[情報] 洋基守護G1是近四年最多人收看的LDS首戰

看板Baseball標題[情報] 洋基守護G1是近四年最多人收看的LDS首戰作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:5


ALDS Guardians-Yankees G1 5.35 million TBS
ALDS Mariners- Astros G1 2.48 million TBS
NLDS Padres-Dodgers G1 2.43 million FS1
NLDS Phillies-Braves 尚未公布 FOX

Tuesday’s Guardians-Yankees MLB American League Division Series Game 1 averaged a 3.05 rating and 5.35 million viewers on TBS, marking the largest audience for an LDS Game 1 since Yankees-Red Sox on TBS four years ago (5.57M). Overall, itranks fourth among Division Series openers in the past decade, behind Yankees-Red Sox in ’18, Giants-Cubs on FS1 in 2016 (5.71M) and Cubs-Cardinals on TBS in 2015 (5.38M).



1.2016 NLDS Giants-Cubs G1 5.71M
2.2018 ALDS Yankees-Red Sox G1 5.57M
3.2015 NLDS Cubs-Cardinals G1 5.38M





The second iteration of Major League Baseball’s Wild Card Series was a stronger ratings draw than the first version two years ago.


The four Major League Baseball Wild Card Series averaged 2.8 million viewers across the ESPN family of networks, up 64% from two years ago, the only other timethe Wild Card round has consisted of multiple best-of-three series (1.7M). Keepin mind that the Wild Card round two years ago included twice as many series, with more than half the games starting during the workday (to say nothing of the unprecedented competition).


The three-game Padres-Mets series was the most-watched with an average of 3.7 million viewers and the three-largest audiences of the round. Sunday’s winner-take-all Game 3 on ESPN, which aired opposite NBC’s Sunday Night Football, toppedthe charts at a 2.1 rating and 3.96 million viewers — peaking at 4.73 million from 8-8:15 PM ET.

Game 2, which overlapped with a competing Phillies-Cardinals game on ESPN2, averaged a 1.8 and 3.54 million on Saturday night. The Phillies-Cardinals game drewa 1.3 and 2.52 million, with the combined audience peaking at 6.44 million at 10:30 PM ET.

Figures for all three Friday games on ESPN are subject to revision due to a Nielsen processing error, but as of now, Game 1 averaged 3.54 million viewers.



G1 354萬人
G2 354萬人
G3 396萬人 尖峰達473萬人 和SNF對撞

Outside of Padres-Mets, the top draw of the Wild Card round was Friday’s Phillies-Cardinals Game 1 on ABC at 1.8 and 3.12 million, peaking at 4.58 million at 5:15 PM ET.



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zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB

10/13 19:48

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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/13/2022 20:56:50

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AhCheng10/13 21:19百萬算多了,NFL足球夜都是千萬起跳