[外電] Zverev的病症讓法網健康協議變成焦點

看板Tennis標題[外電] Zverev的病症讓法網健康協議變成焦點作者
時間推噓22 推:26 噓:4 →:36

來源: New York Times

Alexander Zverev’s Illness Puts French Open Health Protocols in Focus
Alexander Zverev的病症讓法網健康協議變成焦點

Alexander Zverev lost in the fourth round of the French Open on Sunday, but
it became quickly clear after the match that he likely should not have
competed at all.
Alexander Zverev 輸掉了在法網週日舉辦的第四輪比賽,在比賽後他很快就明白他根本不該參加比賽。

“I’m completely sick,” Zverev said following his four-set loss to Jannik
Sinner, taking the unusual step of leaving his black mask on while seated in
an empty room at Roland Garros to answer questions from reporters during a
video conference.
「我生病了」 Zverev 在第四輪敗給Jannik Sinner後說。在賽後的視訊記者會,Zverev帶著黑色口罩坐在沒人的房間裡接受採訪。

“I can’t really breathe, as you can hear by my voice. I had fever as well.
Yeah, I’m not in the best physical state, I would say,” Zverev said. “I
think that had a little bit of an effect on the match today.”

French Open officials said Sunday that Zverev had not shared the details of
his symptoms with tournament doctors as he arrived to play, as required by
the event’s coronavirus protocols. It is not clear whether Zverev has
contracted the virus — he has tested negative repeatedly, though most
recently five days ago — but the episode immediately raised questions about
the precautions taken by the French Tennis Federation for a marquee event in
a country that has seen an uptick in coronavirus cases and recently imposed
tighter limits on large gatherings.

“Zverev is up-to-date on his tests, which have all been negative,” the
French Tennis Federation said in a statement. Zverev’s last test was on
Tuesday, with the negative result returned on Wednesday, the federation said.“Today he received a reminder for his next test, to be carried out within
five days of the previous results,” the federation said. “He did not
consult the tournament doctors before his match.”

Zverev said he began feeling sick on Friday night, after his third-round win
over qualifier Marco Cecchinato. Zverev said his body temperature reached 38
degrees Celsius, or 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Zverev consulted with tournament medical officials during the first set of
the match who gave him a nasal spray that he used on both nostrils.

Though he competed well, Zverev said after the loss that he regretted taking
the court.

“To be honest, I warmed up today: I shouldn’t have played,” Zverev said. “
I was hoping maybe for a three-set win or something like that, but I knew
from the beginning that it wasn’t going to be easy.”

Sinner, who is scheduled to face the 12-time French Open champion Rafael
Nadal in the quarterfinals on Tuesday, said he believed Zverev but didn’t
notice his limitations during the match.
Zverev的對手Sinner,即將在週二的八強時與法網12屆冠軍Rafael Nadal交手,表示他

“It seemed that he was quite OK, you know, because in the third and fourth
set he was running quite a lot,” Sinner said.

Players at the French Open are being tested every five days for the virus. Nopositive tests have been disclosed since the main draw began last Sunday,
though several people tested positive before that.

After initially refusing to answer a question about whether he might have thecoronavirus, Zverev, a 23-year-old German player, emphasized during the
German language portion of his news conference that he has repeatedly tested
negative. He said he was hopeful that he did not have the virus and pointed
out that he had not shown some of its symptoms, including a loss of taste.

It is not clear whether Zverev will be tested again by tournament officials
now that he has been eliminated. The tournament protocols mandate that
players “be tested again every five days until they are knocked out of the

In a “Player FAQs” document distributed to players by the tournament, the
tournament posed the query: “Should I withdraw from the tournament if I don’
t feel well?”

The answer, listed as “official” in the document, was: “Our medical team
must be notified, in accordance with our official sanitary protocol.”

The protocols say that any accredited person suffering symptoms, including a
fever or breathing difficulties, as Zverev indicated, should “report to the
stadium infirmaries” for a test in a dedicated room.

