[閒聊] FORTNITE官方錦標賽 總獎金1千萬鎂
2023 is YOUR year!
New "Major" structure
A $10,000,000 total prize pool
FNCS dates
And an in-person LAN tournament in Copenhagen, Denmark - FNCS Global
Championship 2023!
More details in our blog:
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49的OB mode大概是幾個主流大逃殺遊戲做最好的
[情報] VCS無法參加MSIThe Mid-Season Invitational is just around the corner, and we are excited fo r teams all over the globe to come together to compete in Reykjavik, Iceland starting May 6, 2021. While it was our hope that the top team from each of our 12 regions would be able to join us, due to national travel restrictions42
[花邊] Cuban:不支持季中盃 可能輪休Mark Cuban on NBA In Season Tournament: "In terms of in season tournament, I'm not a fan. I can see the Mavs not parti cipating at all or resting our best players. Until they give me one of those [ The Larry O'Brien Trophy] the prize is the prize." 庫班:我不是季中錦標賽的球迷,可以預見獨行俠不會參加,或是輪休我們的球星。除非36
[情報] NBA討論季中錦標賽 球員每人獎金100萬The NBA is discussing having an in-season tournament in future seasons, with $1 million per player in prize money, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium . The concept was discussed on a Competition Committee call today. Shams推特: NBA開會今天討論創辦季中錦標賽37
[情報] Woj:季中錦標賽?ESPN Sources: There’s renewed traction on a future In-Season Tournament in the NBA. The league and union are discussing a structure that includes December pool play, pre-Christmas quarters/semis/finals and $1M per player payout on winning team. More next on ESPN’s NBA Countdown.10
[情報] ATP:明年巡迴賽/挑戰賽獎金將來到歷史新The ATP has announced the largest single-year increase in player compensation in its history. The $37.5 million increase takes total compensation at ATP Tou r and ATP Challenger Tour events to$217.9 million for the 2023 season, an all- time record.
[母雞卡] 各位是真的覺得愛音被NTR嗎? (有雷)爆
[情報] 科學超電磁砲 第4期製作決定84
Re: [情報] 科學超電磁砲 四期製作決定74
[閒聊] 擅長逃跑的殿下 191 出大事!!63
Re: [閒聊] 西川貴教:台灣的蘆筍汁使用的封面還真是47
[閒聊] 三國故事怎麼都有種草草收尾的感覺?40
[母雞] 感覺編劇連自己在寫啥都不知道40
[閒聊] 手遊退坑一款求推薦?爆
[情報] 科學超電磁砲 四期製作決定37
[討論] 希特勒有對不起德國人嗎?爆
Re: [情報] 公主騎士的小白臉 動畫化25
[母雞] 日本匿名投票網對角色厭惡程度(附評論)36
[問題] 想請問遊戲人生32
[母雞卡] 07 真的是表面上這樣嗎?31
[孤獨] 孤獨搖滾音樂團隊:本來沒打算做三次元的30
[閒聊] 電磁炮宣布四期 那本傳魔禁四期約呢?27
[閒聊] 請問審判之逝的主題是霸凌嗎爆
[推投] 母雞卡四大團最喜歡哪個?28
Re: [母雞] 感覺編劇連自己在寫啥都不知道27
[閒聊] 甲鐵城的卡巴內里覺得不錯26
[母雞] 祥子與睦的關係性26
[閒聊] 噬血狂襲的人設為什麼可以賣這麼久?87
Re: [母雞卡] 各位是真的覺得愛音被NTR嗎? (有雷)24
[閒聊] 為什麼聲優好像都很會唱歌21
[閒聊] 新約魔禁是不是還有機會動畫化?23
[閒聊] Mygo的主角是燈還是愛音?23
[閒聊] 全蓮芙莉中心22
[母雞] 母雞卡07二刷之後感覺怪怪的22
[母雞] 母雞卡團有那麼不重要嗎?☺62
[活俠] 世界上真有一座崆峒山,那小梅呢?