[情報] 機動戰士鋼彈:銀灰的幻影

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Bandai Namco Filmworks announced during its panel at Anime NYC on Saturday that it and virtual reality (VR) production company Atlas V are co-producing a feature-length VR anime for the Gundam franchise titled Mobile Suit Gundam Silver Phantom for Meta Quest.

The project is an interactive, “immersive adventure.”

Pierre Zandrowicz of Atlas V and Ken Iyadomi of Bandai Namco Filmworks announced the project and showed a brief teaser video featuring the logo.

This is the first time Sunrise is working with a French company, Atlas V.


Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-A146P.


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angel650211/19 11:10看標題我還以為是新作品= =

SakeruMT11/19 11:11這樣每個人戴上去,第一句台詞就可以是「武器呢」

lucifer270311/19 11:11勉強也算新作啦 大概

abc1003713911/19 11:14銀色的飯桶,啊不就阿鬼(粗暴

shingatter11/19 11:22還以為海盜系列動畫化

avans11/19 11:25VR頭盔戴上去後,說OS太爛了來重寫一個,這是新人類的標準

winters92011/19 12:13哈薩維那一部是死透了嗎,一直沒續作

suggestjoy11/19 14:07哈薩維目前沒人力做 進度緩慢 人好像都調去弄seed劇場

suggestjoy11/19 14:07