“Pending the result of the test, the suspected case is excluded from the
stadium and required to self-isolate,” the document states.

The tournament’s health and safety guidelines state that its health
protocols were based on “calling on a sense of civic duty and responsibility
on the part of all attending the event in any capacity.”

Perhaps with that sense of trust as a basis, the French Open has not taken
daily mandatory temperature readings for players entering the grounds, as theUnited States Open did. The French Open’s approach is also less restrictive
in terms of access to the main player hotel, which is open to outside guests.Players still in the draw must remain at the hotel when not competing or riskbeing disqualified, but players who have been eliminated are permitted to
come and go while remaining guests. At the U.S. Open, even eliminated playersand their team members were required to remain in the official hotels.

Zverev said after his second-round win that the hotel was “not really a
bubble” and compared the safety measures unfavorably to the last Grand Slam
tournament in New York.

“In the room next to me, there’s guests, regular guests, staying there with
souvenirs every single day that they come, from the Eiffel Tower and stuff
like that,” Zverev said last week in Paris. “Yeah, you can’t compare the
two. New York has impressed us players. Here they have not done too much.”

Players and coaches also have complained that they have sometimes not
received their results in Paris after coronavirus tests.

Zverev has had several close brushes with the coronavirus previously. He was
one of the players at Novak Djokovic’s ill-fated Adria Tour, which was
ultimately suspended after several players tested positive. Zverev said he
tested negative after the event, but drew criticism days later for attending
a mask-free party near Monte Carlo, reveling among a throng of people when hehad said he would be following doctors’ protocols.
Zverev之前就差點得到新冠肺炎。他曾參加了Novak Djokovic舉辦的Adria Tour,那場比賽最後因為許多球員染疫而終止。在賽事終止後,Zverev表示他的測試結果是陰性。但隔了幾週後他受到了許多批評,當時他說他會按照醫生的指示,結果卻被發現他沒戴口罩並且在蒙地卡羅的一個派對上狂歡。

Zverev’s parents also tested positive for the virus in August shortly before
the U.S. Open, which prevented them from traveling with him to New York,
where he lost in the final to Dominic Thiem.
在美網開打前的八月,Zverev的父母也被檢測出陽性,使得他的父母不能跟他一起前往紐約,Zverev最後在決賽中輸給了Dominic Thiem。








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plokmijnuhby10/05 21:17賽會防疫有問題,Z弟當然也是...

iamshana 10/05 21:18選手旁邊住著一般遊客...

sunsirr 10/05 21:19推翻譯,法國還真是佛系防疫。法國10/4最新單日確診

sunsirr 10/05 21:19:1,7000,創下單日新高。

JustWinslow 10/05 21:24法國人口台灣三倍 如果台灣每天5000個確診

JustWinslow 10/05 21:24怕爆

Whiteplus 10/05 21:30我真的希望Sinner 跟那場比賽所有的人都沒事!

heytingting 10/05 21:39希望那場比賽其他人沒事+1 QQ

cowlion 10/05 21:41旁邊住一般旅客超級爛

CaminoI 10/05 21:41法網舉辦的所在地巴黎正是法國疫情重災區 已經下令

CaminoI 10/05 21:41明天開始酒吧之類的要暫停營業兩週 情況很危急

mikachen 10/05 21:42Sinner有夠衰 備戰高強度比賽還要擔心自己出現症狀

AlohaVC 10/05 21:43重災區...為何法網還堅持要辦 沒人投反對票嗎

micbrimac 10/05 21:57所以法網主辦方有什麼實際行動了嗎?

angelliao37 10/05 22:07希望Sinner沒事

Ncode 10/05 22:09這就是法網 不意外啦

frameshift 10/05 22:19希望其他人沒事!

zetaj 10/05 22:50破囧一次,拿來四瓶法網真的爛

ozakiinptt 10/05 23:13這貨就是噓。

Datow 10/05 23:21視防疫於無物的真的該禁賽個2年

seaofgod 10/05 23:32所以法網不取消了嗎

retina 10/05 23:55他自己的確發ha的音.

