[討論] 蘋果又配合中國政府下架一款避審輸入法

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A keyboard encryption app used to
skirt coronavirus censorship was removed by Apple in China
March 20, 2020 By Jane Li China tech reporter

Apple yesterday removed Boom the Encryption Keyboard, an app that allowed Chinese internet users to bypass censorship, from the China app store, according to its developer.

Wang Huiyu, a New York-based Chinese citizen in his 20s, told Quartz that he developed Boom together with one of his university classmates during the outbreak of the coronavirus. Part of the motivation for Wang to develop the app, which went live on Feb. 15, was to offer people a chance to counter rigid online surveillance, and to provide them with an entertaining private messaging app.

According to an email sent by Apple to Wang, the app was removed because it contained “content that is illegal in China.” The app is still available in other regions, including Hong Kong, he said.

“I designed the app because I wanted to remind people of the importance of privacy, and my target customers are people born after 1995 or 2000. I feel those under 20 will be able to accept new things and ideas the fastest,” said Wang.

Boom encrypts text, both in Chinese and English, by turning them into emoji or Japanese or Korean characters, as well as rearranging lines of text in random order. The receivers of such messages can decrypt them by copying the emoji or characters using the app, with the original text then displayed automatically on the keyboard’s interface. As China’s blanket online censorship relies heavily on the detection of key words or even pictures containing sensitive words, apps like Boom can help users avoid
such scrutiny.

Another app developed by Wang, which offered animated wallpapers featuring political figures including former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, was also removed (link in Chinese) from Apple’s mainland China app store on the same day as Boom, he said.

Apple has removed apps from its China app store in the past for containing ”illegal content.” Among the apps that have been pulled were Quartz’s news app, which was removed from the China app store last year.

Apple did not immediately reply to a request for comment.

While most apps that enable encrypted messages and communications have long been banned in China, Wang said he suspects Boom drew the attention of authorities because of the way Chinese internet users quickly moved to preserve a particular coronavirus-linked article from being scrubbed by censors recently.

The article in question is an interview with Ai Fen, a Wuhan doctor who said she was reprimanded for alerting other people about the novel coronavirus. The article, published on March 10 by China’s Ren Wu magazine, was deleted within hours of its publication. Various versions of the article, including those reproduced in emoji, English, and even Hebrew, emerged after the deletion as people scrambled to save Ai’s story, part of a broader wave of efforts by internet users in China to prevent censors
from removing crucial stories and memories related to the epidemic. Wang said downloads of Boom from mainland China surged after the incident.

Apple has been repeatedly accused of bowing to China by removing apps, such as a Hong Kong live map app that allowed protesters to crowdsource police movements during last year’s protests in the city.


App Store 台灣:

作者 App 介紹:


- 火星文加密:把普通的漢字變成火星文,大家都看得懂但是AI無法識別。


結果就被蘋果從中國 APP STORE 下架,



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※ 編輯: kouta ( 臺灣), 03/21/2020 12:10:34

onollll03/21 12:11沒差 反正不是台灣

rnw03/21 12:12這樣也不行喔...

ed12312303/21 12:24不意外 添中都用蘋果

kouta03/21 12:26那是華為

chenming86703/21 12:52所以是不能知道用戶在講什麼所以下架?我看不太懂

IvanLord03/21 13:09滿好奇原理的

jaannddyy03/21 13:33不能監控用戶所以下架呀 簡單

abelyi10003/21 13:33真有創意的輸入法

jp6jo42842u403/21 13:36我們懷念他

abelyi10003/21 13:36哇初版才上架一個月,而且系統要求iOS 13,

abelyi10003/21 13:36這還真是抓得太快了,希望作者安全

chennylee80903/21 13:39就是協助使用者去規避中共的言論審查

chennylee80903/21 13:39輸入完後自動幫你轉換不用自己花時間去改

bigbowl03/21 13:46它x的當初用blue box扯資本主義後腿的蘋果到哪兒去了

kenshin33303/21 14:02蘋果本想大聲斥責的,但中國錢實在太多惹

a2764753503/21 14:25美國左派不可信啊,面對專制還是挺乖的

zweibeee03/21 14:35他國事務

eric2003/21 14:47噁心耶

berserkman03/21 14:49蘋果本來想大聲斥責中國對隱私的侵害,但人民幣實在

berserkman03/21 14:49太香了

getx10503/21 15:07他國事務

younjken03/21 15:10蘋果超舔

nintenblo03/21 15:22蘋果只是順著對岸的政策而已,要怪去怪他們的文化

iamkher03/21 15:25真的要下載的人應該開別國帳號就好吧

FuYen03/21 15:36原理就是加密啊 用同樣輸入法的可以自動解密這樣

pikakami03/21 15:49本斥但香 加州左膠大概就是這種樣子

iMANIA03/21 16:25左膠又無視了

Adarren03/21 18:27我們

TPDC03/21 18:28遇到中國就會轉彎

orz00703/21 19:26華為不意外啦(欸

Jonghaun03/21 21:06Sad

baibaizo03/21 21:47人民守法企業守法 安居樂業 讚

KeiJan03/21 22:29可憐哪

dontpoonptt03/21 23:45庫克就人權自助餐

jasonpttt03/22 00:11蘋果這麼做是對的,總比無腦跟風酸中共的趨勢好太多,

jasonpttt03/22 00:11欣賞蘋果

running997703/22 07:22西方世界為了賺錢 根本助紂為虐

BlackBass03/22 10:02紅蘋果

baibaizo03/22 11:55去跟你老闆說嘛,中國人就是這樣,都不自己去跟政府說

baibaizo03/22 11:55,就是來跟蘋果抗議,蘋果公親變事主你們要自立自強啊

maplefff03/23 04:32中國人自己不爭取的,然後叫蘋果去爭

maplefff03/23 04:32你去路上問支那人支不支持黨下架這款App

maplefff03/23 04:32人人都說好,沒做虧心事不用加密

maplefff03/23 04:32你是蘋果,看到支那人這副德行

maplefff03/23 04:32支那人都說好了,那我就順你意囉

maplefff03/23 04:32要是蘋果幫支那人爭取,還被支那人抓出來公開批鬥

maplefff03/23 04:33你有這麼蠢?支那人自業自得,少扯到蘋果上來

maplefff03/23 04:34安卓仔有空還不如去跟谷歌靠背

maplefff03/23 04:34Youtube不要再靠黃標打壓言論自由了

maplefff03/23 04:34這才是真的影響到民主陣營的事情