Re: [討論] 勞力士對於缺錶發表官方聲明

看板watch標題Re: [討論] 勞力士對於缺錶發表官方聲明作者
(common sense)
時間推噓 推:0 噓:0 →:0


"The scarcity of our products is not a strategy on our part. Our current production cannot meet the existing demand in an exhaustive way, at least not without reducing the quality of our watches – something we refuse to do as the quality of our products must never be compromised. This level of excellence requires time, and as we have always done, we will continue to take the necessary time to ensure that all our watches not only comply with our standards of excellence, but also meet the expectations of our customers in terms of quality, reliability and robustness. Rolex does not compromise on what it takes to produce exceptional watches.

All Rolex watches are developed and produced in-house at our four sites in Switzerland. They are assembled by hand, with extreme care, to meet the brand's unique and high-quality standards of quality, performance and aesthetics. Understandably, this naturally restricts our production capacities – which we continue to increase as much as possible and always according to our quality criteria.

Finally, it should be noted that Rolex watches are available exclusively fromofficial retailers, who independently manage the allocation of watches to customers."


只能說這那篇中文文章對勞聲明的翻譯某些部分實在... 尤其是最後一段,翻成「站在官方角度,我們會建議勞力士手錶還是從官方零售商購買比較保險,他們對於手錶到貨後的分配會有各家自己的一套SOP可以遵循。」根本是自己腦補,然後再評論說勞有「甩鍋給零售商」的嫌疑就更令人無言了...


※ 引述《markspanda (markspanda)》之銘言:
: 勞力士罕見的對於缺錶發表相關聲明啦
: 但看下來現況還是不會改變…
: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my iPhone


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