tim2502 10/05 23:57法網有問題 但是他問題更大

tim2502 10/05 23:57別一直想甩鍋給法網

tim2502 10/05 23:59蓄意隱瞞真的很不行

micbrimac 10/06 00:14所以法網有甚麼對策或是作為了嗎?

paradisein 10/06 00:16法網硬要辦、放觀眾進場,防疫還不確實,出事怪球

paradisein 10/06 00:16員囉!垃圾!

paradisein 10/06 00:20都有前車之鑑,美網也有防疫措施可以效仿,完全不

paradisein 10/06 00:20管,沒出事叫運氣好,出事不意外!

cloudcuckoo 10/06 00:39確診數會爆不是沒原因的,唉......

billloung 10/06 00:45他到底有沒有確診啦 煩死了 法網可以給個聲明嗎

AlohaVC 10/06 00:49沒甩鍋給法網吧 法網有做好措施 球員應該很安全

AlohaVC 10/06 00:50如果只是剛好天冷感冒 z是否就能被原諒呢 因為不是

AlohaVC 10/06 00:50染疫到處跑

DflowerT 10/06 02:47最新檢測結果,Z弟陰性

AlohaVC 10/06 02:53虛驚一場 沒事沒事

mnyan0503 10/06 03:05不能因為陰性就掉以輕心啊 這事件讓大家知道法網的

mnyan0503 10/06 03:05防疫措施根本不嚴謹 希望主辦方能好好落實 以免真的

mnyan0503 10/06 03:05引爆大規模感染

mfo7 10/06 04:57也不是原不原諒,是有狀況又隱瞞,輸了才在說發燒

mfo7 10/06 04:58不該打。法網有問題又不是今年才知道,但z又問題倒

mfo7 10/06 04:58是今年才知道

dexcom 10/06 04:59感覺歐洲的防疫的不夠嚴謹

Yanrei 10/06 07:24台灣新聞雖然沒什麼帶到,但其實歐洲疫情很嚴重

TwoTwo 10/06 07:39蓄意隱瞞,將對手跟現場所有人暴露在感染風險之下,

TwoTwo 10/06 07:39還輕視對手認為自己可以直落三獲勝,這咖到底有什

TwoTwo 10/06 07:40麼毛病?出大事他負責得了嗎?

issemn 10/06 08:54可是我看企鵝妹現在在歐洲各國趴趴走,也沒看到什

issemn 10/06 08:54麼特別的氛圍...就企鵝妹一人戴口罩,街上的人幾乎

issemn 10/06 08:54都沒戴

sinben 10/06 09:19阿囉哈真的厲害

ssccg 10/06 09:55連量個體溫幾秒鐘的事都不做,叫做有防疫

funnily 10/06 10:07不覺得有到蓄意隱瞞 而是"完全不當一回事"

funnily 10/06 10:08他有症狀時也是有向賽事方的詢求醫療協助

funnily 10/06 10:13他若真的有想要隱瞞 就不會那麼無所謂的說自己發燒

funnily 10/06 10:14那態度明顯就是覺得不是什麼嚴重的事

funnily 10/06 10:16偏偏不只球員 連賽事方也是連簡單量個體溫也沒做

assidiot 10/06 10:58就垃圾一個

riddler 10/06 12:35很多人都忽略發燒與染疫與否"不是球員說了算",賽會

riddler 10/06 12:36想凹沒向醫生反應,但是比賽中的"鼻塞噴劑"以及賽後

riddler 10/06 12:39照樣開記者會...這就不是當疫情處理了,只是新聞一出

riddler 10/06 12:40根本朝不同方向走= =

chingkuoho 10/06 13:12他真的要隱瞞 我們可能現在還不知道XD

andyal 10/06 13:26覺得可以直落三真的很可笑

AlohaVC 10/06 19:41剛看了賽後訪問 心態不太好 頗酸...