[情報] A.Zverev 最新武漢肺炎檢測為陰性

看板Tennis標題[情報] A.Zverev 最新武漢肺炎檢測為陰性作者
時間推噓12 推:16 噓:4 →:5


他寫道:Wanted to update everyone that I have again tested negative for COVID. I wasn’t 100% yesterday and will take a few days now to recover,

Also [I] want to say full credit to Jannik for a great match. Best of luck for the rest of the way


World No.7 Alexander Zverev recently lost to Jannik Sinner in the fourth round of the French Open 2020. The 23-year-old later admitted that he was sick andhad a fever during the match. He even went ahead that he should not have played the match in the first place. All the symptoms directed that the German could have been affected by Covid-19. But today, his test for coronavirus came negative.

Zverev underwent another test after he was tested negative. But, there was nodifference. He earlier stated that there was no obligation on him to tell theFrench Open management about the symptoms. But, the federation did not seem to agree with this statement.

After the test, the FFT (French Tennis Federation) issued a statement in which it clearly reprimanded the US Open 2020 runner up. It said that the German should have reported his symptoms earlier and isolated himself but he did not.

Zverev even put the test results on his Instagram story. He wanted to update everyone and even admitted that he was not feeling completely fit in the matchagainst Sinner.



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kawhizaza 10/06 10:18衝擊蠻牛囉!!!

jason90814 10/06 10:20好險。可是thiem也在肚子痛...今年法網意外真多

DreamerSun 10/06 11:16不用複驗嗎?

DreamerSun 10/06 11:17昨天台灣境外移入的案例也是驗好幾次都陰性

JustWinslow 10/06 11:21法網:比賽給我打完再說

a9a99 10/06 11:22那就還好~不然會被霹死

yohohoyo 10/06 12:00真的是好險!但即結果陰性他的行為還是非常不對

Whiteplus 10/06 12:02還好,不要影響到別人。但是隱瞞還是不可取。

CaminoI 10/06 12:31好險 但正確做法應該是比賽前通報檢驗 不是比賽後才

CaminoI 10/06 12:32披露害大家心驚膽戰

blairchief 10/06 12:45寶寶不能再有下次了啦Q

billloung 10/06 12:50有症狀若確診會被測出來 陰性大家都可鬆口氣

Eeli2008 10/06 12:54幸好 不然就是千古罪人了

mfo7 10/06 14:19僅次於喬的防疫心態,掰

waitscorpion10/06 14:21鬆一口氣,真的陽性了賽會還真不知道該怎麼辦

k7202001 10/06 14:51Sinner我猜會拿個一盤 打個快三小時

snooker 10/06 15:02Sinner 我猜跟 2010 的芒果一樣三盤接近比分落敗

kawhizaza 10/06 15:44感覺nadal狀態沒前兩屆好?

kawhizaza 10/06 15:44雖然前面對手好像也不足以逼出最好的他...

lidon00968 10/06 16:57好險是陰性 不然要臭一輩子了

sinben 10/06 18:09這咖欠罵

arthur8787 10/06 18:48照樣噓 根本沒防疫觀念

Diehardx 10/06 19:32沒中

QVQ9487 10/06 23:00還是噓 夠白爛

huamin 10/07 09:52流感疫苗打了嗎?