may be thinking of a current stressful experience as being a lot like a
roller coaster ride. You are enduring your way through it by gripping onto t
he metaphorical bar and screaming internally as you go - it sure seems that
you have no control of where it goes or how it ends. But you are in control,
Taurus. Haven't you noticed there is a wheel right there in front of you, a
nd you can take charge and go in any direction you wish, or even stop altoge
ther? Once you recognize you are in the driver's seat and you take the ride
into your hands, things will get better quickly.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
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※ 編輯: hikki430 ( 臺灣), 09/06/2021 11:43:44
Jin Der Sia
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/22某人的權力可能使你感到脆弱。他們可能有權控制你所參與的事,而你可能會覺得無法按 照自己認為正確的方式做事。但你有著權力,阿牛,如果你不讓恐懼戰勝你,使你感到無 能為力,那麼你就能引導一個任務走向正確的方向。要認知到你的價值和影響力。 —— Someone's authority may be causing you to feel vulnerable. They may have power4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/07如果去遊樂園玩的時正想坐上雲霄飛車,你得先信任一些東西。你會假設雲霄飛車蓋得很好、園方會好好地操作,而且在坐完一趟回來之後,你可以安然無恙地離開。你不會在坐上去時想著最壞的可能。現在,你或許在私人領域中正冒著一點風險。但是如果這是你所做的抉擇,阿牛,不要讓自己被擔憂給吞噬了。享受過程吧。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday Aug 7 If you were to take a ride on the roller coaster at an amusement park, you would have to trust in certain things. You would assume it was well-constructed; you would assume that the operators would handle it properly and that at the end of the ride, you would walk away unharmed. You would not go into the ride assuming the worst would happen. You may now be taking on a small risk in your personal life. But if you have chosen to do this, Taurus, don't allow yourself to be consumed by worry. Just enjoy the experience. --4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/02阿牛,今天在關係問題上,你能在頭腦想要的與心裡想要的之間獲得平衡。換句話說,你 不僅終於能弄清自己想要的是什麼,而且那是對你最好的選擇。雖然你可能無法完全控制 自己達到這一點,但你的思緒更加清晰,知道自己該為自己挺身而出,或是繼續前進。今 天你能夠清楚表達自己的需要,你會看到某項可能性。這對你來說是重大的進步。 ———3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/08最近你可能因為一個看似沒有解決辦法的事情感到焦慮。你傾向於在面對這樣的情形時,將一切掌握在控制之中。反之,阿牛,在無法施力和失去控制時會讓你很緊張。但是去休息一下能夠保證你所需要的幫助會如及時雨般出現。不過,及時雨還是颱風倒也很難講。因此,保持一顆開放的心胸是很重要的,不只是對於正確的方法,甚至是對於任何最後有可能帶來幫助的人。這樣的話,你才不會跟他擦肩而過。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Jun 8 You may feel stressed because a problem has arisen that seems to have no answer. You like to know you are in control of situations like this, Taurus, as feeling idle and not being in control often makes you nervous. But rest assured that the help you need is on the way. However, it may not appear to be the help you need when it arrives. Therefore, it is important that you remain open to not just the right solution, but also to anyone who might wind up delivering it. That way, you won't miss it. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/10我們都經歷著許多的起起伏伏。事實上,你大概能夠對於人生就像雲霄飛車的比喻感同身受。但是,人生本來就不是一趟舒適的旅程。若是的話,我們又如何能從生命裡的考驗及磨難中學習或得到無數經驗呢?你目前可能正在穿越艱難的境地,阿牛,這卻是個可以帶給你智識和閱歷的寶貴經驗,只要你有心從中學習的話。這個體驗很快地將會使你生命的其他面向變得閃耀又精彩。 Taurus horoscope for Saturday Jul 10 We all experience ups and downs. In fact, you probably can identify with the metaphor of life being like a roller coaster. But life is not meant to be a comfortable ride. If it were, how would we ever learn or have the vast experiences that are available to us all through life's trials and tribulations? You may be going through a rough stretch at the moment, Taurus, but this is a rich experience that is giving you knowledge and insight, as long as you look for it. This experience will brighten and enrich another area of your life in the very near future. --2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/13某人可能正在提供你一些跟你為了某個特定計畫所採取的方向有出入的訊息。這可能讓人感覺很煩,畢竟很多事情已經超前部署完畢,更何況你之前還因此覺得胸有成竹。但是出現變化時,阿牛,你必須正視這件事只會強化你早就已經在進行的。試著將新發現視為禮物吧。它已在千鈞一髮之時向你前來。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Aug 13 Someone may be providing you with information that does not conveniently fit in with some direction you are taking toward a certain plan. This is probably irritating, since things may already be in place to head off in that direction, and what's more, you may have felt settled and confident because of that. But if a change arises, Taurus, you need to see that it could only enhance what you are already doing. Try to see new knowledge as the gift that it is. It has come to you just in the nick of time. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.1
[情報] 22/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeA ride on the carousel at the carnival is graceful and easy. The music and the beautiful horses offer a very pleasant experience. The roller coaster, on the other hand, features steep ascents followed by rapid falls and wild turns. Someone who prefers a ride on the carousel probably won't enjoy a ride on a roller coaster, and vice versa. But both riders might enjoy the1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/05/30當自己正在面臨一連串的難題時,看一部要角們都在經歷著各種花式麻煩與慌亂的電影,對你而言可以說是滿特別的體驗。那是因為在絕大多數的電影裡,有開頭,有中段,通常還有帶來寧靜與皆大歡喜的美滿結局。那可以在你死命掙扎時帶來滿滿的希望。儘管最近有個爛攤子可能沒辦法完美的了結,但至少可以好好的結束。天助自助者,寶貝阿牛。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday May 30 Watching a movie where the characters experience a lot of trouble and turmoil can be a very special experience when you are going through problems of your own. That's because in most movies, there is a beginning, a middle, and an end - and usually, the happy ending brings peace and closure by wrapping things up nicely. That can fill you with hope when you are struggling. Although a current drama of yours may not have such a neat ending, it will end well. Have faith in that to see you through, dear Taurus. --1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/22是不是今天一開始就覺得心情像是坐雲霄飛車一樣?與其抵抗它,不如順著它吧,阿牛。在你心裡有很多事情需要釐清。去感受那些與心裡的念頭有關的情緒會對你很有幫助,使你去了解到你真正想要和需要什麼。如果你順著這些情緒,應該就有辦法解決一兩個牽絆著你的麻煩,然後你就能再次感到輕鬆多了。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Aug 22 You may experience a roller coaster of emotions from very early on today. Instead of fighting it, just roll with it, Taurus. There are things you need to work through in your mind. Feeling the emotions that are attached to those thoughts will be helpful for you, enabling you to figure out what you really want and need. If you roll with those feelings, you should be able to work through a problem or two that has been holding you back, and then you should feel much lighter once again. - Copyright c Daily Horoscope.- Taurus horoscope for 星期一 8月 17 尋找新房——不論是買的還是租的——可以是令人振奮和激動的,但也可以是令人畏懼和充滿壓力的體驗。 你想要做個好選擇,因為擁有一個好的房子可以成為一個很好的舒適和力量來源,而因為人們不喜歡太頻繁搬家,也因為這也不太實際,你可能因此被困在那裡好一陣子。這樣的選擇會影響到我們看待自己的方式和每天的體驗。 如果你正在做一個和房屋有關的選擇,或是人生中其他重要方面的抉擇,牛牛,關注你的選擇所帶來的感受。傾聽你內在的自我,讓你自己的感覺和氛圍引導你走向正確的道路。 -----