Re: [心得] 零規則(No Rules Rules),適合公部門嗎?
“X rules!” is an idiom in which X can be anything. But it wouldn’t work
(for me, anyway) with rule as a plural verb.
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※ 編輯: ostracize ( 臺灣), 08/04/2024 22:51:44
[情報] 勇士老闆:我們就是要贏 不管薪資協定規定來源:ESPN記者Kendra Andrews推特 網址: When asked how the new CBA rules will impact their roster construction, Joe Lacob says "We're going to win no matter what. I don't care what the rules are. We're going to figure out a way to do it."10
[心得] 《零規則》:Netflix的經營之道【讀書心得】《零規則》:Netflix的經營之道,看完想送一本給過去的所有老闆 網誌好讀版: 書名: 零規則:高人才密度x完全透明x最低控管,首度完整直擊Netflix圈粉全球的關鍵祕密 NO RULES RULES: NETFLIX and the Culture of Reinvention9
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/06生活充滿了規則,有些是有用的,有些是過時的,有些甚至是愚蠢的。但規則可以提供一 條能夠遵循的道路,以及來自於知道會發生什麼事的信心。你可能很快就會進入一個新環 境,雖然可能會有些嚴格的規則需要遵守,但這些規則可能正好提供給你所需要的指導來 讓你做到最好。親愛的阿牛,對自己仁慈一點,讓自己邊走邊學,你就會成功。 ——6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/12你可能試著想要改變目前正在進行的工作中的規則,阿牛。但你或許會更好的找出一個更 有創造性的方法,並在這些規則內工作。這不僅會為你帶來更多挑戰,使你的經驗更有教 育性、更令人愉快,而且你會向有力人士或決策者展現你有多強悍、靈活和創新。違背規 則並不難,但從有限的機會中做出偉大的事,這確實令人印象深刻。 ——5
[MHWI] ネコがみ的新冰咒龍及殲世滅盡TA皆為TA wiki rules 採用的是冥赤爆破弓+真龍脈覺醒 イヴェルカーナ 弓TA wiki rules 1'58"61/Velkhana Bow TA wiki rules 冰咒已經進到TA wiki rules也能刷到2分內的時代... 殲滅の主はまた鐘を鳴らす 弓TA wiki rules 3'05"90X
[閒聊] 若熙rules會步上Joba rules的後塵嗎?針對徐若熙的四局70球保護機制 黃平洋不過是說了他覺得有點投太少就被鄉民罵殺豬公 但說到保護機制 就讓人想到當年洋基紅極一時的Joba rules 為了保護當年的超級新秀Joba Chamberlain 洋基用各種手段限制Joba的局數用球數 而Joba第一個完整球季08年也確實表現得不錯 100局170ERA+完全是王牌表現4
[影音] 白虎 - No Rules 接力舞蹈白虎 - No Rules 接力舞蹈 cr. M2 --4
[情報] 02/03 Daily HoroscopeYou are not automatically a rule-follower by nature, Leo, although you are cer tainly capable of following that route if you believe things are being done in the right way. You might also succumb to rules you don't believe in if you ha ve no choice, though it can be a hard thing for you to do. Right now, you may be immersed in a project that has some very strict rules. Some you believe in,1
[分享] No Rules Rules 74元就是很夯,副標題落落長的那本 《零規則:高人才密度x完全透明x最低管控, 首度完整直擊Netflix圈粉全球的關鍵祕密》 有興趣可以趁便宜先囤起來。1
[情報] 04/29 the daily horoscopeYou may have created a strict strategy for achieving a goal or completing a mi ssion. And now, Gemini, you may feel like you are under a great deal of pressu re to follow your own rules. Those rules were created by you, though, and if y ou are feeling overwrought or stressed out, you can also break those rules and create a new plan. Hopefully that acknowledgement will make you feel better,