[問題] 美國集貨網購訂單被扣

看板e-shopping標題[問題] 美國集貨網購訂單被扣作者
時間推噓 9 推:9 噓:0 →:16




We apologize, but your order has temporarily been placed on hold. Certain elements of your order indicate that your item(s) may be exported. Prior to shipping your order, we need to verify that the ordered item(s) will not be leaving the United States without the valid authorization or export license issued by the U.S. Government. Please answer the following questions (by responding to this email) to aid in processing your order:

1) Who is the end user of the product(s) you have ordered?

2) What is the end use of the product(s) you have ordered?

3) Where is the final destination of the product(s) you have ordered? (Please respond with a city and country)

4) Why was your order submitted internationally?

5) Why is your order shipping to a freight forwarder?

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Once we receive this information via email at [email protected], we will continue processing your order.

Please note that your order is currently on HOLD. We would greatly appreciatea response within 7 days of the original status update email. If we do not hear from you by then, we will proceed with the cancellation of your order. Unfortunately, the cancellation of your order may result in reallocation of this item(s) to another customer. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!———————————————————————
Ps1. 我購買的商品是單純的登山用品(頭燈、鞋子、水袋)非列管中的禁運品

Ps2.有先諮詢集貨代運業者,但對方姿態擺很高,要我自己想辦法,說他們沒有義務要協助我(ー ー;)!


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

mosszombie 08/22 08:46看起來不是禁運品的問題

mosszombie 08/22 08:56有東西需要美國政府放行才能出口

frogangelar 08/22 09:09我猜可能是品牌的問題,戶外用品網

frogangelar 08/22 09:09站有九成的品牌是不給寄國外的,可

frogangelar 08/22 09:09能怕海外代理商抗議,所以我才用代運

frogangelar 08/22 09:09,代運地址也是美境內,想不通他怎

frogangelar 08/22 09:09麼認定我是寄海外。

flyalan 08/22 09:19因為他查到那是代運倉庫地址,代運本來就

flyalan 08/22 09:19沒有義務要幫你作假,到時候有問題是不是

flyalan 08/22 09:19又要上來一篇抱怨

mosszombie 08/22 09:37他已經很明確寫著需要政府單位放行了

mosszombie 08/22 09:38你那個地址被判定可能被運出境才這樣

s941745 08/22 09:58很多品牌官網不寄集貨啊,哪有什麼想不

s941745 08/22 09:58通的,很多連美國境外信用卡都不收你知

s941745 08/22 09:58道嗎?

maplelove422 08/22 10:23集貨本來就沒有義務幫你處理吧...

lunanightcat 08/22 10:49不能運出境的本來就不能寄給集運啦

kidofphantom 08/22 10:57應該是某些走的稅則需要輸出許可證.

hikionly 08/22 11:39如果都是自用,照實回答就可以了。要不

hikionly 08/22 11:39要放行就由他們決定。

minilemon 08/22 12:07#4 #5就說了啊 你在海外下單 收件地

minilemon 08/22 12:08址又是集運 他們就能抓啊

acerabbit 08/22 13:22你是不是不小心買了ITAR 項目的東西?

XXXXLINDA 08/22 14:13哪家集運和運動品牌?

fo11ow 08/24 04:18該不會是戶外「打獵」用品或是零件吧